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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Im up in the air about it. My buddy and i started on Kathol Rift server, and it was a bad choice for us. The population on the server has been dropping daily and there seems to be very little going on.


Our own fault you say? Reroll on a busier server? Youd be correct on both counts. The thought of abandoning a character i have 8 days played on (several more from 6-20), a couple million credits, Legacy lvl 11, the hundreds of blues i reverse engineered for artifact grade recipies, leaves me cringing. Plus, i love my class/spec (consular/shadow/kinetic combat). I can tell you i have little interest in re-leveling the same thing again. Another thing I was hoping was in place was a Legacy carry-over, subscription based, but it is server based and switching over abandons anything already earned.


Way too many servers imo. It all seemed so innocent when we started playing on Dec 20th or so. Clearly we didnt want to wait in ques ranging from 10m-well over an hour, so we chose a moderatlely populated server. Like i said, the pop has either stopped playing or kept their eye on diminishing ques and moved early. I spent a great deal of time (unhealthy really) in the first month and have what i consider too much time spent to make this an easy decision. Character transfers would obviously do the trick, yet after reading through forums it appears to the be opinion of many that this move is a long ways off.


Server activity is just too important an aspect of any MMO

My first MMO, i origanally landed on a very popular server and never realized how important that was untill my 2nd MMO. In that game i was able to transfer from a dead server to a jumping one and it revived the game for me. I believe this ties into subscriptions, which is why im gonna let this ride here.

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I did NOT continue my sub. This game is just awful in about every catagory - but the one that really pushed me over the edge was the RNG system some idiot at Bio decided would be a great idea. Complete and utter joke of a game - thanks for leading us on for five + years.
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Im leaning towards not re subbing, I can forgive Bioware for making a stupid uninformed descision like the total screw up on ilum, but just ignoring it for two weeks? i dont think so. then pile on all the game breaking bugs in operations, no combat log (i still cant believe this), All the other stupid little bugs that dont break the game but make it alot less enjoyable like gear having the wrong stats.


Even if Bioware fixed everything by march i dont think i would resub, the game has been out a month and very little has been fixed, and they do very little to fix their massive screw ups, thats not something i want to invest in.

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Problem is, they tried to attract the WoW crowd by making a WoW clone yet people are burnt out on WoW.


I understand the leveling process was very well done and nothing like anything in the MMO genre, but once you get to max level it's a 2004 wow clone with less things to do.


People can't hide behind this "well its only been out for a month!" because why will people continue to sub for a game that is inferior to the competition?


Light sabers and space can only hold interest for so long, unless they polish this game really well in the next few months, I definitely won't be back.



Yes. I will enjoy my pandas.

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I will say yes for now but its really a shaky yes. I feel the game is great aside from all the bugs and i do have fun while playing but honestly the game feels unfinished for lack of a better word. My max toon is lvl 44 and i'm honestly scared to hit 50 becasue i feel like there will be nothing left to do so i kinda been making alts and playing them a little as i slowly progress my main. But a few things that are making me consider unsubbing is Definetly just the lack of a mmo feeling. It really does feel llike a single player game with a chat. If i do unsub which i'm kinda 50/50 about atm and waiting to hit 50 and see what is out there for endgame content but this is my main concerns.


The lack of a LFD. It is like pulling teeth trying to find a grp for anything. I know i mentioned this b4 in a post but its gotten nothing but worst ever since. I'm a healer and i still cant find people for heroic missions or flashpoints.


The lack of overall customization. The ui is straight up terrible. You cant see any of ur procs, there are no timers, there are no macro's (which is straight up ridiculous imo) and i dont mean lack of customization in the ui i also mean lack of overall in game customization. First off u have no character customization its like u get the 3 talent builds and thats it and that is a straight up copy from other mmo's i mean cmon add something new . U cant do anything with ur companions in terms of customization. At least if there was macro's u could have a little fun macro'n ability's and stuff but no.


Space ship - I'm the type that does'nt like to read to much about a new mmo that i'm interested in or play beta because i like the surpise. So when i was in kaas and my master told me she gave me my own star ship i cant explain how excited i was to to get to the spaceport to check it out and then how disapointed i was to see how dull both the overall "having ur own ship was". I just fee like they could have done SOO much more with it. It would be awesome if u could customize and ir u companions actually moved around a little bit in there. And there just need to be more stuff in there to do.


