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The real SWTOR community begins Jan 20th 2012


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there will always be some trolls its unavoidable, forums are like bridges they attract trolls. you will even see ppl taking out subs just to troll on the forums this is correct. but 2 things will happen, the trolls will get less. and BW will have an easier job of finding proper constructive criticism. which can only be good news for further development Edited by grandmthethird
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I just cancelled ....sorry to break your bubble i highly doubt that happens, its all downhill from here...i have to wonder with all the time and money that went into this game....i have to say REALLY? crappy canned dialogue that forces you on two paths, unbelievably horrid pvp, the running from one end of the map to the other grated on my nerves to no end....bland quests, dull lifeless world, old graphics...How do you ruin a game with the star wars license. wow i actually stayed in dcu for a month and a half, and i HATED that game, lol. So long bioware, I had big hopes for this game.
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I just cancelled ....sorry to break your bubble i highly doubt that happens, its all downhill from here...i have to wonder with all the time and money that went into this game....i have to say REALLY? crappy canned dialogue that forces you on two paths, unbelievably horrid pvp, the running from one end of the map to the other grated on my nerves to no end....bland quests, dull lifeless world, old graphics...How do you ruin a game with the star wars license. wow i actually stayed in dcu for a month and a half, and i HATED that game, lol. So long bioware, I had big hopes for this game.


Your stuffz ... can I haz?

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The community you see today will be the community you see on the 21st. hate to break it to you but nothing will change when 30-days is up.


The names of the /ranters will change to some degree though. :D


Oh, and we might actually have some room in the forum for real discussions rather then so much /flamebait being spread around. ;)

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I'm looking forward to the real forums and community showing up in about 12 days!


I'm looking forward to playing with people that are nice, mature and friendly. Sure there will still be a few jerks here and there but the initial MMO rush new thing players will be gone which with raise the IQ and quality of the product.


Here is my perdiction...


SWTOR had a strong start but will have a dip in population thats noticable after Jan 20th-2012 but will slowly rebuild and surpass thier inital sales and concurrent player base over the year. With 1-2 years this will be an very attractive and healthy MMO and community with massive growth and expansion and stable economy and cool things added!


Looking forward to expansions and redone-resourced space combat experience also. :)






Boy, are you in for a nasty surprise.


He thinks the forums are going to turn into a fanboyropia in 12 days.



or tis a a semi-clever troll

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No SWG proved that bending over to WoW fans destroyed a game with NGE trying to reduce the grind turned the actual fan base against the game and removed the accomplishment.


Appealing to the TOR fanbase is why they have so many servers. Carefully changing things will be key to sub retention. You have to remember Blizzard is the only dev in the market who can consistently screw their playerbase and still get their loyalty.



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while im a little more pessimistic about this community then you.... the lowest of the low will at least be gone. and by lowest fo the low i mean the people that already cancelled and STILL troll non-stop. Edited by Nanomancer
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I've posted this before, but if history has taught us anything about forums, it's when the haters leave, we turn on each other, because that guy's class is too OP and needs nerfs, and our class is too weak and needs buffs.




The NERF raging is already beginning around here.


It's a different sort of troll though. These are money paying trolls and so we must respect them while still endeavoring to slay them at every bridge. :p

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Okay, here is a general and then more detailed factual review per class story!



Graphics: 8/10


Sound: 8/10


Game Mechanics: 7/10


Story-Theme: 9/10


Replay Ability: 8/10



Overall Score: 8/10





Jedi Knight: Good Story and fun class to play with bright beautiful starter world.


Bounty Hunter: Awesome story that really draws you into the game and your character that makes for a super fun class to play with engaging starter world.


Smuggler: Average but cute story, average class with dull and boring starter world! Need to fix play mechanics of this class!


Imperial Agent: Great story and engaging. Great starter world. Nice class options but needs some mechanics fixed... The whole cover/camra thing needs work with response times just like Smugglers!


Sith Warrior: Fantasic Story and Starter world. Enjoyed playing this class with the different flavor then Jedi Knight!



Flash Points: Brilliant and great story!


Okay will update more when I have more to tell!




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Okay, here is a general and then more detailed factual review per class story!



Graphics: 8/10


Sound: 8/10


Game Mechanics: 7/10


Story-Theme: 9/10


Replay Ability: 8/10



Overall Score: 8/10





Jedi Knight: Good Story and fun class to play with bright beautiful starter world.


Bounty Hunter: Awesome story that really draws you into the game and your character that makes for a super fun class to play with engaging starter world.


Smuggler: Average but cute story, average class with dull and boring starter world! Need to fix play mechanics of this class!


Imperial Agent: Great story and engaging. Great starter world. Nice class options but needs some mechanics fixed... The whole cover/camra thing needs work with response times just like Smugglers!


Sith Warrior: Fantasic Story and Starter world. Enjoyed playing this class with the different flavor then Jedi Knight!



Flash Points: Brilliant and great story!


Okay will update more when I have more to tell!





What does this have to do with the topic? Also, not a very objective 'review'. More like an ad.

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Boy are you in for disapointment




these forums will always be a hive of scum and villiany.



Further: i see more insults and childish behavior coming from people who defend the game than I do from people who criticize the game. I think the community will be worse when the people who lodge criticisms leave.

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HAHAHA- the community is dead already! this entire weekend only 2-3 servers had queues- the rest where standerd or heavy!


They dropped the huttball on this one!


lmao..... it's because they have been slowly raising server caps silly.


What that has to do with the topic of discussion (forum community) I have no idea.


So I'm a guess your an example of the topic being discussed. ;)

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Ya I agree after the 20th is when our community begins to form. We will be rid of thousands of the wow kiddies who are finally realizing that Bioware is not going to port every "feature" from that game over here. We will also loose a good portion of the "generation MEEEEE" whines and hopefully not see a new "death penalty is too rough/game is too hard I'm gonna unsub fix or your game will die" thread every day. The forums will be much much better as a result.


There will still be some complainers, and more to unsub on feb 20, and still a bunch of fortune tellers with crystal balls making oracle like predictions about the games future all the time, but this is standard for MMO's.


The 21st is the first day the community begins, after a few months we will see it form.

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I am so looking forward to all that money walking out of Biowares door which will hinder the making of expansions for this game unless the cut out the needless voice acting.


If voice acting as well as making decisions in conversations wasnt in the game, Im sorry but I would have never came to this game.


I dont even pay attention to my EXP bar like I did in wow because all of the quests, even the side quests are engaging and interesting to me to see the story of each world unfold as well as my class story. Voice acting does this doe me, quest boxes, wouldnt.

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If voice acting as well as making decisions in conversations wasnt in the game, Im sorry but I would have never came to this game.


I dont even pay attention to my EXP bar like I did in wow because all of the quests, even the side quests are engaging and interesting to me to see the story of each world unfold as well as my class story. Voice acting does this doe me, quest boxes, wouldnt.


Without the voice acting/cutscenes even more people would play SWTOR.

I mean, I LOVE the game but I wish there was no voiceacting. The stories, IMO, are dull and boring except for 1 or 2 classes.

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