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Bioware, your game runs too hot. My solution.


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Hmmmm, Im going to list my system specs without going into much detail.


Coolermaster HAF X Blue Edition (With optional blue LED top fan, all fans are the big 200 ones that dont push as much are as combining smaller ones, so stock is the word I am looking for)


Intel Core i7 2600k


EVGA P67 FTW Motherboard


EVGA Superclocked GTX 560 (NON TI)


WD Veliciraptor 10000RPM 150GB (This is my ONLY HDD as I dont need anything bigger)


Cooler Master Silent Pro Gold Series 1000W PSU


G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666)


In case I forgot anything, let me know.


Now, with swtor running on FULL SETTINGS and everything in the Nvidia control panel forcing stuff to be used in SWTOR, My current GFX Cards temp is as follows, using EVGA Percision


56C right now which is a little warm but it gets to 70C in BF3 which is when I turn up the fan speed. I dont have any overheating issues atm.


Everything is STOCK including the intel CPU cooler (WILL be replaced shortly)

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Hysterical...absolutely hysterical. I can't believe all these posts. Well, actually I can because there's a serious problem with the game.


- I have a group that insults me personally saying I lack knowledge due to my system overheating....clearly my fault because my computer is next to a stove, an electric blanket and a nuclear reactor....obviously my lack of knowledge prohibits me from understanding how to keep it cooled properly away from these things. Plus, I sold my internal fans for illegal drugs. I don't run my computer with the door open (bad idea) or install it in a freezer or want it to explode from excessive high temperatures while I give my companion gifts from Underworld Trading.


- I have one group that agrees with me completely that there is a problem.


- I have another group that refuses to even address the actual issue and go on tangents that their computer is bigger, faster and better than mine and works with no problems.

Guys, if you are not having heat problems, then why do you bother posting here?


- Then there's the hostile groups when you tell them that there's a heat issue...they literally get mad at you for bringing up the subject.





"Meh, mine works. Probably your fault."


"Reinstall your OS."


"I'm not even going to dignify you. You lack the knowledge.."


"Mine works, so everybody elses works fine too."


"Running TOR at 110fps and my video card is fine at a ridiculously high temperature."


Does these contributions help anybody?


It's a game. I simply want to play without issues.




^Blizzard had an issue that they ADMITTED with Starcraft II overheating.


Whether it's bad coding or not (SC2 bug, it exists, conform to reality) bad drivers, not limiting framerates properly, or aliens the issue still remains that many subscribers are having real problems. Do these things happen? Of course they do. The game is literally fresh out of beta. I realize that these things happen.


It's you're not having any issues, hey I'm happy for you, enjoy the game and have a great time in the SW universe, but stop rubbing your nose into our troubles and show a little respect for others. I'm not better than any of you.

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Not hurting my old ***** system in the slightest bit, sorry OP.


Addition: I really don't know much about how this problem exists, but if only a small percentage of players has this problem, is it actually the game?

Edited by Rhaeton
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First off, thanks for the compliment about my age and the "you're too crazy approach".


Let's cut through the red tape/psychobabble/ridiculous insults to my intelligence that have no bearing on the ACTUAL problem, shall we?


The game causes GPUs to overheat.


It happens across desktop/laptops and ATI/NVIDIA cards. It is causing machines to fail. Black screen due to overheat and shutdown to save your rig from combustion.


That's not a good thing, that is a bad thing. Like being set on fire. Fire bad. Heat bad.


If nobody reported this, I would think I was alone, but there are countless threads regarding this issue and no patchable solution is seen.



You can't blame a pen for writing a nasty letter.....


It is obviously some kind of issue with SW:TOR...to say that it's merely a "driver" issue and downplay the severity is childish, reckless and endangers a growing customer base in the first few months of its release. I suggest you do more research instead of making assumptions about how much knowledge you have about this issue and stop running your post count up to look "cool".


Oh, pun intended.


I like you sir, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. You have wit! (serious non-snarky. I literally laughed out loud reading this!)

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I have a Intel core i7 950 3.07GHz cpu.

16Gb ram

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580


Before patch 1.02 i ran SWTOR in high quality and 1920 x 1080 without any issues.

After the patch my gfx cpu gets to about 83 - 84 degrees celcius, and my computer does a hard reset (i suspect due to overheating).


im using driver version date 15-10-2011 (285.62) .

I checked yesterday there is no updated drivers.


Only thing diffrent between now and last week on my rig is patch 1.02.


So either my card broke, and its a coincidence, or the patch does "something nasty"


I now have to play in 1680 x 1050 and low quality, or my computer keeps resetting.

I can play BF3 and Skyrim without any problems at all.


I have a Geforce 560 Ti 448 core and it runs this game on high settings perfectly without overheating, even last night. I don't think it's this game. Try rolling your card driver back to a previous release.

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Intersting that you bring up SC2 overheating issue due to framerates out of control. Honestly, I don't see it in this game, but I can confirm that it exists in some games. Dead Island used to tax my video card to around 90c. On the loading or just waiting to start the game screens, I am getting upwards of 600fps. Unreal. So, yeah, I can see it being a problem.


With that said, with proper cooling, I don't believe you will have a problem. I was concerened about my video card melting (for Dead Island) so I bought a new case with 4 massive 140mm cooling fans. DI still runs my system hot, but it is much better. I feel comfortable now playing the game.


