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Bioware, your game runs too hot. My solution.


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my GPU hits 100c IN A ******* MINUTE AND A HALF.


You have a problem. Either your cooling solution is inadequate (add more/cooler airflow), your heatsink is clogged with dust, or your GPU has a defect at the GPU/Heatsink mating area or in the silicon itself.


It should not be possible for **ANY SOFTWARE** to push your card to 100 °C, especially in a minute and a half, if your cooling solution is adequate.

Edited by ACiDxCHRiST
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I got through page 3 before realizing how fail the OP is. Three pages full of real, intelligent discussions telling him what is wrong with factual statements to back their logic up, and he only comments to the very few troll posts in between. And still blames bioware...so pathetic.


Ph, and UPDATE YOUR DRIVERS. ALL OF THEM. Just going to nvidia/ati site and updating your graphics isn't enough...take care of your computers and you won't run into these issues. It's not a console, you actually have to spend time and know about your parts. Chances are your computers are overheating because of some process SWTOR is running that YOUR computer isn't running right. Not biowares fault, they build games on computers with updated, accurate drivers.

Edited by AdakiasX
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And question for the public to prove my point. I would like anyone here who is having these issues to post something intellectual you understand about computer hardware/software programming/hardware drivers, just so we can judge your computer literacy before trying to help.


Apparently I'm ADD, just keep thinking of things after I post. Another thought is your sound card drivers. Most people laugh, but it's amazing how much it can affect your performance and it always looks like it's a graphics/processor issue. Never heard of a computer overheating from it, but in the right conditions I could see it, especially if the user *cough idiot* just keeps playing through obvious performance issues.

Edited by AdakiasX
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What it has to do with fastest CPU? Before patch game was running fine on on my laptop, as it is bit above minimal.


After patch I got it running again buy fixing problem my self. My laptop haven't changed from pre access to 1.0.1 patch and after. It is still same 3 years old laptop.


I will say that I've had similar issues. I could easily play PvP on my laptop during beta (Had at least 30 FPS) now I have to edit the Client_Settings.ini file just to get the game just to get enough FPS to do BASIC PvE (Leveling). Tried a FP earlier today... as a healer, just doesn't work. There's definitely been a change in the game since Beta, because during beta it ran fast as lightning on my Desktop.. now it slightly lags (FPS Lag). I'm no code junky, but I'm sure it's not the hardware. There has been a difference in running ToR in BETA, and Running it at release (Which I didn't buy or Download until Christmas Day).


There is some kind of performance issue with this game. I don't know what it is, but it is there.

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Holy wow. People here are computer noobs.


With Swotr without a FPS cap enabled via nvidia inspector at 1080p max settings no AA my GPU flies at %100 for no damn reason and for whatever reason temps are higher than other games sometimes peaking at 81c with 85% fan usage. There is something wrong there and it needs to be fixed.


A 2600k, especially OC'd, is strong enough to remove the CPU bottleneck this games likes to give people. As most people know, you will always be limited by the slowest component - in this case, its your GPU. Without vSync, or any other FPS limiter, you're telling your GPU to render as much as possible, as fast as possible - i.e. USE 100% OF THE GPU.


There is NOTHING wrong with what you've said. Its SUPPOSED to be running at 100% GPU usage. 100% GPU usage causes a LOT of heat, which will require a lot of fan.




Anyway, @ OP.

The reason comps are "dying" is because of BAD COOLING.

A game, or any software (that is NOT overclocking software) CAN NOT KILL YOUR COMPUTER IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.


IF your hardware cannot run at 100% load, this is because it is INCORRECTLY SETUP. I.e. USER ERROR. i.e. BAD COOLING. Go download FurMark and run that for 30 min. I guarantee you it will run your GPIFAR hotter than SWTOR. Download Prime 95, Intel Burn Test or Lynx, and you'll get the same thing on your CPU.



Please, BEFORE posting about how "SWTOR killed my computer" or something, think for a second! If your computer is running too hot, run some benchmarks (hell, 3DMark 06/Vantage/11 are all good, and free). You WILL (100% sure) see your temps are high, and that means there is something wrong with YOUR computer.


