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November preorders get IN here!!


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Brace yourself for the next wave landing and look for the latest date confirmed to get in. Check your email and your redeemed codes on your account just to be sure.


This is all based on the # of players. Since that is not publicly given out - the best metric we can track is the latest dates confirmed to get in.

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There process is going to slow so figure we wont be playing until probably the weekend if they still have not been able to get all of the people for July and August in we might as well forget it.


People have stated the loading times like it was in open beta are long which I thought they would have improved. I just say they should have not added the extra two days of early access to make people go crazy like this and improved either server access or added more servers to this whole process and I am sure they knew this game was going to be very popular.


The money alone they will get from all these preorders on the 20th will pay for more then enough equipment to support a better starting process then what they have.


you do know they are adding servers as they need to.

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Brace yourself for the next wave landing and look for the latest date confirmed to get in. Check your email and your redeemed codes on your account just to be sure.


This is all based on the # of players. Since that is not publicly given out - the best metric we can track is the latest dates confirmed to get in.


Seems like Nov is a big spike of pre-orders just by this thread alone.

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i pre-ordered on 11/19....but had to wait 10days to get my code..so I maybe got the code registered on the 29th ...ish....saw the posts today tho and it looked like they were emailing 4 waves so who knows, we may be in by friday. Hell thats still OK with me, considering launch wasnt realy supposed to happen till the 15th, if we are in on friday the 16th then we are still ahead of the curve! I am just not looking forward to the standing in line midnight the 19th to grab my preorder copy at the store. I hate mob sceens....would rather be sitting here playing than waiting for the store to give me my CE!

See you guys on the inside soon enuff.

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11/26 here. Hoping for Friday. Thursday would be Awesome but Saturday would work too.


Back on July 21st I was playing wow and saying anyone that talked about swtor were losers because they wanted to play a star wars game. By November I have changed my tune and quit wow and was watching any swtor beta video I could find. I finally decided to pre-order on the 26th.


Am I a sad panda that I haven't gotten in yet and my prospects for tomorrow look bad? Naturally I am. But that is what I get for not jumping on the bandwagon until late.


I can accept that.


Too many people in this community that cant. It's sad.

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