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This game has more performance-issues than any MMO ever.


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Thousands of users are experiencing hardware/driver related stability/performance issues.


Hundreds of thousands of users are running the game with no problems at all...


So the code is borked?






Most people probably run game on a fast gfx card but have a slow CPU/substandard motherboard etc. Because most people aren't computer savvy and don't have the best setups. This means your argument misses the point.

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I wouldn't classify them as severe.. But ya, I have a top end machine and Im running on Medium settings because the performance is not bareable on high settings. Short of spending another 20 thousand dollars on hardware that came out yesterday you cant get much better than what Im running today, so ... ya there is some technical problems.


But... it does work. The fact that the servers are on and you can log in makes this a more successful launch than 99% of MMO's launched in the last 10 years.


20k for a top end computer? What are you trying to buy a Macbook? I can say top end and best computer all day... but my top end most cost computer i got 10 years ago cannot play this game.


However, my medium cost built... around 1500 can play this at max setting




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If you have a "top end" machine that can't run a 5 year old engine that has been intentionally throttled on maximum settings, that classifies as severe.


Well I was refering to the fact that I can log in and play the game and the game looks fine on Medium graphics. ya I expect more, certainly it isn't ideal, but severe suggests unplayable and that simply isnt true. The game is playable and while Im sure they didnt intend or anticipate the kind of performance issues they are having, using a word like severe is an exagerration. Its a fixable problem that will likely get sorted out in short order and since in the interm I can play the game without a problem I don't see any point in doing anything but filling out a bug report and moving on.

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Most people probably run game on a fast gfx card but have a slow CPU/substandard motherboard etc. Because most people aren't computer savvy and don't have the best setups. This means your argument misses the point.


My personal rig is totally custom built with hardware that was bleeding edge a couple of years back, it is most definitely NOT ased on a substandard set of components.


I am running the game with no performance issues at all.


How come I am running the game so well if your arguement was valid? I wouldnt be would I....and yet I am.


A couple of thousand people with performance issues versus hundreds of thousands of people with no performance issues....and its the code at fault?


Good one :)



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In beta I had CTD, lock ups like crazy, getting booted.

Then I surmised it was all video related.


I went out and bought a GeForce 560ti O.C. Edition video card for my Core Due 3.2Ghz, 4gb 1333mhz RAM computer.


I run @ 1920x1080 resolution at about 80-90% maxed settings.

Game runs great and I have no more crashes.


I also run great in populated areas and Warzones.

Edited by Fraxture
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There was battleground in WoW when it launch, jsut another prove that you were never there at launch


Stop trolling please.


No, there were no Battlegrounds available at launch for World of Warcraft. Google it, and educate yourself please. Spewing senseless banter in an attempt to come off as knowing what you're talking about is actually making you look bad here.


Simply put, you're wrong.

Edited by Alkiii
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No performance issues here at all.


I can play WoW-pvp with 80 players running and fighting around me, on ultra-graphical settings with 70 FPS and more.


But entering Civil-War WZ with just 16 people not even in sight makes my system go on its knees (=15-30 fps) while everything is set to LOW and shadows are turned off.


So dont come with the "its your system"-trollpost.

Edited by PalapaDalapa
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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...


never ever have I read that many complains about fps/ rig-stability, overall-performance or insufficient hardware where one is much above average system requirements in any MMO-forums the way I do now in SWTOR.


This clearly sends a message to the devs (and the hero-engine based on an 1999/200*-design, too).


Sorry for the bad english-


First day?


Which first day? Clearly not the first day of release, as back then wow was bugged as hell. You are probably talking about the release at europe, well sorry to say but at this time the game was allready a while out.


Warhammer was a beta client at release, I am not sure how much later you had started there - but it was impossible to even move due fps issues at group content. The client itself had a bug, it did request informations about buffs, dots etc. too often - did Mythic fix that? No they didnt, the community had to mod the game... quite a sad situation.


Oh and did we talk about AoC yet? The alpha version release, which had content until lvl 20 and then it was a grind? Whole quest zones were missing, pvp not existend and ofc. the client had a major memory leak - again here the community had to fix the client... but for the AoC defence, today its an amazing MMO - shame it went F2p.


