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An interesting suggestion.


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So i just had this random idea pop into my head, what if we (say those who have attained the rank of 50, maybe lower idk) take on players as our apprentices? Think about it this way "A skilled person, teaching a newbie the ropes". Make it like a quest thing. It could sound something like this, for say a DS 5 SW (EX: my marauder):


"Another worthless nerfherder just swinging his lightsaber around like a mindless fool, you make me sick. The Empire needs strong men and women to crush the Republic!" (Person responds, then the SW goes on), "You're in luck! I am feeling very motivated today to teach you how to properly bring death and destruction to your foes!".


Some of the quests that could be given could be:


1) Kill 1 person in pvp, this could later develop into kill 5,10,20,50,100,1000 (will count from different war zones as well).

2) Finish a FP without standing in the fire

3) Explore a Planet, with a bonus of do all the quests in it.

4) Befriend 10 players

5) and lastly, defeat your "master" in pvp, or join your master in an operation and kill the final boss with his group.


Each completion of a certain quest line will give you an orange modifiable piece of Armor, weapon. Completing each quest will obviously grant you xp and credits, as well as perhaps a vanity pet or gear, or even a title. A cool title at the start could be "Nerfherder", "Sidekick", or something else. This could really enhance the community and create strong bonds.


Well tell me what you think of this idea, comments and what not.


Peace out.


TL;DR: Allow your character to assume the role of a "master" over another player and give him quests.

Edited by Red_Vs_Blue
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I don't think you're allowed to call your own ideas interesting as if it's a given, you need to present them and then let everyone else decide.


Just saying.


Good point, then again, i did not see anyone suggest this before. Thus it is interesting, if not the idea then the concept is.


Edit: but what do you think of it?

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I don't think you're allowed to call your own ideas interesting as if it's a given, you need to present them and then let everyone else decide.


Just saying.


yeah this. also as entertaining as your RP was. you can't habe level 50s taking on newbies lke this, it would lead to ppl taking advantage of the noobs or ppl installing there bad habbits on new players. for every instance of this being a success there will be instances of this being abused

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yeah this. also as entertaining as your RP was. you can't habe level 50s taking on newbies lke this, it would lead to ppl taking advantage of the noobs or ppl installing there bad habbits on new players. for every instance of this being a success there will be instances of this being abused


Probably so, but i think the newbie could figure out good from bad. Unless they are n00bs.


Edit: Tbh, from the quest examples i can't really see how it can be abused, and with how it appears that bw will try to limit cross realm stuff, it could come back to bite the teacher if his trainee is poorly trained.

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it has potential, as long as it's implemented as a purely "BONUS" feature, if you force players to use this, it become like any other Facebook game that wants you to get 10 friends to join so you can get more "win juice"


I just find that I have a hard enough time wrangling friends to do anything in game that takes more than 15 minutes, let alone some random "MASTER" "Apprentice" relationship


but way to think outside the box

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