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Getting a Juggernaut Raid Ready!


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Good evening fellow Jugg's.


As i'd imagine many of you are, I'm currently working on getting myself raid ready as a Juggernaut tank.


Now, the main thing is i'm not sure exactly what I should be aiming towards.


I'm curious as to if theres someone that could shed some insight onto what sort of HP / Defence %'s I should be after to get myself ready for 8/16 player operations.


Many thanks,



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I started eternity vault when my stats were about 24% def, 28% shield and 20% abos with like 14k hp.


We cleared it no problem.


This is my opinion but I think if you have about 27% defense rating you will be fine.


Currently I have 27% defense, 38% and 28% abso at like 17.5k unbuffed.


Keep in mind when you spec you can spec into adding 8% defense rating.


Hope this helps a little.

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Excellent - thanks for that guys, I really appreciate it.


I wonder if theres anyone else that can post what sort of stats they managed to do EV with?


Seems like I'm almost there, should be after juggling (No pun intended) a few mods around!

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