As for swtor, I ran about 75c pre-new case and now about 70c. Not sure why you are seeing such high temperatures, but I don't doubt it. I haven't read the bagillion posts up to here, but have you tried vaccuming the dust out of your case, or changing the fans to a different configuration, getting additional cooling fans, or a better case?

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  • 1 month later...

By the time I realised that my GTX 280 has been running for 105 degrees celcius whilst playing this game ever since I put the in-game settings AA to high, it was too late.


Sadly my GPU died this morning after a week of random BSOD and artifacts and I had to go out and spend £120 on a new one.


Thanks Bioware for either having such a wide-range of AA options to choose from!

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Gentlemen, it appears were are the ignored and the forgotten.


The reason why GPUs are overheating is because of bad coding. All it takes is somebody checking to see what commands and instructions are being sent to the GPUs. I am not an expert,


Stopped reading there. This must be on the same line of that kid whose PC would shutdown when he tried playing TOR, so it was clearly the game's fault (the fact that millions of people DID NOT have the problem was clearly superfluous...)


Why don't you try posting something you know even a little bit about? If there is such a thing....

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By the time I realised that my GTX 280 has been running for 105 degrees celcius whilst playing this game ever since I put the in-game settings AA to high, it was too late.


Sadly my GPU died this morning after a week of random BSOD and artifacts and I had to go out and spend £120 on a new one.


Thanks Bioware for either having such a wide-range of AA options to choose from!


Well, it was time to say goodbye to that geforce 2 ....

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can't believe someone bumped this old thread. My computer is crap, it's YOUR FAULT BIOWARE


I hadn't seen it yet and found it funny. Sorry. :/


PS: It is Bioware's fault that I was forced to destroy an entire planet without having a choice about it. I destroyed a planet and Bioware made me do it. *sniff*

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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First off, thanks for the compliment about my age and the "you're too crazy approach".


Let's cut through the red tape/psychobabble/ridiculous insults to my intelligence that have no bearing on the ACTUAL problem, shall we?


The game causes GPUs to overheat.


It happens across desktop/laptops and ATI/NVIDIA cards. It is causing machines to fail. Black screen due to overheat and shutdown to save your rig from combustion.


That's not a good thing, that is a bad thing. Like being set on fire. Fire bad. Heat bad.


If nobody reported this, I would think I was alone, but there are countless threads regarding this issue and no patchable solution is seen.



You can't blame a pen for writing a nasty letter.....


It is obviously some kind of issue with SW:TOR...to say that it's merely a "driver" issue and downplay the severity is childish, reckless and endangers a growing customer base in the first few months of its release. I suggest you do more research instead of making assumptions about how much knowledge you have about this issue and stop running your post count up to look "cool".


Oh, pun intended.


Only just recently its started happening to me too. I only recently swapped to an Nvidia Geforce 560GTX Super OC. Then it started shutting down, my PC, after a few hours of play. Game seems to run hotter these days, I have got 5 fans on my PC case none of them are blocked.

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No idea what your talking about. I have a Gigabyte 570 gtx and my gpu temps are no higher than with any other game after checking on MSI Afterburner. I'm running on 1900x1200 with everything including shadows turned to max. I also slightly overclock my card, though not high enough where I have to bump up the voltage. Edited by grueber
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Uhm not much of a geek here but my wife and I have grafics cards and we ahve had no issues with the game at all. . .I don't even lag brah.


you probrobly shuold stop trying to tweek your cards or something. . .honestly I think if what you get when you buy a card isn't good enough I hope they burn up and set a fire.

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Didn't read the whole thread, just thought it was amusing that everyone at the beginning was all like:


"Haha, noob. Software can't possibly cause your GPU to overheat!"


And then someone posted the following quote, from an article citing both nVidia and AMD -


The second test , FurMark 1.9.1, has considerable controversy due to the synthetic nature of the test and the extreme load it places on video cards. It is well known that both NVIDIA and AMD (ATI) have blacklisted both FurMark and OCCT so that when the drivers detect one of these programs they tell the power limiters on the card to under clock the cards to keep them from pulling more than the 300W specification on the PCI-E power lines.


After that, the refrain became, "Yeah, b-but SWTOR doesn't act like that!"


Clearly, it's at least possible that software can stress your hardware to unapproved levels. You can choose to blame the manufacturers for implementing bad safeguards or for coding bad drivers or whatever, but the manufacturers obviously think it's equally valid to blame software that falls outside of the norm. It's not a clear-cut case, either way.


For my part, I don't see my hardware overheat when I play SWTOR, but my GPU did get uncomfortably (unusually) hot before I capped my framerates (and even though my framerates weren't that high to begin with). Then again, I've been kind of a temperature-monitoring freak for a long time now; someone who didn't monitor their temps as a rule might get a nasty surprise.


The tendency among forum posters to come into a troubleshooting thread, post their (usually top-of-the-line) computer specs and laugh at anyone having problems is nothing new, but it never ceases to amuse me. The epeen is strong in this forum.

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My temps were going up from normal gaming also. So i fixed it by replacing all 6 of mime with 110 CFM fans added a memery fan and a PCI slot fan blowing on my GPU. All case and CPU fans are connected to a manual fan controller.

My system:

i5 2500k @4.2

240mm LQ CPU cooler 4 120 mm 110 CFM fans push/pull

6970 @ 950/1425

3x 64GB SSD's in raid5

2x CB 1TB HDD's raid1

What i do is crank every fan to max and set my GPU fan to 80% before i log in.

But now i have anouther problem but my temps are very cool. This is what my room looks like when i play SWTOR.



Edited by blowmedown
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