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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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ofc it needs recount.


Enrage timers = dps requirement


without knowing what dps we are doing and more importantly what dps people are NOT doing makes putting in enrage timers extremely frustrating.


if there is a requirement for it we need to know if we are meeting the requirement or not. simples.

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ofc it needs recount.


Enrage timers = dps requirement


without knowing what dps we are doing and more importantly what dps people are NOT doing makes putting in enrage timers extremely frustrating.


if there is a requirement for it we need to know if we are meeting the requirement or not. simples.


Let me save the trouble everyone. I obviously don't have anything better to do.


Now an anti-meter guy will retort by saying something like:

"If the boss isn't dead, you don't have enough dps, just try again. Boss dead = you have enough DPS. Simple. Why do you need an addon to tell you that?"


Then a pro-meter guy will say something like:

"But how do we know what we need to change/improve without meters?"


to which an anti-meter guy will reply with

"You are bad if you need meters to kill bosses"


"If the boss is easy enough, we shouldn't need meters"


Then a pro-meter guy replies with

"The bosses have enrage timer."


The cycle repeats endlessly.


This is what this whole thread is essentially.

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Yes, I do support an in game version of recount. My 2 main reasons:


1. I like to learn more about my class. Recount helps me in that regard. Parses of damage or healing done by abilities, effects of stats on abilities, and optimization of how I play is my primary reason. We can do that now but it's guesswork and napkin math which is ok to start.


2. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it if you don't want to. Keeping recount out of the game doesn't give us the option to use it obviously. Putting it in does, but those who don't want to use it still have the option not to.


I completely understand why people don't want it in the game. However, IMO, the option should be there and let the players decide to use it in game rather than no option at all.


But I wouldn't prioritize it over fixing balancing issues and sever bugs.

Edited by Xeres-
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I'll make this simple without add-ons this game will die just like all the other MMO's that have tried and died.


Oh and i love the look and feel of the game even with all the damn bugs and just horrible UI being only able to have 2 rows of bars on the bottom of your screen is just a horrible idea.


Elitist make a MMO or kill a MMO or the MMO mires in low populations and inevitabily go's the way of free to play which is pretty much the death of a MMO IMO

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ofc it needs recount.


Enrage timers = dps requirement


without knowing what dps we are doing and more importantly what dps people are NOT doing makes putting in enrage timers extremely frustrating.


if there is a requirement for it we need to know if we are meeting the requirement or not. simples.



You don't need recount to beat enrage timers. It is training wheels for people who don't want to beat the content.

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Recount was a very useful tool and I used it for years for many things over than Damage meters.


It would help me love this game even more if it was here in some shape or form.


you could smack a dummy for 100 swings and look at graphs and charts showing: misses, crits, reg damage ect


Showed all your abilities, how much each one hit for etc.


Was very useful for dialing in your char.


In encounters it was fun to compete for top heals or top dps, it drove people to become better than the person they were competing with (like a mini game during a fight) which in the end resulted in more DPS more heals overall :) yeah yeah I know people were overhealing to fake meters... but in general with a group of friends.


CC breakers was great for screw ups breaking cc, so you could call them out and make a scene - maybe next time they would use more win and less fail, you know, that sort of thing.

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You don't need recount to beat enrage timers. It is training wheels for people who don't want to beat the content.


Hey while we are at it let's remove the in game maps too, right? I mean they show the entire area AND even show you exactly where to go to complete quests. Don't need those training wheels, right?


Why don't we get rid of health bars too? I mean you'll know when you are dead, right? You'll just kinda fall over. And force/focus/whatever they are called bars? Don't need them. When I can't cast something I'll know why.


Never seen a game pop this AFRAID of data before. Quite sad.

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The only way I would be okay with an in-game recount is it was for me to see my own DPS so that I could optimize my character's performance. If it is allowed to measure other people's output I am against it.


People can still go to the forums, post thier numbers and ask for input if they want.

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I'll make this simple without add-ons this game will die just like all the other MMO's that have tried and died.


Oh and i love the look and feel of the game even with all the damn bugs and just horrible UI being only able to have 2 rows of bars on the bottom of your screen is just a horrible idea.


