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The real SWTOR community begins Jan 20th 2012


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I'm looking forward to the real forums and community showing up in about 12 days!


I'm looking forward to playing with people that are nice, mature and friendly. Sure there will still be a few jerks here and there but the initial MMO rush new thing players will be gone which with raise the IQ and quality of the product.


Here is my perdiction...


SWTOR had a strong start but will have a dip in population thats noticable after Jan 20th-2012 but will slowly rebuild and surpass thier inital sales and concurrent player base over the year. With 1-2 years this will be an very attractive and healthy MMO and community with massive growth and expansion and stable economy and cool things added!


Looking forward to expansions and redone-resourced space combat experience also. :)





The 3 servers that remain full of RPers? Yup, it will begin then! :D

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If it really is free to try then I will.



Is there anything other than story? I kinda dislike the Mass Effect style talking stuff for a couple of reasons. It removes immersion going to a cinematic style, they should have kept everything 'live' as you would normally be playing. It would have made it more operatic and feel more fluid.


The speech choices are limited and frustrating. Playing gunslinger you have your nemesis who is always trying to get you, so you get a distress call from a ship way out in the middle of nowhere from some girl. Your only options are to agree to help or agree to help and flirt. It was frustrating because I knew it was a trap but my character couldn't say anything other than OMG BEWBS.


Uh I suggest you leave wow alone then there is no story no really there is no story. Swtor has beaten every mmo I have played for story, I got to level 11 in the beta on a sith warrior I was tired and angry after a full day and some at work if it had been wow in fact scratch that I played the burning crusade beta in the same circumstances and went to bed before 61 in swtor I palayed on till the end of the story because I wanted to see what happened the difference? Swtor tells a tale like a good book wow tells a tale like a murderer using newspaper cuttings.

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Most people who have good points about fixes will be here. Those who whine to just whine will still be here also but fewer of them. They will not go away and why you may ask..cuz they whine at home also and people just shut them out so they come to the forums and act out their less than 12 maturity lvl.
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I'm looking forward to the real forums and community showing up in about 12 days!


I'm looking forward to playing with people that are nice, mature and friendly. Sure there will still be a few jerks here and there but the initial MMO rush new thing players will be gone which with raise the IQ and quality of the product.


Here is my perdiction...


SWTOR had a strong start but will have a dip in population thats noticable after Jan 20th-2012 but will slowly rebuild and surpass thier inital sales and concurrent player base over the year. With 1-2 years this will be an very attractive and healthy MMO and community with massive growth and expansion and stable economy and cool things added!


Looking forward to expansions and redone-resourced space combat experience also. :)





You are looking for people that agree exactly with what you say, do not criticise the game in any way, shape or form and lick BioWare's boots.



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To say the community will change is laughable, sure people will quit and there might not be the same people griping, but they will be replaced by new people griping, plus just wait till the majority finally hit 50 and start doing heroic flash points. :D


Note: I am enjoying the difficulty as it is, though I do think some of the enrage timers need to be looked at *cough* Boarding Party Last Boss. But even then I'll still keep trying till I get it.

Edited by Maoxx
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The game officially launched on the 20th right? Should everyone have a free month and at least 1 month for subscription to play? So what happens on the 20th?


If you cancelled your sub, you're done after the 20th.

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I'm sure the Bioware CMs and server technicians can't wait until the 20th. A vast majority of long, well thought out posts about the long term design flaws inherent in this game and the unfinished content that it shipped with that people have been writing since the beta will dwindle to a trickle, enough so that they might easily be shouted down by the shrill, echoing catcalls of "wel if u haet it so mcuh u can go back to wow lol tor rox mi sox". Truly, the forums will moderate themselves soon enough, at least by some definitions.


For what it's worth, I enjoyed TOR for what it is - an incredibly bloated, overwrought KoTOR 3, with subscription-gated co-op play (based around an incredibly safe WoW-style MMO model) to recoup some more of the development costs. And like the first KotOR, I devoured the RPG portion once and am now quite content to move on.

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