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Killed in 3 hits WHILE STUNNED


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EVERY CLASS CAN DO THE SAME DAMAGE!!! There is proof out there of all classes doing that much damage and most of them don't require the same setup that Scoundrels/Ops do.


********. Pleas link a video where a Bounty Hunter takes you down in 3 attacks. No more, 3 attacks only. Please link me that video. I would love to see it.


Im guessing you play either Scoundrel/ops and just want to protect your overpowernes. That is quite common when it comes to unbalanced classes and specs.


You see it happen in every MMO where PvP is part of the game. Players of that lass is defending the class with anything they can find.

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The knockdown also triggers a full resolve bar. Dirty kick doesn't and is a better stun. The biggest issue here is biochem being broken, and buff stacking.


Thing is, a full resolve bar isnt much consolation if you are dead or near dead.


Point taken about buff stacking though - that is valid imo.

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This thread is dumb and non-specific. You're not talking about Scoundrels/Operative -- you're talking about one specific spec line. The suggestions I've seen in this thread border on inane, in some cases. The very clear lack of understanding shown in comments like 'don't let them use their cc from stealth' pretty much disproves any idea that the posters did anything other than die once in a WZ (probably to a fully geared and buffed Concealment Operative) and then come here to complain.


Let me clue you in: Concealment Oprative damage is based around Acid Blade and Hidden Strike -- the knockdown is something you spec for with Hidden Strike. Once the Op/Scoundrel is in combat, he or she cannot re-stealth, outside of a 2 minute timered ability.


What's this mean? Pretty much, the guy who kills you is going to, in turn, get smashed by your buddies, assuming you have them. This is why I don't spec my Operative Concealment -- it's all about killing one person, then dying soon after in any sort of group scenario. I prefer adding something to the team besides killing stupid people that wander around alone.


Basically, this thread will continue for the life of this MMO (unless Concealment is nerfed so hard that no one uses it). I don't care either way -- I'm specced Lethality and loving it.


Your argumants fail. Btw try and actually watch the videos and see were all your talk takes you.

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********. Pleas link a video where a Bounty Hunter takes you down in 3 attacks. No more, 3 attacks only. Please link me that video. I would love to see it.


Im guessing you play either Scoundrel/ops and just want to protect your overpowernes. That is quite common when it comes to unbalanced classes and specs.


You see it happen in every MMO where PvP is part of the game. Players of that lass is defending the class with anything they can find.


Powertechs arent overpowered? really hmm anybody defeat one in open PvP? i am a scoundrel and it took three (Guard,cant recall what the other was) of us to drop one guy in Voss.

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********. Pleas link a video where a Bounty Hunter takes you down in 3 attacks. No more, 3 attacks only. Please link me that video. I would love to see it.


Im guessing you play either Scoundrel/ops and just want to protect your overpowernes. That is quite common when it comes to unbalanced classes and specs.


You see it happen in every MMO where PvP is part of the game. Players of that lass is defending the class with anything they can find.



There's a BH already linked in this thread. I don't need to.

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Not in cover, likely no gear. Nothing to see here, what you describe cannot happen to a lvl 50 in full pvp gear.


actually it can, i'm level 50 and i'm almost in full pvp gear, and i'm a full tank spec guardian.


i got hit for 3/4 of my hp in 4 seconds, and when the stun wore off they finished the job.

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Your argumants fail. Btw try and actually watch the videos and see were all your talk takes you.


I know what happened in the video -- irrelevant. A stealth class, buffed to the gills, did what its spec line is designed to do. How is this news? All I see in this thread is people advocating a nerf so that the spec line becomes useless.


That's fine, nerf it -- just make sure the spec line is viable outside of stealth. I'd love to go back to Concealment spec. As it stands, concealment is a one dimensional, glass cannon spec where you die to equally geared/leveled toons, outside of 1v1s.

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That's the damage type, not the attack type. Attacks are considered either melee, range or force. Scrappers/Operatives are melee/ranged primarily. If their attacks were force you'd not be able to stop them with evasion.


I've had many snipers pop evasion against me and guess how many dodges I've seen on my knife attacks.... 0

Edited by blarse
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I know what happened in the video -- irrelevant. A stealth class, buffed to the gills, did what its spec line is designed to do. How is this news? All I see in this thread is people advocating a nerf so that the spec line becomes useless.


That's fine, nerf it -- just make sure the spec line is viable outside of stealth. I'd love to go back to Concealment spec. As it stands, concealment is a one dimensional, glass cannon spec where you die to equally geared/leveled toons, outside of 1v1s.


i wouldn't say useless, but there comes a point when things ARE overpowered.


there are examples of group pvp where a healer is nuked before their entire team can react, and well... if that were because the entire opposition team switched focus onto the healer that would be okay, l2p issues for the defenders and all that, along with having an entire team focus 1 person (as they should be).


but when one class (and its mirror, i want to make that abundantly clear) can solo nuke down any member before that healer has even had the chance to call for help on vent... well, there's a problem.

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Lol no they cannot.


Um yes they can if they are good.


Any good dps in the game can make someone come on these forums and scream nerf on any giving day.