Before someone goes "this guy is a noob", go look at my rig.

My rig

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Man ppl need to stop behave like total *****, there is a problem where systems overheat, since most of you say that is not possible from a game have no clue, there was a bug in early beta release of Sysmark that fried the testcomputers one by one, they eventually pinpointed the problem and that is that the energysaving feature was tampered with, it was supposed to shut it of for optimal condition, but it didnt only do that, it crippled the entire card rending it not able to alter volts nor fan speeds...


That might much well be the problem here, so if it slow the fans down and by some memory leak combo go out att 100% it sure can get fryed.. And a card is sure possible to do more than factory 100%.. Factory 100% is more like 70% because a card should never run at max speed, it needs some "space" to not just break of circuts burning up....



And what you all flamers miss is that most systems that fail can run any other game fine, maximum settings and GPU and CPU usage in the maximum, that can not be overlooked enough.

Edited by noggerr
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Its NOT because of bad cooling, as I have posted, I have a WATER COOLING system, which IS AMAZING, but I still read at least a 30% higher heat output with TOR on med-settings than i do on SKYRIM at FULL settings, if this game can effect a water cooled system so noticeably, then it IS the game.



No, it's not.


Sorry, but there are people with similar or the same setups as others who claim to have problems, and they don't have any problems. I have a stock cooled 560 Ti in a Coolermaster 690, and I never get above 55 degrees, and fan is never above 60%.


If it was the game, then I would be running hot just like you. But that's not the case.



The only way it could be the game is if you're running two instances of the game or are somehow running redundant processes.


Oh, one thing I might suggest to people: Run the game as Administrator. Probably won't do anything, but it's worth a shot. I was reading somewhere that people were having problems, and running as Administrator helped.

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No, it's not.


Sorry, but there are people with similar or the same setups as others who claim to have problems, and they don't have any problems. I have a stock cooled 560 Ti in a Coolermaster 690, and I never get above 55 degrees, and fan is never above 60%.


If it was the game, then I would be running hot just like you. But that's not the case.



The only way it could be the game is if you're running two instances of the game or are somehow running redundant processes.


Oh, one thing I might suggest to people: Run the game as Administrator. Probably won't do anything, but it's worth a shot. I was reading somewhere that people were having problems, and running as Administrator helped.



Why do you think it have to behave like that to every computer? Its not certain that it will, maby you use some settings or have some software that tamperers with you system and that the game cannot override?

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Man ppl need to stop behave like total *****, there is a problem where systems overheat, since most of you say that is not possible from a game have no clue, there was a bug in early beta release of Sysmark that fried the testcomputers one by one, they eventually pinpointed the problem and that is that the energysaving feature was tampered with, it was supposed to shut it of for optimal condition, but it didnt only do that, it crippled the entire card rending it not able to alter volts nor fan speeds...


That might much well be the problem here, so if it slow the fans down and by some memory leak combo go out att 100% it sure can get fryed.. And a card is sure possible to do more than factory 100%.. Factory 100% is more like 70% because a card should never run at max speed, it needs some "space" to not just break of circuts burning up....



And what you all flamers miss is that most systems that fail can run any other game fine, maximum settings and GPU and CPU usage in the maximum, that can not be overlooked enough.


Holy gawd this guy is bad.


1. system overheating is caused by two things: heavy load and bad cooling. ALL computer parts are designed to cool themselves. At stock, a core i7 2600k will run fine at 100% load with the stock cooler with ZERO problems. Same goes with ANY GPU on the market. So that means that the USER has done something WRONG: i.e. not enough case fans, too much dust in the heatsink, etc.


Run FurkMark for GPUs, and watch your GPU temp. You'll see them go MUCH higher than in. SWTOR.

Run Intel Burn Test, Lynx or Prime 95 for your CPU. You'll also see the temps go much higher than in SWTOR.