Space missions - The first 3 i got i LOVED. They were so much fun and then as i got more and more i realized that they were the same friggen stages over and over again.. thats when it turned into a annoying grind. everyone has the same ships and the same missions. The only one i played so far that was unqiue and i really enjoyed was the minefield one. Not to mention they are exteemely easy making them really boring.


The game needs addon support - i know alot poeple debate this but imo a mmo needs to have a recount. It adds alot to a mmo. It is extremely useful for theorycrafting, its adds a more competitve feeling to the game which i enjoy. Go look at games like wow and see how succsessful Worldoflogs.com is. People enjoy ranking. They enjoy pushing themselves and there skill to the max. It is a huge part of mmo's and without it i'm afraid the game will dull out really quickly.


I know this looks like alot and they plan of fixing most of it but honeslty most of it should have been released with the game I feel they spent way to much time on the voice acting and questing and that took way to much away form everything else. Now its like we have to wait for them to trickle out more features or improve features in the game over the next years over small tiny patches. Like the whole legacy thing.. **** like that should be out we should'nt have to wait for this stuff. That honeslty the one thing that swtor is introducing that looks kinda new to mmo's aside form voice acting and its not even out.

Sorry this is so long i kinda used this as chance to vent i guess but overall i am enjoying swtor and the voice acting and questing so far so i will continue to sub until i get bored which i hope is'nt soon.

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They JUST added a new flashpoint and increased the size of Kragga operation. What more do you want in a month?




there's not much they can do about it, people like playing the bad guys, how can BW change what people enjoy doing?




That is what the game was going to be like, they always said it is going to be like this, so while I agree that there's always just one way to go, it's just what many RPGs (moreso MMOs) are.




Can't be fixed in 5 weeks


Buddy, you have to realize that the game has been out for a month now. You can't expect them to fix bugs, improve crafting AND add new end-game content IN JUST A FREAKING MONTH. Give them some time, it'll get better. Or don't and unsub for a few months. But don't blame BW for not fulfilling your unrealistic expectations.




Not listening? They're trying to fix ability dealy, there are gonna be macros, customizable UI (read the post where they talk about what's coming up)... Seems like they are adding/fixing things players are complaining about, which seems like the very definition of listening to playerbase to me.


I hope what you say comes to fruition.


I have been here since the beginning and wanted desperately to love this game. But something that keeps me hooked and keeps me interested is missing for me. I wish I could place it.


As for the "give them some time to fix things", there is an issue: Many of the game-breaking issues and other significant issues were known about since early beta. Just one example out of many would be the unresponsiveness of the controls, and also the texture issues. They have had months and months to fix these before launch, and they were never fixed.


I'll give them two months to start making significant improvements, otherwise I will simply unsub until they do. *Shrug*

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I will say yes for now but its really a shaky yes. I feel the game is great aside from all the bugs and i do have fun while playing but honestly the game feels unfinished for lack of a better word. My max toon is lvl 44 and i'm honestly scared to hit 50 becasue i feel like there will be nothing left to do so i kinda been making alts and playing them a little as i slowly progress my main. But a few things that are making me consider unsubbing is Definetly just the lack of a mmo feeling. It really does feel llike a single player game with a chat. If i do unsub which i'm kinda 50/50 about atm and waiting to hit 50 and see what is out there for endgame content but this is my main concerns.


The lack of a LFD. It is like pulling teeth trying to find a grp for anything. I know i mentioned this b4 in a post but its gotten nothing but worst ever since. I'm a healer and i still cant find people for heroic missions or flashpoints.


The lack of overall customization. The ui is straight up terrible. You cant see any of ur procs, there are no timers, there are no macro's (which is straight up ridiculous imo) and i dont mean lack of customization in the ui i also mean lack of overall in game customization. First off u have no character customization its like u get the 3 talent builds and thats it and that is a straight up copy from other mmo's i mean cmon add something new . U cant do anything with ur companions in terms of customization. At least if there was macro's u could have a little fun macro'n ability's and stuff but no.


