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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I will pay even when i am deployed to Afghanistan. I wish there was a year sub. I would do it in a heart beat.


Don't give them a years worth of your money. If you wanna stick around do it month by month or maybe thru GTC.


Having been deployed I know whats like wanting to have something good to play on your down time.


Enjoy the game, just dont go too hard for a year. Even though paying oversears can be a pain..

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Already cancelled. Probably will re-sub for a while after 1.2, just to level an alt or two and watch legacy system in all it's glory, since the story is really good. There is nothing else for me. PvP is boring and limited, most of the group PvE content is unavailable for me due to lack of proper tools.

Edited by Kid_Vertigo
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I will be continuing until i deem it necessary not to play. I am currently having fun with what i have going on now.


There are bugs, yes... There are things i dont like, but crying about it or '************' isnt going to help... I submit my /bug or support issues and let whom i am paying do their job.


If you expect this game to be off the shelf perfect.. go back to your dream world, its "ain't" gonna happen.

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Same here. Not having fun atm, can't bother to play at all. As if PvP wasn't broken/laggy enough to begin with, now we gotta wait for our abilities to go all flashy on us everytime we use one (every 1.5 seconds as melee) and on top of it wait a whole second after every GCD is over for ability icons to fade back in/light up just so we can see what's on CD as it's not happening instantly? ***? How is that productive gameplay/PvP? No thanks. Edited by darthtoph
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No. My husband logged onto his account and played for a short time. I watched. The new UI gave me a seizure so I cancelled my sub. He's cancelling his as well.


Before people call shenanigans on this or get all "ZOMG go to the hospital" I am a medicated epileptic who has never had a game related seizure before, but the pre-existing condition is still there.


No, I am not ok with being tossed in your bathtub with detergent and delicates, thus doing your laundry. ;)


20 days left on sub. I will definitely watch to see if an option to disable the flashing is offered. If it's offered with an apology for hurting so many people (physically, not hurting their feelings) then I'd still come back and pay more money for this game.

I mean... come on... I have a *lightsaber*. How cool is that?

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This game fails...






I dont care what anyone says or what they say defending it. YOU CANT DEFEND THE MONEY AND TIME SINK THAT WENT INTO THIS GAME.



Thats logic. And theres nothing that anyone can say to convince me otherwise.







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I hit 50 with my jedi guardian and am bored somewhat. Havent leveled any alts above 12.


I cant transfer my main to the server where my RL friends have been playing and frankly even if i did they arent playing the game that much. Im figuring Ill cancel and wait a few months for this game to get polished a bit more (legacy system and server transfers mainly) . Alt specs would be nice too so i could have one spec for running instances and another for pvp etc. But overall i started to notice things getting kinda dull once i hit corellia. Its a good game but there isnt much depth yet (and that will come with time i figure).


Mainly now im busy with the game that shall not be named and need to budget my gaming dollar as I dont have alot of money and time right now.


Ill give it a few months and monitor my friends and the game itself and decide then whether to come back or not.

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I thought I will, until yesterday.

I loged, did 10 mins of gameplay, and I closed the game. New cooldown animation is making me sick. I wont subscribe, if they dont fix this disaster asap. And yes, I am not one of those pros, who dsnt need to look at his skill bar. I need to do it sometime!


You have 4 days of play time remaining.
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Nope. Have not logged in for 2 days and really dont have the desire to do so anymore.


After valor 60 the only reason to log in is for the 2 dailys and 2 weeklies.


The WZ daily/weekly takes forever because so many wins do not count and kill trading on ilum is so awesome.


pretty much done until they fix these issues.

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I'm enjoying it, and I will continue to enjoy it, but I think there is a need for innovation somehow. I'm looking forward to future changes.


In my most honest of opinions (as someone who really does enjoy the hell out of this game) I think a free-to-play model would make the most sense here. The levelling content is worth the money, but the end-game is not worth a recurring subscription for someone who doesn't want to roll alts. Once again, I look forward to future changes. As barren as the end-game is, I remember Age of Conan at launch (another game I loved that didn't quite hit the mark) and there was no end-game there at all.


A lot of the hate for this game is unfounded, but there is room for improvement. I'm looking forward to future changes.

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