2. That was an error in the Nvidia drivers a while back that caused the fans to be stuck in idle. That was caused by DRIVERS. Not a game. They fixed that. If you're using those drivers: USER ERROR.


3. Fans are controlled by drivers. Only programs with driver level access (overclocking tools) can alter the fan speed. NO GAME CAN DO THIS. Yes, if the fan is at some low speed and the GPU is at 100% load, it can be fried. However, to do that you need either bad drivers, a bad card, or user error in overclocking software (or terrible, terrible GPU bios).


4. No. Thats just wrong. All parts can run at 100% load. 70% is just the max on fan speed (or 80%, depending on the card) when manually setting the fan. They can still reach 100% fan speed, but ONLY when the temps of the card exceed a specific temp. They cap the manual fan speed at 70% or 80% to prevent noobs from running it at 100% 24/7, and then burning out the fan motor.


Why do you think it have to behave like that to every computer? Its not certain that it will, maby you use some settings or have some software that tamperers with you system and that the game cannot override?


Because. All reference parts are almost identical. If my GPU idles at 42c (which it is, right now. Card #2 at 38c - stock coolers), and your's is idling at 60c, you have something wrong with YOUR setup. Either bad fan speed settings, bad cooling (im using an 800D, i.e. a terrible air case), or dust in the heatsink.


All this talk of "software that tampers with your system" is 100% bull. The ONLY thing that can do that is some form or terrible virus (idk if that even exists), or software specifically designed to do that (i.e. overclocking software like MSI afterburner, RivaTuner, etc.). The game DOES NOT control GPU usage, GPU fan speed, CPU usage or CPU fan speed. It is given a set of parameters (run game at X rez, Y settings), and SOMETIMES is given an FPS cap (usually 60fps due to vSync). It will use the computer accordingly to fulfill those settings.


If the computer is 'imbalanced' (i.e. good CPU, bad GPU), the CPU will spend time waiting on the GPU to finish rendering a frame. This in turn puts MORE load on the GPU, as IT has nothing to wait for. If Vsync is ON, and the card is rendering at 60fps, it WILL however wait for vSync. If Vsync is off, and you're getting 80fps, the card will CONTINUE to render at 100% load, simply because it has been told to render as fast as possible.


You can flip that around with the CPU as well, where the GPUs wait on the CPU, causing heavy load on it. This can cause the same problem.





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Holy gawd this guy is bad.


1. system overheating is caused by two things: heavy load and bad cooling. ALL computer parts are designed to cool themselves. At stock, a core i7 2600k will run fine at 100% load with the stock cooler with ZERO problems. Same goes with ANY GPU on the market. So that means that the USER has done something WRONG: i.e. not enough case fans, too much dust in the heatsink, etc.


Run FurkMark for GPUs, and watch your GPU temp. You'll see them go MUCH higher than in. SWTOR.

Run Intel Burn Test, Lynx or Prime 95 for your CPU. You'll also see the temps go much higher than in SWTOR.


2. That was an error in the Nvidia drivers a while back that caused the fans to be stuck in idle. That was caused by DRIVERS. Not a game. They fixed that. If you're using those drivers: USER ERROR.


3. Fans are controlled by drivers. Only programs with driver level access (overclocking tools) can alter the fan speed. NO GAME CAN DO THIS. Yes, if the fan is at some low speed and the GPU is at 100% load, it can be fried. However, to do that you need either bad drivers, a bad card, or user error in overclocking software (or terrible, terrible GPU bios).


4. No. Thats just wrong. All parts can run at 100% load. 70% is just the max on fan speed (or 80%, depending on the card) when manually setting the fan. They can still reach 100% fan speed, but ONLY when the temps of the card exceed a specific temp. They cap the manual fan speed at 70% or 80% to prevent noobs from running it at 100% 24/7, and then burning out the fan motor.




Because. All reference parts are almost identical. If my GPU idles at 42c (which it is, right now. Card #2 at 38c - stock coolers), and your's is idling at 60c, you have something wrong with YOUR setup. Either bad fan speed settings, bad cooling (im using an 800D, i.e. a terrible air case), or dust in the heatsink.


