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New IMP (Sniper or Opp)


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I have been playing a lvl 41 Jug and dislike it so far. Especially in pvp as dmg is quite weak. I thought the sniper was a great pvp character but now here all the talk about the opp's being so overpowered. I now kinda want to roll one but I am worried pve that it may be slow if it focuses on stealth abilities and such. But I do see the benefit being able to steatlh around and what not while questing to avoid mobs. What are some thought regarding this?
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There's no reason to go for the "over powered" class, as it will eventually be nerfed. I always go for the supposed "weakest" classes because they always get improved dramatically.


That aside, I've been playing as sniper and it's a freaking blast. Damage output is ridiculous.

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do not roll sniper.. one of the weakest pvp classes out there atm


What, how, have you played a Sniper to 50? I have, and I can tell you I am always in the top 5 of damage and medals, and usually number 1 besides the occasional really good Sorc. Operatives never get top damage, because all they can do is gank a solo player. They can't take 2 because their squishy as hell and if I manage to get off a flash bang before they stun me to the ground, I kill them as well.


Don't dismiss Snipers because of a few false rumors, Snipers are excellent and so far the only class I know of that gets 5k crits(admittedly, I am using a relic but that'ts still insane).

Edited by SpectreVII
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do not roll sniper.. one of the weakest pvp classes out there atm




but seriously to op, if you want a little flexibility in playstyle (in regards to hybrid) and don't like ranged go with operative. the dps side of that AC is great and the healing isn't anything to laugh at either. if you like ranged with a variety of how you play (mm = sit and shoot, engi = cooldown burst with good def, lethality = dot spec, high mobility) go with sniper.

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do not roll sniper.. one of the weakest pvp classes out there atm


You Sir have no idea on what you are talking about. After playing sorc for a while I got bored of the healing and wanted a dps toon, decided to roll a sniper (mostly to stay away from FOTM Operative) and seriously.. I'm having the time of my life in Warzones.


Mind you I dont play like a regular sniper, I barely stay in cover for longer then to fire off 1 Snipe, always on the move throwing grenades and generally pissing people off so that they forget to kill the ball carrier in Huttball and go for me, or I lure people away from the doors in Voidstar or the Turrets during Civil War.


Not to mention that the damage output is just insane if you do it right :)

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Sniper is fine in PVP. The odds don't favour us 1vs1 and we're pretty abysmal in Huttball, but besides that we're pretty damn lethal. While all the glowstick wielders go at each other, we sit back and watch the big numbers fly as we down people with only a few shots.


I think that sums up the Sniper classes in all aspects of the game really:


Solo PVE and PVP = mediocre.


Group PVE and PVP = beastly.

Edited by ZakMorgan
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Sniper is fine in PVP. The odds don't favour us 1vs1 and we're pretty abysmal in Huttball,


Solo PVE and PVP = mediocre.


Group PVE and PVP = beastly.


1v1 if you have problems you're not doing it right. We have so many tools to defeat any class that its really just the player behind the keyboard that will determine the victor.


Huttball, I don't recall not being top damage / kills yet. I hate Huttball, but we do fine in it, partly because people don't come looking for you as often. LoS sucks a bit, but Heavy Shot gets rid of any platform visitors nicely.


Try lethality in Huttball, or a lethality/eng hybrid. Drop an OS in front of the carrier, so they can run through it, Corrosive grenades that aoe snare for 6 seconds, so much for people trying to kill your ball carrier. If they make it through, flashbang them in the fire pits. You can even put a snare on interrogaion probe and use that and legshot to keep people out of it for a bit.


We're not the best class for Huttball but we can damn sure hold our own.

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