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Bioware, your game runs too hot. My solution.


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Well, I'm happy to works for you. Wouldn't you be crying if it didn't? Hmm, of course.


I can run skyrim as well with no problems of heat. That's the problem, you see? Some systems have no problems, while a growing number are having issues that deal solely with SW:TOR.


GFX card is fine and can handle SW:TOR. Fans are clear and blown free from dust. Stop crying? No. You can't slience truth.


I wouldn't cry over something that I can fix on my own.

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I have had 2-3 automatic shutdowns in the past few weeks of playing, only when SWTOR is on, and my machine has never done that before. In response I have systematically removed every ounce of dust in my tower and it has not happened again, but now I feel I will have to run my CPU monitor and check temps while running.
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Gentlemen, it appears were are the ignored and the forgotten.


The reason why GPUs are overheating is because of bad coding. All it takes is somebody checking to see what commands and instructions are being sent to the GPUs. I am not an expert, but it seems like Bioware doesn't have anybody willing or competent to even look into this severe, deadly problem.


Some guy I don't even know lost his computer last night. He is an associate of my friend's wife. "Yeah, I was playing TOR and my video card fried out."





You want candy. You take a bite. You burn your mouth due to excessive heat.


You buy a car. You put gas into it. Your car explodes. How is that YOUR fault?


You install SW:TOR on a gaming machine....you need to WATCH OUT and play Star Wars: Temperature Monitor Control.....BOOM.....fried computer due to excessive heat.


My machine doesn't even struggle to run this and it's hotter than Jessica Alba on a summer day.








Use a program like Bandicam and limit your FPS to 30, hell 20 just to be safe. I certainly don't want to lose a GAMING MACHINE to one *********** game.




It's a sad day when a million voices suddenly cry out....then are silenced...........


You'll get better responses if you don't post such rage. Calm, clear explanations of the issue and proof to back it up will generate equally intelligent and calm responses.


That being said, it's most likely not a game issue but an issue on the users end. Maybe the drivers, or the card, or something else on their machine. But for most of us, myself included, the game runs perfectly fine.

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XFX 5970

All in game options on high (I know its broken) and some tweaks.


Ati over drive.

Manula fan control

%65 fan speed.


Temps never over 45c, all day every day.


Learn to manual fan control?


My card gets really hot if I leave it on auto, the fan kicks on at (what sounds like) 70-80% for a bit then back off. Temps stary around 70c or more that way.


This way (manual fan control) my temps stay under 50c no matter what I have been playing.

Fable 3


metro 2033 (pushes 50c often)



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Formula 1 engines are designed to run at 100%. What is the lifespan of that engine? that's right if you said 1 race. When you turn on your car do instantly start revving your motor to redline and drive at redline all the time? You will fry that motor before you know it. Computer equipment was not designed to run at 100% load 24/7. If you did that you would be replacing parts every 6 months or less.


I also have overheating problems with this game only. I thought it was my system so I bought all new components (I planned on it anyways). It made very little difference in regards to heat. The problem is cycling. Bad code will make a cpu or gpu overheat, what do you think benchmark programs were designed to do? they inject multiple blocks of bad code in cycles to stress your components. So the OP has a valid point about the overheating. Anyone with the problem all of a sudden is due to bad hardware or software? Every machine is different as far as hardware is concerned. No 2 chips are alike even if they are the same.

Manufacturing process is mostly done by robot with fault tolerances. 1 chip will have .00001 tolerance while the next will have .01. Although I do not hit any warning temps I still go 10 degrees higher then I want to. For all those people saying they are at 75-80 and they think they are fine because the manufacturer says 100 or higher you are sadly mistaken thinking you are safe.


Wall of text crits you for 500 degrees, you die in flames.

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ust out of curiosity for those that DO have heat issues (and don't run on a notebook):


-What video card are you using?

-Did you overclock any components?

-How many/what kinds of system fans do you have?

-Can you hear the GPU fan running faster when you have issues?

-Have you disabled vsync (and if so, do you have any idea why that is generally a bad idea)

-Did you use a stress test like Furmark to assure sufficient cooling of your machine?


-Radeon 6850


-1x PSU fan (ventilating air out the bottom of the case), 1xGPU fan built into the card, 1x CPU fan, 1x Case fan (facing rear of the case)

-GPU fan now runs intermittently since crashing began, it's not heavier under load and my system never displayed symptoms of a heavy load before crashing began.

-Yes of course, I've tried every single possible graphical configuration possible. Not even joking either, dozens of different configurations. tried limiting with Bandicam to no avail too of course.

-Never ran furmark,


System specs (all brand new components, never exhibiting a problem in three months of ownership or 2.5 weeks of SWTOR play until the problem started on 1/6):



MSI m/b

8gb DDR3

Radeon 6850

600W aero-cool power supply (670W peak)


now Im afraid my GPU or my CPU is fried since I cant play BF3 or Test drive anymore either without the same thing occuring.

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You should get better cooling, those temps are eating the life of your system (just saying) yes they are not the max it can handle but a healthy system should be running 25-35 idle and under 60 on high demand. While it's not going to burn at the temp you're running, it will most certainly degrade the life span of your equipment. May want to adjust the fan speeds or get some liquid cooling


Not reading through all of the garbage as people are too dense to realize its the games fault.


You are WRONG


400 and 500 series cards max temps can be up to 90c. The avg temp at %100 usage is 70-78c as is most newer GPU's. Please know what you are talking about before speaking in a technical thread. No driver is going to fix this, this engine needs a lot of work asap.


I7 2600k

Evga 580DS

x58 Mobo

Vertex 3

8 gig 2133 RAM

Fortress FT02 gaming case


My cooling is more than fine.


