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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I will if i have the money( kinda running low Hahahah). I'm having loads of fun with my friends. And I think imo that the game is really good. Yes, the games has some problems. But the game has only been out for like what a month or so. I just don't think its a fair comparison to other MMO's that have been out for 2+ years.


Also on another note, this is the first MMO i've bought. I've played other MMOs and they just seem bland.



Anyway yes i will if i have the money ^_^

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


probably won't renew again..


whats wrong with the game that disappoints me cannot and will not get fixed. It's the gerenral lazy world design and the cookie cutter NPC's that have been put in it. None of this will get fixed vs. working on linear (gear/leveling) content for end game pi$$ed off lvl 50 players...


why probably.. well currently there's no where to go.. come GW2 and even a sniff of a rich multi dimensional world and a real player economy.. I'll be off.. failing that i'll take another several year break from MMO's and see what comes around..

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I plan on sticking around for awhile. I'm having lots of fun with this game. I was thinking about unsubscribing when I got to a level where I encounter Empire players on my PVE server, if Bioware doesn't fix the problem of griefers tricking PVE players into flagging and then ganking them. But the Devs have started responding to that on the forums, and stated that "trick-flagging" to grief other players in a violation of the rules of conduct on PVE servers and is a reportable offense - and they also stated that the problem is being worked on. If that is the case, then I am definitely sticking around.
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Yes for now me my two brothers and a load of our guildies from wow will continue to subscribe however this was only ever a temporary game for us anyway as we all eagerlly awaiting GWs2 then we unsubcribe i think there a lot of other people in same boat.

Even being a massive star wars nut myself there is not enough to hold me.

Take away Star Wars theme and look at it as a spaceage/scfi mmo this game would never of got out of development.

Dont get me wrong i enjoy this game but ill be supprised if in 5 years its mentioned much anymore in the mmo world

Edited by Swids
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I am leaning on unsubscribing.


I feel like Bioware isn't acting fast enough to fix the game breaking issues currently in the game. Among the worst are these:


Lack of end-game content.

Faction imbalance.

Feeling of being "Too directed", meaning much of the content feels forced on me.

Lackluster crafting.


What is worse is this: I fee like Bioware isn't listening and doesn't care what any of the players think, or only works on something if they get enough pressure by the community.


I tried so hard to love this game, Bioware, I really did. I have stuck by this game since it was announced, and it breaks my heart.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Of course, how could I not resub?


I have only finished one character's storyline, which means I have 7 left to do and a LOT of content left to explore.


Great job on the BH story Bioware, love my Merc. Current projects are a similar Vanguard on Republic side, as well as a mid-level Sith Sin. Both of these stories are entertaining and awesome as well. I barely have time to run a few FP's a week with my current 50 Merc!


Kudos on getting the female Commander Sheppard back for the Vanguards voice btw, made me love the character instantly.


Plans are: Merc, Vanguard, Sin, Scoundrel, Jugg, Sage, Sentinel, and finally Sniper.


Hoping the pure DPS classes will be a little more balanced by the time I get around to them :)

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Lack of end-game content.


They JUST added a new flashpoint and increased the size of Kragga operation. What more do you want in a month?


Faction imbalance.


there's not much they can do about it, people like playing the bad guys, how can BW change what people enjoy doing?


Feeling of being "Too directed", meaning much of the content feels forced on me.


That is what the game was going to be like, they always said it is going to be like this, so while I agree that there's always just one way to go, it's just what many RPGs (moreso MMOs) are.


Lackluster crafting.


Can't be fixed in 5 weeks


Buddy, you have to realize that the game has been out for a month now. You can't expect them to fix bugs, improve crafting AND add new end-game content IN JUST A FREAKING MONTH. Give them some time, it'll get better. Or don't and unsub for a few months. But don't blame BW for not fulfilling your unrealistic expectations.


What is worse is this: I fee like Bioware isn't listening and doesn't care what any of the players think, or only works on something if they get enough pressure by the community.


Not listening? They're trying to fix ability dealy, there are gonna be macros, customizable UI (read the post where they talk about what's coming up)... Seems like they are adding/fixing things players are complaining about, which seems like the very definition of listening to playerbase to me.

Edited by MartyCZE
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Will carry on for abit longer,gonna level a few alts but as Bioware have decided to go the wow,rift root of end game only being about raiding then I will only be around until the next potential good mmo appears tsw,Guildwars 2,archeage. Hopefully these will be alittle more original.
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Yes I will continue. I'm having fun leveling a Jedi shadow and have five other AC at level 20 to take to 50 (one at a time to enjoy the story and playing nuances). I'll have all professions to max by then. Then I'll continue raiding with my guild as Bioware makes more and more content and improves the game over all. At that point I'll consider PVP on the AC I like best .


I'll do all of the above while having a real life, working, taking my wife out for dinners and playing with my kids.


There are some promising new games coming out soon but the world of MMO and gaming in general has changed forever for us all. There will be more choices of some great potential games (eg Guild Wars 2, Tera and Diablo3 etc..). These games will suck more of our time and we have a choice. Spend more time playing all games or time block a certain amount of playtime for a certain number of games. I choose the latter. This will lead me to slower leveling but a better expereince. I'm cool with that! I want to saver a games story and play rather then rush through to level 50. My point is choose the games and have fun. Don't like them then leave and go tot he next one until you find what it is your looking for.

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