Space ship - I'm the type that does'nt like to read to much about a new mmo that i'm interested in or play beta because i like the surpise. So when i was in kaas and my master told me she gave me my own star ship i cant explain how excited i was to to get to the spaceport to check it out and then how disapointed i was to see how dull both the overall "having ur own ship was". I just fee like they could have done SOO much more with it. It would be awesome if u could customize and ir u companions actually moved around a little bit in there. And there just need to be more stuff in there to do.


Space missions - The first 3 i got i LOVED. They were so much fun and then as i got more and more i realized that they were the same friggen stages over and over again.. thats when it turned into a annoying grind. everyone has the same ships and the same missions. The only one i played so far that was unqiue and i really enjoyed was the minefield one. Not to mention they are exteemely easy making them really boring.


The game needs addon support - i know alot poeple debate this but imo a mmo needs to have a recount. It adds alot to a mmo. It is extremely useful for theorycrafting, its adds a more competitve feeling to the game which i enjoy. Go look at games like wow and see how succsessful Worldoflogs.com is. People enjoy ranking. They enjoy pushing themselves and there skill to the max. It is a huge part of mmo's and without it i'm afraid the game will dull out really quickly.


I know this looks like alot and they plan of fixing most of it but honeslty most of it should have been released with the game I feel they spent way to much time on the voice acting and questing and that took way to much away form everything else. Now its like we have to wait for them to trickle out more features or improve features in the game over the next years over small tiny patches. Like the whole legacy thing.. **** like that should be out we should'nt have to wait for this stuff. That honeslty the one thing that swtor is introducing that looks kinda new to mmo's aside form voice acting and its not even out.

Sorry this is so long i kinda used this as chance to vent i guess but overall i am enjoying swtor and the voice acting and questing so far so i will continue to sub until i get bored which i hope is'nt soon.


You aren't level 50 yet - wait until you do and then come post in here. I guarantee this "shaky yes" will become a solid no.

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I will say yes for now but its really a shaky yes. I feel the game is great aside from all the bugs and i do have fun while playing but honestly the game feels unfinished for lack of a better word. My max toon is lvl 44 and i'm honestly scared to hit 50 becasue i feel like there will be nothing left to do so i kinda been making alts and playing them a little as i slowly progress my main. But a few things that are making me consider unsubbing is Definetly just the lack of a mmo feeling. It really does feel llike a single player game with a chat. If i do unsub which i'm kinda 50/50 about atm and waiting to hit 50 and see what is out there for endgame content but this is my main concerns.


The lack of a LFD. It is like pulling teeth trying to find a grp for anything. I know i mentioned this b4 in a post but its gotten nothing but worst ever since. I'm a healer and i still cant find people for heroic missions or flashpoints.


The lack of overall customization. The ui is straight up terrible. You cant see any of ur procs, there are no timers, there are no macro's (which is straight up ridiculous imo) and i dont mean lack of customization in the ui i also mean lack of overall in game customization. First off u have no character customization its like u get the 3 talent builds and thats it and that is a straight up copy from other mmo's i mean cmon add something new . U cant do anything with ur companions in terms of customization. At least if there was macro's u could have a little fun macro'n ability's and stuff but no.


Space ship - I'm the type that does'nt like to read to much about a new mmo that i'm interested in or play beta because i like the surpise. So when i was in kaas and my master told me she gave me my own star ship i cant explain how excited i was to to get to the spaceport to check it out and then how disapointed i was to see how dull both the overall "having ur own ship was". I just fee like they could have done SOO much more with it. It would be awesome if u could customize and ir u companions actually moved around a little bit in there. And there just need to be more stuff in there to do.


Space missions - The first 3 i got i LOVED. They were so much fun and then as i got more and more i realized that they were the same friggen stages over and over again.. thats when it turned into a annoying grind. everyone has the same ships and the same missions. The only one i played so far that was unqiue and i really enjoyed was the minefield one. Not to mention they are exteemely easy making them really boring.


The game needs addon support - i know alot poeple debate this but imo a mmo needs to have a recount. It adds alot to a mmo. It is extremely useful for theorycrafting, its adds a more competitve feeling to the game which i enjoy. Go look at games like wow and see how succsessful Worldoflogs.com is. People enjoy ranking. They enjoy pushing themselves and there skill to the max. It is a huge part of mmo's and without it i'm afraid the game will dull out really quickly.