SWTOR has bugs, but from all releases lately it has the best client. Its not the fault of the client that many people try to connect with a gameboy like PC.


If you got a pc self build, well maintenanced then the game will run good. The texture bug, AA bug are a problem, but hopefully they fix this soon.

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I can play WoW-pvp with 80 players running and fighting around me, on ultra-graphical settings with 70 FPS and more.


But entering Civil-War WZ with just 16 people not even in sight makes my system go on its knees (=15-30 fps).


So dont come with the "its your system"-trollpost.


What are your system specs? Lets see if it's on Bioware's end and get some fixes here!

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20k for a top end computer? What are you trying to buy a Macbook? I can say top end and best computer all day... but my top end most cost computer i got 10 years ago cannot play this game.


However, my medium cost built... around 1500 can play this at max setting





I tried running this on my old PC which is a single core 1.8 with 2Gb ram and a 512 agp GFX card.

It runs like a dog but it does run.

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I can play WoW-pvp with 80 players running and fighting around me, on ultra-graphical settings with 70 FPS and more.


But entering Civil-War WZ with just 16 people not even in sight makes my system go on its knees.


So dont come with the "its your system"-trollpost.


You know, saying that your system can run a 7 year old game fine doesn't prove it's not your system.

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No, there were no Battlegrounds available at launch for World of Warcraft. Google it, and educate yourself please. Spewing senseless banter in an attempt to come off as knowing what you're talking about is actually making you look bad here.


Simply put, you're wrong.


I forgot to put a question mark when I wrote that, but i was quotting someone sarcastictly so.... if you ahve read it you would understand the concept.


That I knew there was no battleground...so ya.... read the entire thread before yous tart posting next time.

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My personal rig is totally custom built with hardware that was bleeding edge a couple of years back, it is most definitely NOT ased on a substandard set of components.


I am running the game with no performance issues at all.


How come I am running the game so well if your arguement was valid? I wouldnt be would I....and yet I am.


A couple of thousand people with performance issues versus hundreds of thousands of people with no performance issues....and its the code at fault?


Good one :)




Its not unusual for PC's to have performance issues caused by Disk I/O. Its often the most overlooked aspects of PC's. People buy the highest CPU's, tons of memory and best vid cards than go out and get the cheapest hardrive they can find to lower the cost thinking its unimportant.


Ive worked IT for 22 years and most performance issues on PC's are traced back to Disk I/O. For those with performance issues on high end machines you might want to check your disk I/O, these days when running MMO's its a good idea to go solid state.


But the alternative too is that sometimes the combination of certain hardware and software just doesnt work as intended. This is why we often get a lot of driver updates when a big release like this hits. This performance issue might be traced back to certain types of vid card drivers at some point (most likely will be).

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I can play WoW-pvp with 80 players running and fighting around me, on ultra-graphical settings with 70 FPS and more.


But entering Civil-War WZ with just 16 people not even in sight makes my system go on its knees (=15-30 fps) while everything is set to LOW and shadows are turned off.


So dont come with the "its your system"-trollpost.


LOL? I too can play WOW at ultra setting on my laptop.... that is 4 years old and has an intergraded video card!


But for some reason that same laptop cannot play SWTOR, what the HELL BW!

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You know, saying that your system can run a 7 year old game fine doesn't prove it's not your system.


AMD Phenom II X6 1090T,

XFX HD6870 Dual Fan,

8 GigByte DDR Ram.


Thats enough for you hardware troll to stop, really.


SOrry, but playing wow-warzons and BF3 multiplayer with constant 70FPS and more clearly indicated this game has severe performance-issues.

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Its not unusual for PC's to have performance issues caused by Disk I/O. Its often the most overlooked aspects of PC's. People buy the highest CPU's, tons of memory and best vid cards than go out and get the cheapest hardrive they can find to lower the cost thinking its unimportant.


Ive worked IT for 22 years and most performance issues on PC's are traced back to Disk I/O. For those with performance issues on high end machines you might want to check your disk I/O, these days when running MMO's its a good idea to go solid state.