All this talk of "software that tampers with your system" is 100% bull. The ONLY thing that can do that is some form or terrible virus (idk if that even exists), or software specifically designed to do that (i.e. overclocking software like MSI afterburner, RivaTuner, etc.). The game DOES NOT control GPU usage, GPU fan speed, CPU usage or CPU fan speed. It is given a set of parameters (run game at X rez, Y settings), and SOMETIMES is given an FPS cap (usually 60fps due to vSync). It will use the computer accordingly to fulfill those settings.


If the computer is 'imbalanced' (i.e. good CPU, bad GPU), the CPU will spend time waiting on the GPU to finish rendering a frame. This in turn puts MORE load on the GPU, as IT has nothing to wait for. If Vsync is ON, and the card is rendering at 60fps, it WILL however wait for vSync. If Vsync is off, and you're getting 80fps, the card will CONTINUE to render at 100% load, simply because it has been told to render as fast as possible.


You can flip that around with the CPU as well, where the GPUs wait on the CPU, causing heavy load on it. This can cause the same problem.







Im not even gonna bother answer to all that, but tell me... How is it that on both my computers, one is a new gaming laptop from MSI, and my other at home is a i7930 with a 570 lots of ram and quality mobo, watercoolin blah blah is failing on SWTOR, ONLY SWTOR..


Always in Station my fps drops, as my fps drops my gpou load goes down... on BOTH computers, behavingh the same.. My friends computer dont do that, now neither of us have thios overheating issue, but my comp does get hotter by playing BF3.


Now ppl are reporting that they play BF3 they have new drivers, still SWTOR exceeds in temps.


Stop fooling yourself by thinking you got it all figured out, coz you dont.


Edit: Besides you dont even understand some of my points, when i for example say that a card dont run at 100%, im not saying that its NOT running at maximum design speeds.. And to prove that i just need to say that you can overclock your card, some cards can overclock alot ALOT, and this is because they leave it with some margin not to faulter a hot summerday and burn up. YES the card goes 100% of designed speed, not of Hardware limit.

Faulty design of game engines and energy save tampering have proven punish cards from time to time. And my example with sysmark is fully legit and a proof that the error may occure.

Edited by noggerr
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Wow O.o...Some epic fail posts here....OP too...


I use MSI Afterburner on a GTX 560 TI (2gb)

On top of that its running at 920 Mhz, you can do the homework on what defaults are...


Max Temp after 2 hours of SWTOR is 72c

Avg temp 69c



This is on the new Beta 290.53 Drivers (Yup i am a Skyrim Junky)


Oddly enough...Skyrim puts me to 79c avg...81 max ( Still fine, It can take it up to 95c, and 105 before it starts falling apart)


SWTOR overall is pretty light? All Max + .ini tweaks? I dunno why you guys are complaining? Get better cooling? Get a better Gfix card? Clean out your fans? Stop crying?



Wow holy crap, i think YOU need better cooling. My rig sits at 30c at all times even with Skyrim.

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i was able to play on the thanksgiving open beta and had issues with the game... especially around the areas where there was a lot of AI battles occurring. i'm not running a good rig, just something i put together with stuff i had: P4 3.6 EMT64, intel MoBo, 8 Gigs RAM, dual AMD 5760s with 1Gig ea, a TB of HDD and Creative X-Fi sound on a 7 MBs dsl dry loop connection.


what i noticed from the get-go was BW did not detect both graphics cards in the open beta request program. the min req's was dual core and the EMT satisfies since it's Hyper Threading like my last box. granted HT is not two dedicated cores but my old 2001 box P4 3.06Ghz HT, 1GB RAM, 35Gig HDD and Audigy2 sound card, played MMOs up to this year and had been playing games before the MMOs were an actuality, not just a concept (albeit with graphics at the bare minimum lately) so the CPU is not the issue.


