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High rez graphics or not?


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Your joking right?

I am no SWTOR fan but I do like MMO's.

I could not handle RIFT at all and after seeing the graphics comparison on Youtube SWTOR Vs Rift and WoW. SWTOR was miles better graphics.


Rift toons have no facial expressions, even the modeling is not as nice as SWTOR.


Thing is... if you make an MMO, you need to cater for HIGH END machines as well.

We should be able to make the game look awesome if our systems are top notch.

Why should I suffer just because some others are using their grandmas old Atari 400?

This is why many are not happy. The game just does not push the envelope, we need more graphics settings, the game to me is not finished, can't complain too much... still looks sweet, and I will be damned if I am going back to DDO.


Rift looks miles better than Star Wars! Maybe your machine just sucked so bad and that is why the graphics suck on rift for you

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