But the alternative too is that sometimes the combination of certain hardware and software just doesnt work as intended. This is why we often get a lot of driver updates when a big release like this hits. This performance issue might be traced back to certain types of vid card drivers at some point (most likely will be).


In a round about way, that is exactly what I was saying. I personally put as much effort into speccing out things like HDs as I do speccing out board/memory combinations and/or GPU options.


I would be very surprised if most of the problems dont turn out to be a bad hardware/driver combination....


It's just easier to bash the game for most people though :)



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Yeah I was one of those poor souls at launch for WoW. Stuck in the looting position for hours until the mass resets. Occasional rollbacks, broken quests, no pvp, no dungeon finder, summons, respectable loot and last but not least one end game instance which was buggy as all hell. Yeah few remember that...:rolleyes:
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AMD Phenom II X6 1090T,

XFX HD6870 Dual Fan,

8 GigByte DDR Ram.


Thats enough for you hardware troll to stop, really.


SOrry, but playing wow-warzons and BF3 multiplayer with constant 70FPS and more clearly indicated this game has severe performance-issues.


I think you’re being deliberately obtuse, you may have issues but that doesn’t mean everyone else does.

There are people with lesser speced machines running the game fine.

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Complaints aren't "unfounded" when thousands of users are having problems with poor performance due to a poorly optimized engine. Knock off the fanboy garbage for two seconds and acknowledge that this game has pretty severe technical issues.


No, the game seems to have issues on some users computers, and yes, thousands on a population of millions is a very small group, if the game had severe technical issues everyone would be affected and this is not the case.

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AMD Phenom II X6 1090T,

XFX HD6870 Dual Fan,

8 GigByte DDR Ram.


Thats enough for you hardware troll to stop, really.


SOrry, but playing wow-warzons and BF3 multiplayer with constant 70FPS and more clearly indicated this game has severe performance-issues.


I was simply pointing out that using a 7 year old game wasn't the best choice to illustrate your point. BF3 would've been a far better indicator of having a good rig.

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AMD Phenom II X6 1090T,

XFX HD6870 Dual Fan,

8 GigByte DDR Ram.


Thats enough for you hardware troll to stop, really.


SOrry, but playing wow-warzons and BF3 multiplayer with constant 70FPS and more clearly indicated this game has severe performance-issues.


Post your DxDiag, maybe your drivers are outdated maybe somethingis wrong with your system, and I hope that DDR3 you have and not DDR

Edited by NewbieLam
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i played wow during the patch they implement eastern plagueland and the remaining lvling quest so i'm not sure you couldn't level past 55... All i know is i played tor beta and i couldn't split stack until september, sometime the dialogue would simply shut down , the mail system ATE everything yougave it and never chewed back anything .. do you want me to keep going on TOR beta bug because i can sure as hell enumerate you plenty.


that said the wow is better is getting boring because quite frankly the game is polished in all the single player aspect up to the top notch level ... But the whole mmo part is plainly butched up . From the commendation to the no loot lulz operation passing right by the instanced pvp lagfest where alderaan cannon simply make your computer stutter ( don't act like it's not happening and your sound simply cut out because they cannot use multi channel) .


Engine is incapable of riding a multi-core cpu let alone handling 2.0 sound efficiently ...


you know what , i also have a phenom 1090t 3.2g and i have so many problem maybe bioware simply hate AMD user ?

Edited by myrmexaw
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AMD Phenom II X6 1090T,

XFX HD6870 Dual Fan,

8 GigByte DDR Ram.


Thats enough for you hardware troll to stop, really.


SOrry, but playing wow-warzons and BF3 multiplayer with constant 70FPS and more clearly indicated this game has severe performance-issues.


Intel 2500K (not overclocked)

Asus GTX 460

8 Gb DDR 3


No issues.


My wife has an AMD X4 965, same GPU and RAM and also has no issues.

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I think you’re being deliberately obtuse, you may have issues but that doesn’t mean everyone else does.

There are people with lesser speced machines running the game fine.


First time in customer-forums?


There´s the 8th re-incarnation of the "Horrid FPS"-Thread with people having issues on much stronger rigs than mine. It´s not just "me" having fps / performance / stabiliy problems.

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