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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Is there a way to make an actual poll? I'd love to see actual data without having to flip through dozens of pages to get some idea of what people think about this important topic.





That would require implementing usefull features seen elsewhere - that's a big nogo:D

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No. I unsubbed about 3 days ago, and things expire on the 20th. The game is just bad, and I can't lie to myself about this fact anymore. Since launch, I've been trying to convince myself that, just because this is better than the steaming pile that was SWG, it must be a good Star Wars game in its own right.


But it isn't.


There are a million things wrong with this sucker and, to be honest, I don't feel like most of them are fixable. This is a result of a bad design team making dumb decisions from day one. You cannot polish a turd, and this, ladies and gentlemen, is a turd.

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I may subscribe. Currently, I am giving it one more month, and then I’ll re-evaluate. I have kids, bills, etc. I have limited time to play, and I don’t want to waste my time sitting in ques, re-rolling because of a low population server or dealing with frustrating flaws. I have no problem paying for something, but my money and more importantly, my time is worth more than that.


Firkrann Crystal is now so LOW Population that it's ridiculous... 20 people in the fleet in prime times? Several planets with 0 players!! Imagine wanting to run a flash point or some of those heroics… Good Luck. Que times for WZ? 5 mins if you are lucky 30 if you are not.

Server Population is my largest problem. Merge servers, open selective transfers… do something; make us feel that you hear the problem. All I see is server pop issues being ignored because there are overpopulated servers. I will not reroll, I will stop playing. my time is move valuable than spending it rerolling another character due to a population flaw.


Other Problems:



  • No Combat log? Really… when i get two shotted by an Inquisitors i want to know why/how?
  • An inquisitor can cast 2 channel spells and kill me in full champion gear.
  • Not enough bars to bind things... yes, I want to have three types of med packs bound to my bar.
  • I stun someone two times and their resolve bar is full, yet, I get “feared”, stunned, force pulled, punted, leapt to, and choked to fill my resolve bar?
  • Inquisitors/Sages: make a separate healing and dps stat so they can’t kill you in two channel spells and heal themselves to full in two casts within the same spec tree. Hit hard or heal strongly, but both?
  • WZ doors…why so long? Also, if you show up late to a WZ, you have to sit at the door, and then sometimes are removed from the WZ for sitting there too long…
  • Crafting. It’s useless after you hit 50 and have worked hard on getting it to 400. And for what?
  • I don’t like how the PVP gear is stated and there is no way to change out the Enhancements because crafting gear can only be made to level 50 stats. One of the great things about gear in this game is changing out the enhancements, mods and armorings to get the gear you want/like, yet this disappears at 50, when you potentially spend the most time on your character. My shadow spec consular has to get 4 pieces of gear that have Power and Accuracy as their main/largest stats. I need Crit/Surge k thx…



All this being said, I love the game, but wish it were better. Like I said, I’ll give it another month, after that… who knows, I may go back to Xbox.


p.s. at least i don't have to buy stupid crystal/rubies with IRL Cash to gear up in this game...

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They got 3 more weeks to release patch notes for 1.2 update as well as release date, which should be in March. I wanna see changes to PVP and LFD tool. I would really prefer better UI too.


Certain game features may rock , but in the end it all comes down to having fun and right now this game is boring.

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No. I will give it a month or two, then I will probably bounce. The endgame is far too easy. The rewards are boring terrible looking endgame gear, doesn't change if you do the same FP's on hard/nightmare. Hardmode/nightmare is just a dumb idea for extending play. Why the hell would I want to just grind the same FP's... now with bosses that have more health!! Crafting is terrible/useless. BUGSBUGSBUGS! Ahhh I did the thing that is supposed to keep HK-47 from one shotting everyone in the group... oh he's doing it anyway?...5 attempts straight.


So I hope Bioware turns it around... they probably will not.

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For now, yes. I'm still finding plenty to enjoy. Namely:


- finishing my companion stories (gaining affection)

- trying other classes both for their combat style and story differences

- Still need to experience some of the flashpoint content

- Still need to try out some characters on the other side for their stories (I've been primarily focused on Republic so far)

- I'm going dark side on my second character and am enjoying how different many of the stories feel. Both for actual dark choices and also consistently picking responses that follow the dark theme.


But ultimately many changes will need to happen. The game needs more atmosphere in general.. more ambient sounds appropriate to the immediate area.. more interactivity with the general surroundings independent of questing.. more character appearance choices.. more races.. something more to do at end game since it's a brand new mmo yet utilizes the same boring gear progression grind system that has been commonplace for years now. I was hoping the game would bring something new to the table for that aspect.


In sort, I'm having fun but the game right now doesn't feel like an RPG and therefore doesn't fill that RPG type craving and may not hold my interest long term.

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Wasn't going to yesterday, after the extended patch notes for 1.1.5 there's no chance in hell I'll ever feed Bioware money off of this game again ever.


Instead of fixing Ilum they try to make it dead... where exactly is my money going to? Surely not into fixing.

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