Anyone in champ gear can get a video made of them making someone cry.


It is that simple.

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the memory imprint the skill that puts you flat on your nose the defeat that happens after that is part of the problem.


sage/sorc/bh/trooper are fastly superior in every way in pvp /pve, do it from 30 meters, spam tracer missile for 12k damage in under 6 seconds , the fact that you dont remember all those ridiculous defeats is because the imprint on being flat on your nose makes it seem you are more helpless then being spammed by slow from 30 meters lightning/pebble you to dead in under 10 seconds, the imprint it leaves is annoying but not nearly as annoying as being flat on your nose.


assassins also knock you on your face, can actually double backstab and assassinate in a rotation doing far more damage then an operative with 350+ expertise, inside and outside of stealth, have ranged skills that do a ton of damage, can cc more effectively since their cooldowns of cc are far less most are 15 seconds or less, where operatives if trained can debilitate for 4 seconds every 30 seconds (45 seconds without training (training takes 7 skill points in a tree that sucks) have backstab on a 9 second cooldown, shiv is on a 6 second cooldown, where assassins have no cooldown, have extra force regen when popping out of stealth, which makes double backstab possible, their stun is 4 seconds just like operatives/scoun but on a 15 seconds delay instead of 45, they have other stuns as well, spike for example another 4 second skill, stuns from lightning etc etc.


if you nerf operatives, these classes will get it too, operatives/scoundrel damage is fine, it is ranged who are overpowered, yet dont leave an imprint since they dont knock you on your nose, making the feeling of helplessness even worse, yet the BH tracer/sorc lightning doing the same damage from 30 meters doesnt leave that impact after defeat like an operative/scound and you are also forgetting the insane shadow/assassins who also knock you on your nose and can do far more then that....


i hope they implement these 50 brackets soon, also the whining of ranged classes getting stunned and killed, you do the same thing from 30 meters to an out of stealth operative many times, if they cant restealth which is on a 3 minute cooldown if not dotted they get hammered by your tracer missile with not a chance in the world, they dont have gap closers either unlike assassins.shadows, how unfair is that ? knockback, slow, tracer tracer tracer dead, cant do anything....

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sorry but that is completely false.


I have full champ gear and died in 3 hits



My Full champion geared pvp tank dies with 5 hits from stealh operative attacking and I have 20k health I have always wondered how long dps geared guy last. Now I have answer. :D


I can fight back maybe with 1-2 strike but when fight ends I always die and stealh guy only lose 20% of his health max at that point I have lost all my 20k health and I die.


Only becouse I am tank spec and geared I can last more than 3 hits.


No other champion geared class can kill me so fast and only losing so small number of health than covert operatives or smuglers.


Thanks for making video.

Edited by Nordicus
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sorry but that is completely false.


I have full champ gear and died in 3 hits


Notes about this 'evidence'.


1. We see that the agent is fully Champed out, not the sorcerer. Your sorcerer has no buffs up and unknown gear.


2. There is a drop in frame-rate to about 1-2 while the agent is hitting you with no numbers showing until the end (granted numbers shown were spectacular).


3. The Agent appears to have at least 1 stim going (yellow symbol, far right)


You'll have to excuse me if I'm skeptical.

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No other champion geared class can kill me so fast and only losing so small number of health than covert operatives or smuglers.


exactly and that is the reason why this class needs to be looked at (others maybe also) But its NOT a coincidence that there is a lot of threads about them. Why is no one complaining about Marauders ? And its not because that given player in a given example didnt pop a given skill. In this case its the mass that counts.


Why should the masses all decide out of the sudden to complain and make videos to the same class?

Edited by Anubiran
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Honestly though, this game is F2P by the end of the year. The lack of foresight by the development team has been astounding. By Jan 20th, only the fanboys and those using this game as a waiting room will remain. Either way, they (Bioware) are not going to be able to pay for it.



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I've had many snipers pop evasion against me and guess how many dodges I've seen on my knife attacks.... 0


That's weird, you must have so much accuracy that you send them into negative defenses because I've dodge 100% melee/ranged attacks directed at me by Scoundrels and Operatives every time I've used the ability on them.

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Um yes they can if they are good.


Any good dps in the game can make someone come on these forums and scream nerf on any giving day.


Anyone in champ gear can get a video made of them making someone cry.


It is that simple.


Just the fact that you claim the can do the same damage only tells the rest of us at lvl 50 who is good at PvP that you are clueless. And because you are this cluless or trolling that only tells me you are not a good player because good players actually have a clue.

With all the info given with the terms of these kills there are still people like you saying all is good because you are the only one who can play and all the rest of us must suck and should l2p. So sad the arrogance...

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No they cant !!! stop lying.


Lets not forget this thread people with more proof http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=149977


Lol bads. Yes, they can. Someone just posted a video in this thread of a BH doing it.


And lol @ your proof. Did you watch that video? Man, he sure kicks the **** out of a lot of lowbies in that video, doesn't he? Lol proof.


Bioware isn't touching Operative until they get real metrics on fully PvP geared toons vs. fully PvP geared toons. I suggest you figure out a way to survive the initial burst like good players do.

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