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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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according to Rackjaw, they are now no longer doing by redeemption date...they are just doing by mass number invites since all that is left is December people. All of December gets in though today


I really think he means that you were assigned a number (not random) on the day you redeemed your code. So, it is in number order, but at the same time those numbers are based on the date you pre ordered

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Patch is one poison also. Just nicotine, and I stick a patch on my back in the morning and I'm done. No need to pretend to smoke when its really just water vapor and nicotine. Plus patch is cheaper and in 2 more weeks I'm done with it for good. ;)


Patch always made my skin burn and itch and the dreams were like disney land on crack...... Cold turkey here 20 days and counting. I have quit before and I can assure You after Your 3rd week You are good to go. I do get the urge sometimes and I did before when I quit but it only lasts like 20 or 30 seconds.

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I wasn't really a procrastinator. I was more of a "I don't really care all that much for Star Wars or Sci-fi type games" so just wasn't interested. That all changed when a good friend of mine said he was going to play SWtoR and I decided to do some research and see what all the fuss was about. After a bit of reading and watching some of the trailers, my interest level increased significantly and I ended up pre-ordering so I could try the game out with my friend. My pre-order and code entry date is Dec 11th so I knew I'd be one of the last groups of people invited to early access. Looks like today may finally be the day. Here's to hoping no major complications arise!
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