since the launch of the game, other things i've noticed. like now you have to manual reload your weapons in battle. i couldn't figure out what the cell regen ability was until i played in he release. in beta, you got unlimited rounds so that was a waste of hot key space. now, every fourth ability, you'll looking to hit that ability... even though it takes twice as long to cool down (like your med packs) as you'll either be in battle or be dead from the battle. but don't get me started on that. this is supposed to be about hardware vs software.


when you got to the Black Sun territory, there was some immense lag there... too many AI battles going on around the same instance and add the individual toons coming into those areas just adds to the load. but when you get out to Taris and you can run through half the area fine then seems like you cross over and imaginary line and go to 100% CPU usage... it's not AI and too many users online. especially when there are only 40 ppl in your instance on your channel. no, there is something definitely wrong when you can play anywhere else in the game just fine then get to an area where you're acting like you're on Dial-Up. at 40ms latency you can't move but once every 20 seconds it can't be blamed on connection speed or user systems. there is really something wrong with coding.


IF it was graphic card driver issues... you wouldn't be able to play anywhere in the game. so, while the drivers may not be optimized for this new game (yet), if you can play they are working. it's not connection issues since i've had problems with less than the 40ms latency. hell, i've played better helping out my sis on my 2001 box using east coast servers running at 280 ms latency than what i've experienced here in SWTOR.


bottom line: can't be blamed on hardware.

can't be blamed on connection speed.

can't be blamed on users.


flame away, dog... flame away.

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bottom line: can't be blamed on hardware.

can't be blamed on connection speed.

can't be blamed on users.



Sorry, but this is false.


There have been a few people here with the exact same setup:


-i5 2500


-GTX 570


There have been at least 4 people posting in all these performance threads with that exact setup. Three of them run the game at max with no temp or framerate issues. One of them has problems.


This tells us one thing for a fact: it is not because of TOR.


However, it does have something to do with the user's configuration and how it interacts with TOR. That's something that needs to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


And because it's only 5% of players that have problems, that also indicates it's adjustments needed by the user, not TOR.

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Wow holy crap, i think YOU need better cooling. My rig sits at 30c at all times even with Skyrim.


he's talking about the temperature of his GPU core. Pretty sure you're talking about your overall temperature inside the case, otherwise the only way i'll believe that is if your card is liquid cooled

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Regardless- in ANY SCENARIO temperature regulation of the GPU is the responsibility of the VGA BIOS and/or the GPU die itself.


Your GPU popped? Sorry- you had a defective GPU all along. It's unfortunate you found a game that finally pushed it to 100% use.


The only exception is overclocked video cards- and if you OC'd your card + removed and/or modified the thermal envelope- then the problem is yours entirely.


Blaming a software game for causing actual hardware damage? That's pretty far out there.

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The only way for software to even remotely damage hardware is if it runs in ring 0 or ring 1 where it can control fan speeds and other direct hardware changes. SWTOR does not run in either so it cannot do this. This means the only way that SWTOR could possibly damage your system if it made the GPU work as hard as it can and your system has a pre-existing heating/cooling issue.
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First off, thanks for the compliment about my age and the "you're too crazy approach".


Let's cut through the red tape/psychobabble/ridiculous insults to my intelligence that have no bearing on the ACTUAL problem, shall we?


The game causes GPUs to overheat.


It happens across desktop/laptops and ATI/NVIDIA cards. It is causing machines to fail. Black screen due to overheat and shutdown to save your rig from combustion.


That's not a good thing, that is a bad thing. Like being set on fire. Fire bad. Heat bad.


If nobody reported this, I would think I was alone, but there are countless threads regarding this issue and no patchable solution is seen.



You can't blame a pen for writing a nasty letter.....


It is obviously some kind of issue with SW:TOR...to say that it's merely a "driver" issue and downplay the severity is childish, reckless and endangers a growing customer base in the first few months of its release. I suggest you do more research instead of making assumptions about how much knowledge you have about this issue and stop running your post count up to look "cool".


Oh, pun intended.