Performance is fine except for the stutter at the station. BUT max settings need to be fixed and implemented.


Had to put a FPS cap on via Nvidia inspector to lower GPU usage as temps were ridiculous. Vsync is garbage as you get input lag and as a gamer I can't play with a delay. If you can good for you, I will destroy you in PvP due to your input latency.

Edited by Remidi
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I have to say I am seeing a MASSIVE increase in my systems temperature when playing TOR, both on my laptop and my desktop. My laptop is brand new and the GPU running at 85 degrees, EIGHTY FIVE, it was hot enough to melt the laptop to my table, and this was on THE LOWEST GRAPHICAL SETTINGS! My desktop, which uses water cooling saw a 30% heat increase when compared to playing skyrim on full settings. There is something up here that NEEDS to be fixed, computers running at these high temperatures not only endanger the continued functionality of the system but can cause actual H&S risks, no one likes to walk away from their computer and come back to a blazing mountain of melted metal and plastic.
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Just asking, but why? I have seen and been around a few and they seem to be worth the extra effort. I stick to air my self though.


I'm not saying its bad, and I'm not even saying I would never do it. I'm just saying that I would never recommend it to some random person on the internet as a solution to a basic cooling problem. In general, if you have good airflow it really shouldn't be needed unless you are over clocking something, and even then, it might not be needed depending on how aggressive you are. :)

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My PC has shut down twice from overheating while playing TOR. I have to take the side pannel off and put a regular fan up against it to play.


I run BF 3, Metro 2033, Crysis 2, Skyrim, Witcher 2, every other MMO, etc. all at max settings and my PC is as perfectly fine. I'm hoping whatever issue is causing this gets resolved soon. This is something that can and will damage a PC permanently. And you people trying to argue AGAINST people with this issue aren't helping at all.

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It's been said a thousand times at this point, and I am sure you will ignore it this time. It's not the game. It's your hardware. I've been through this myself many years ago. Every game worked fine, but this one shiny new one. I blamed the new game, but it really was a hardware issue as I found out eventually.
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The reason why GPUs are overheating is because of bad cooling.


There, I fixed it for you.


If your cooling solution can't handle 100% GPU load then that is YOUR problem. Stop trying to blame others.


I run two GTX 580 3GB cards in SLI on a 2560x1600 30" Monitor and my temps are about 88 °C with automatic fan speed and 68 °C with 100% fan speed. I see no problems there. Those temps are inline with many other games that I play. I think you just need to give your card more airflow or go water cooling.

Edited by ACiDxCHRiST
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Its NOT because of bad cooling, as I have posted, I have a WATER COOLING system, which IS AMAZING, but I still read at least a 30% higher heat output with TOR on med-settings than i do on SKYRIM at FULL settings, if this game can effect a water cooled system so noticeably, then it IS the game.
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If your system can't handle your hardware running at 100% it's not the software, it's your hardware. At best you could claim sloppy coding exposed flaws in your hardware setup.


When you look at it simply like that yes you are correct. As my earlier post:


I7 2600k Noctua D-14

Evga 580 DS

Evga x58 FTW

8 gig 2133

Fortress FT02 case

Vertex 3


Now if you know anything about the parts I listed you would know and agree that my air cooling is amazing.


With Swotr without a FPS cap enabled via nvidia inspector at 1080p max settings no AA my GPU flies at %100 for no damn reason and for whatever reason temps are higher than other games sometimes peaking at 81c with 85% fan usage. There is something wrong there and it needs to be fixed.


Granted all of these replies without telling us your video card make and model and what percent your fan speed is on the card tells us nothing.


Can my system handle it? Yep. Many others? No. So it needs to be addressed imo. The whole engine needs work badly.

Edited by Remidi
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In my opinion there is definitely something wrong with the game.


I don't have much problem with heat my laptop always runs the same in those terms depending on what kind of surface it's sitting on.


My issues come from the lack of graphical adjustments available in the preferences menu. (At least I think that's whats wrong)


My laptop can run games like LOTRO on medium graphics with little to no performance problems (except that I crash 50% of the time I walk into some sort of mist on the ground)


I've run WoW, LOTRO, EQ2, LOL, Star Craft, Skyrim, W2, etc..... with very little problems after some graphical tweaking, but I've found that SWTOR is just really bad when it comes to FPS (Yes shadows off, Yes I did the high low reset thing, Yes I tried INI settings including a farclip option but it didnt work)

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FFS, it's the game. The game runs hotter than a typical 3D MMORPG. The game demands more power and it's probably causing more global warming than F-ING cars at this point!


The game is pushing these F-ING cards too hard. Pure and simple. Some people don't have this problem or perhaps they are too ignorant to see it.


I don't want to burn out my system for this SH*T.


P.S. If I don't use Bandicam to lower my FPS, than my GPU hits 100c IN A F-ING MINUTE AND A HALF.

Edited by danmanx
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Its NOT because of bad cooling, as I have posted, I have a WATER COOLING system, which IS AMAZING, but I still read at least a 30% higher heat output with TOR on med-settings than i do on SKYRIM at FULL settings, if this game can effect a water cooled system so noticeably, then it IS the game.


Ok you have a Water Cooled system. That is great but it doesn't tell me anything important.


  • How many cards do you have?
  • How many monitors do you have?
  • At what resolution are you running the game?
  • What are your average and minimum framerates?
  • What is your ambient temp?
  • What is your delta temp (water temp - ambient temp)?
  • What is your flow rate in GPM?
  • What is/are your GPU temp(s) after 15 minutes in fullscreen?
  • What is the corresponding GPU usage percentage at the time the temp(s) are recorded?

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