I know this looks like alot and they plan of fixing most of it but honeslty most of it should have been released with the game I feel they spent way to much time on the voice acting and questing and that took way to much away form everything else. Now its like we have to wait for them to trickle out more features or improve features in the game over the next years over small tiny patches. Like the whole legacy thing.. **** like that should be out we should'nt have to wait for this stuff. That honeslty the one thing that swtor is introducing that looks kinda new to mmo's aside form voice acting and its not even out.

Sorry this is so long i kinda used this as chance to vent i guess but overall i am enjoying swtor and the voice acting and questing so far so i will continue to sub until i get bored which i hope is'nt soon.


This mirrors my feelings on the game very closely.


Add in the inability to customize the UI, faction imbalance, gameplay performance issues (my computer is beastly good, yet lags like a crappy computer), and the feeling of being "burned out", and you have my ideas summarized nicely.


+5 reputation for you, good sir.

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yes i will keep playing i think it is pretty good yes some small bugs but every MMO has those


actually the only thing that really "bugs" me is the maintenace it's self , i mean really

4 HOUR + maintenance on a saturday in the daytime (europe time CET) that is really the WRONG time to do maintenance , this is REALLY THE ONLY REAL BUG this game has

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Myself and 15 friends are going to be unsubbing. No end game content and the plethora of bugs, half realized features and lacking fundamental features (really..no combat log? Hello Kitty Online has a combat log) means I wont be wasting any more $$ here. If they fix the game...sure maybe ill consider it. I really dont think its likely though.


Worst game release since age of conan.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


Yes, as long as the game continues to entertain me. 3-6 months is usually a good indicator which direction a particular game will go.

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yes i will keep playing i think it is pretty good yes some small bugs but every MMO has those


actually the only thing that really "bugs" me is the maintenace it's self , i mean really

4 HOUR + maintenance on a saturday in the daytime (europe time CET) that is really the WRONG time to do maintenance , this is REALLY THE ONLY REAL BUG this game has


If that is the only bug you think this game has - you are on some serious narcotics.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.




I'm simply having a lot of fun playing this game and this is all that matters. When I stop having fun, I'll stop my subscription.

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Having not logged in for 3 days now I am not too sure where I stand, I might keep it going for another month and see what the future brings, but having an interest in PvP only (I never care for raids and the like) I find other games give me a more fun PvP experience, I think PvP in this game could become decent, but its not doing it for me right now.
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No, not right now. When they fix pvp, add interresting content, add a LOT more warzone maps and a whole host of other things that are missing i'll be back.


I enjoy this game, it's great, but im out of things to do that interrest or entertain me...after 5-6 weeks? Thats not a good sign for a subscription based mmorpg.

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Unless they put some kind of real group finder tool in before my sub runs out next month i doubt me or my BF will be staying.


We really dont enjoy PvP and i flat out refuse to sit spamming in fleet any more. I have been playing MMOs for 10+ years now and i been there, done that and i aint doing it anymore.


I have alts but that isnt an answer to the problem. In other games getting to max level feels like the real fun has just started, but with this its like smacking your face into a wall.


Overall im pretty dissapointed in the game that we waited so long for :(

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Probably not. It is fun and I always loved BW's style of RPG and choices. Do they really matter? Probably not but the choices are interesting enough to warrant another play-through.



Frankly, I see it as a single player game with MP components much like you get for playing Uncharted, MW3, BF3, etc. Game that you don't spend a monthly sub. Honestly I don't want to pay a monthly sub for something that is essentially ME 1/23 DA 1/2 add chat and grouping/pvp and call it and MMO.

Edited by DarthTenor
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Of course.


It's also worth mentioning the last thread went about 9/10 in favor of "yes." An actual poll to click would help though. :p


It's even more interesting to note that if your subscription has already lapsed, you are unable to post on the forums.


That kind of negates any hope for actual statistical data (if there was any hope for it in the first place, anyway).

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  • 2 weeks later...

No. :(


Our guild from another game came to SWOTR, about 30 people. I think 4 are left. I have 2 weeks left of paid time and already uninstalled the game. I am bummed. I love SW, liked SWG until the Village, HATE WoW. All I have left is Netflix and the occasional search for forums and articles confirming what I found, TOR isn't worth paying for. I probably wouldn't play it if it was free either.

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