Almost 4 year old GPU Nvidia 9800 GT here. Mine doesn't overheat. Not discrediting your post, but it appears to be on a select few ends. My machine for the most part is over 4 years old with only 2 gigs of ram. I run just fine. Load times are a bit slow, then again my processor and whatnot aren't the most up to date.


My machine doesn't over heat and I have decent FPS in and out of combat both in PVE and PVP. Just covering all the "omg everyones systems are shutting down, it's Biowares fault."


Lastly, you would be surprised at what an updated driver can do for you.

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I am so gonna laugh at all these people think that running their cpu's at 80'c because some benchmark program said they could see thier pc's melt.


Maximum tolerences doesnt mean safe tolerences. You go over 50/60'c and you risk your pc. simple as that.

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Im not even gonna bother answer to all that, but tell me... How is it that on both my computers, one is a new gaming laptop from MSI, and my other at home is a i7930 with a 570 lots of ram and quality mobo, watercoolin blah blah is failing on SWTOR, ONLY SWTOR..


Always in Station my fps drops, as my fps drops my gpou load goes down... on BOTH computers, behavingh the same.. My friends computer dont do that, now neither of us have thios overheating issue, but my comp does get hotter by playing BF3.


Now ppl are reporting that they play BF3 they have new drivers, still SWTOR exceeds in temps.


Stop fooling yourself by thinking you got it all figured out, coz you dont.


Edit: Besides you dont even understand some of my points, when i for example say that a card dont run at 100%, im not saying that its NOT running at maximum design speeds.. And to prove that i just need to say that you can overclock your card, some cards can overclock alot ALOT, and this is because they leave it with some margin not to faulter a hot summerday and burn up. YES the card goes 100% of designed speed, not of Hardware limit.

Faulty design of game engines and energy save tampering have proven punish cards from time to time. And my example with sysmark is fully legit and a proof that the error may occure.


Did you, or did you not run FurMark, or one of the 3 CPU stress tests? Until you run either one of these, ALL your complains are invalid, as its likely a bad cooling solution. Yes. Liquid cooling CAN be bad. Improperly applied TIM, terribly done loops, hell, even bad blocks.


The FPS drops in the station because the game uses TWO threads. Its a CPU bottleneck. I cant explain this any simpler.

CPU bottleneck = GPU waiting on CPU = Lower FPS = Lower GPU Load = Lower GPU Temp.

CPU bottleneck = More CPU Load = Higher CPU load = Higher CPU Temp.


If you overclock (if you want to), you'll get higher FPS on the station. Im currently at 4.8ghz, and I can FINALLY get zero FPS drop when walking around on the station. Yes. The engine is badly coded. However, high temps are NOT a result of bad coding. High resource usage combined with bad cooling IS.


@ your Edit

Yes, I know some cards overclock tons. Others DONT. For example, I used to have an 8800GT a few years back that couldnt get its Vram overclocked by 50mhz. Its called a bad yield. This is why some CPUs of the same series can overlock extremely well (called a golden chip), while others overclock extremely badly.


The reason cards CAN overclock fairly well is simply for a 'safe zone' for yields - NOT temps. IF they set the default clocks fairly conservatively, they will have a higher yield of chips which can run at that speed. If they set the default clock speeds to 90% of theoretical limit, their yield might be 20% or lower. That would be terrible business.


There is no such thing as a 'faulty' engine. There are badly coded ones that cant multithread, have memory leaks and so on, but thats not a 'faulty' engine.


Run IBT, Lynx, Prime 95 of Furmark. These are all standard tools DESIGNED to push your stuff to 100% load. The CPU ones put 100% load on ALL cores, with Prime 95 putting tons of load on the RAM controller as well. Yes, its an unrealistic scenario, but its a GREAT stress test that ANY stock system should pass just fine.


My bet is that if you run furmark, IBT, Lynx or Prime 95, after 5-10 min you'll see CPU and GPU temps WELL over what you see in SWTOR.


I am so gonna laugh at all these people think that running their cpu's at 80'c because some benchmark program said they could see thier pc's melt.


Maximum tolerences doesnt mean safe tolerences. You go over 50/60'c and you risk your pc. simple as that.