Elitist make a MMO or kill a MMO or the MMO mires in low populations and inevitabily go's the way of free to play which is pretty much the death of a MMO IMO


I reject your entire premise. Can you show me a game where they put this stuff in and it saved the game? WoW was huge before and after. Rift put this kind of stuff in, didn't help. I don't think simplistic things like damage meters, fancy graphs, etc make or break a game in any way. The game is alive or dead based on the fundamentals of the game itself. Or in cases where the game is really unfinished there really is no hope (Vanguard or AO as examples). Vanguard is actually a really good game now (I also heard AO was good as well), but they were both such a mess at launch that it is hard to come back from.


Let me ask this: If you can get say 10 new parts of end game content or something like recount, what would you choose?


I don't care for these kinds of things, though I am not vehemently against them either, but I don't think anyone can show that these things are an important and necessary part of a game or has any involvement of a game's success. Don't give me WoW, because WoW was insanely popular before all of the additions and subs have gone done somewhat since their addition (I don't think there is any correlation, just that the game is getting on in years).

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You don't need a speedometer to be a good driver. But, it is helpful in assessing your pace, and I know few who don't glance at it once in awhile.


Same things with meters. Don't need them to be a good player, but, they do help people assess their own output, and can be a useful tool.

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Its pretty simple really. If you need to see your numbers then by all means add it in but only for you to see and post your own numbers. if you need it to see others numbers then you intend to use it to filter out people who do not have as much time as you or that do indeed truly suck. if that is the case then you are nothing more than a weak minded elitist.


If you want it as a guild tool then it needs to work where you only see your Guild members stats that way if you are going to be an elitist you do it to people who are supposedly your friends only.

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This is the problem with these people that don't want DPS meters. They are selfish *****s. They don't realize that this is a team based game, where you are expected to perform adequately.

they want to be able to go with this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301dMuRkZdRRzkzZRfkzd.1 because they want to 'experiment', and when they aren't putting out the DPS they don't want to be singled out... because they want to play the way that they want to play (which is fine, just solo quest then please, dont join my FPs).



DPS meters for me are a tool to see where I went wrong, and what we as a group can do better. If I'm with 2 bounty hunters and one is doing 1000 dps and the other is pushing 250... then maybe someone can talk to the one who is lacking and help him improve. Or maybe the one who is lacking is watching tv, eating cheetos and generally not paying attention to the game. Screw that.

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DPS meters for me are a tool to see where I went wrong, and what we as a group can do better. If I'm with 2 bounty hunters and one is doing 1000 dps and the other is pushing 250... then maybe someone can talk to the one who is lacking and help him improve. .


Noble goal. Anybody with half a brain realizes that it doesn't end up being used for this purpose. Anyone thinking it does, is quite delusional.

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Noble goal. Anybody with half a brain realizes that it doesn't end up being used for this purpose. Anyone thinking it does, is quite delusional.


Even if it's being used to kick the bad player from the group. Why should one person's inability to play ruin the game for the other 3?

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I would support a version that does not post to chat, because I do realize it is an important tool for raid leaders to know who's pulling their own weight, and also for individuals to know how to adjust their rotations/points/gear to make for the best DPS, but I hate idiots who waste their high damage abilities on random yellow critters to boost their DPS so they can rub it in your face in chat every 2 minutes of a run.
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those of you who say no to addons in the excuse that they make the game easier are doomed to fighting bosses endlessly and not knowing which of your dps is failing to pull their weight, which healers arent healing as well as they should be and and knowing what youre taking the most damage from.



its like driving blindfolded, yeah itd be more challenging, but its stupid.

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Recount, damage meters, et...

I personally prefer to play a game, not play to a meter.

Next up would be some external API to create gearscores followed by in game lag times, elitism and shouting matches both in the forums and in general chat about how someone is great or someone isn't worth inviting... but this isn't those other games. The community doesn't write the code, nor do they change the interface, features or functions through mods.


When people can accept that, they can find the enjoyment and simply play the game as it was developed, which is phenomenal. The biggest issue with this game isn't what a user wants to change, but which class to play - after all they're all awesome.


Fanboi since Dec 20th, 2011.

Edited by NuanceNW
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really recount makes the game easier? more like exposes the bad players who are not pulling there weight in a grp, or suck at there class, only bad players support not have a damage meter and any way to record performance


It's thinking like this that makes me want to support not having this in game. The last thing I want is to see some jerk on my team harassing someone else for not performing (when they're otherwise doing fine). If they are playing bad enough to drop, it will be obvious without any metering feature.

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