Nope. Nvidia's "max safe" temp is 105c, which is conveniently where the GPU automatically throttles off. Im not sure about ATI, but its probably similar.


CPU's have at thing called "TJ max" which is basically the temp at which the CPU will start to throttle down. On an i7 series CPU, its about 98c. Again, not sure about AMD.


50-60c temps on GPU or CPU core are 100% safe. They are designed to operate under those temps. Will it shorten life span? Yes. By much? No. It might make your CPU die a year earlier, but if you run your CPU at stock speeds (stock voltage), have good cooling on it and so on, there's no reason it couldnt last 10-20 years. Chances are you wont be using the same CPU in even 5 years, so its really an irrelevant point.

Edited by doomlordVII
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Gentlemen, it appears were are the ignored and the forgotten.


The reason why GPUs are overheating is because of bad coding. All it takes is somebody checking to see what commands and instructions are being sent to the GPUs. I am not an expert, but it seems like Bioware doesn't have anybody willing or competent to even look into this severe, deadly problem.


Some guy I don't even know lost his computer last night. He is an associate of my friend's wife. "Yeah, I was playing TOR and my video card fried out."





You want candy. You take a bite. You burn your mouth due to excessive heat.


You buy a car. You put gas into it. Your car explodes. How is that YOUR fault?


You install SW:TOR on a gaming machine....you need to WATCH OUT and play Star Wars: Temperature Monitor Control.....BOOM.....fried computer due to excessive heat.


My machine doesn't even struggle to run this and it's hotter than Jessica Alba on a summer day.








Use a program like Bandicam and limit your FPS to 30, hell 20 just to be safe. I certainly don't want to lose a GAMING MACHINE to one *********** game.




It's a sad day when a million voices suddenly cry out....then are silenced...........


This is the stupidest thread I've read, and I was in these forums during the EGA period.

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Did you, or did you not run FurMark, or one of the 3 CPU stress tests? Until you run either one of these, ALL your complains are invalid, as its likely a bad cooling solution. Yes. Liquid cooling CAN be bad. Improperly applied TIM, terribly done loops, hell, even bad blocks.


The FPS drops in the station because the game uses TWO threads. Its a CPU bottleneck. I cant explain this any simpler.

CPU bottleneck = GPU waiting on CPU = Lower FPS = Lower GPU Load = Lower GPU Temp.

CPU bottleneck = More CPU Load = Higher CPU load = Higher CPU Temp.


If you overclock (if you want to), you'll get higher FPS on the station. Im currently at 4.8ghz, and I can FINALLY get zero FPS drop when walking around on the station. Yes. The engine is badly coded. However, high temps are NOT a result of bad coding. High resource usage combined with bad cooling IS.


@ your Edit

Yes, I know some cards overclock tons. Others DONT. For example, I used to have an 8800GT a few years back that couldnt get its Vram overclocked by 50mhz. Its called a bad yield. This is why some CPUs of the same series can overlock extremely well (called a golden chip), while others overclock extremely badly.


The reason cards CAN overclock fairly well is simply for a 'safe zone' for yields - NOT temps. IF they set the default clocks fairly conservatively, they will have a higher yield of chips which can run at that speed. If they set the default clock speeds to 90% of theoretical limit, their yield might be 20% or lower. That would be terrible business.


There is no such thing as a 'faulty' engine. There are badly coded ones that cant multithread, have memory leaks and so on, but thats not a 'faulty' engine.


Run IBT, Lynx, Prime 95 of Furmark. These are all standard tools DESIGNED to push your stuff to 100% load. The CPU ones put 100% load on ALL cores, with Prime 95 putting tons of load on the RAM controller as well. Yes, its an unrealistic scenario, but its a GREAT stress test that ANY stock system should pass just fine.


My bet is that if you run furmark, IBT, Lynx or Prime 95, after 5-10 min you'll see CPU and GPU temps WELL over what you see in SWTOR.



Very nice post. Unfortunately, people just want to complain, so it will probably fall on deaf ears.

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