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Sure glad my Resolve bar is full...


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Lol. Don't compare the dr system in wow to the crap resolve mechanic is this game. You actually had to think to keep someone in a full cc train in wow. Resolve doesn't work and is a **** mechanic, anyone who says otherwise is clueless. If you are in a cc and your immunity resolve bar is full, your immunity time ticks away while you are in the cc.


He stop posting when proven wrong, only people abusing the broken mechanic will say it's not broken.

Edited by Maximilus
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In that case you are 1v2+ with no backup/support. Why should anyone deserve to live through that? Even if you had 1 healer you'd make it through, or one other player to air mez (flashbang/roar). The problem is that you're over extended, Leeroying, and you're team is playing as individuals and not helping or working with eachother.


When did I say I was overextended? 2v1's never happen in normal games right? I'm not asking to win the fight, I'm asking to be able to participate in the fight instead of staring at my screen for 8 seconds solid while 2 other people get to play.

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Resolve is fine. You guys are just bad and/or don't understand the system.


Here is an explanation that might help a bit:


And you aren't bad, you are actually beyond terrible for defending resolve.


Traditional DRs need to replace this excuse of a system.

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Lol. Don't compare the dr system in wow to the crap resolve mechanic is this game. You actually had to think to keep someone in a full cc train in wow. Resolve doesn't work and is a **** mechanic, anyone who says otherwise is clueless. If you are in a cc and your immunity resolve bar is full, your immunity time ticks away while you are in the cc.


Eventually you did. In the beginning, there was no DR. And sap could last a full minute. Can't count the number of battles in TM I watched from a top of hill with someone re-sapping me endlessly. And if combat did actually start, stun locks weren't that hard before DR's.


Hope they correct sooner than later.

Edited by Spynnal
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So how awsome is this game! PvP is so awsoKNOCKBACK!


umm.. so much ****OCKBACK!


argh.. this games so greaKNOCKBACK!


Ok, I get it. The PvP sucks really bad. Unresponsive abilities, stuck in jump mode, resolve broken and not working, stun locked from 100% to zero health. Ya, the games so much fun in pvp! WEEE!!!


I always rank in the top 3 in every warzone. From medals to just whoopin everyones arse, but I have to say this games PvP system is so broken it's not even funny. I am not surprised at all though. After all, it is Mythics PvP team working on the PvP in this game, which in itself is a HUGE fail already. We all know what happened to WAR and it's the same thing happening here in the PvP aspect of the game.


Please add DR and remove your stupid broken Resolve system or limit how many cc's each class has.


Also, who in the hell balanced the classes? Some classes have shields, heals, 2 stuns, stealth and stun immunity? Seriously? *** were you thinking? How much more unbalanced can you get? I really think you should fire the person in charge of your PvP and hire someone that knows what they are doing.


Thank you

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The problem with resolve is that if you're CC'd while it's 7/8ths full you still eat the full duration of the CC. Also, if you are CC'd and it goes full, but get re-CC'd before your current CC breaks you eat that full CC.


If resolve simply broke whatever current CC you were in as soon as the bar filled it would be fine.



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Resolve is fine. You guys are just bad and/or don't understand the system.


Here is an explanation that might help a bit:


No, it's a broken system, you're just being a tool. Eating CC from 3 different sources and dying in said time is not a functioning system, sorry. It may look good on paper, but it fails in the execution.

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..not like I have to sit here and eat 4 seconds of CC while I stare at it or anything because my 2 min CD break free is down...


Oh well..gives me time to post dumb threads on forums.



Resolve is the worse system in the world.


You should have waited to use break free until you had full resolve.

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In that case you are 1v2+ with no backup/support. Why should anyone deserve to live through that? Even if you had 1 healer you'd make it through, or one other player to air mez (flashbang/roar). The problem is that you're over extended, Leeroying, and you're team is playing as individuals and not helping or working with eachother.


Yes it is clearly justifiable that anytime you fail to be supported by an entire group you should be stunlock killed, ie have no control over your character while you die.


This somehow makes the game good?


Grow up, no matter how good you and your team are, you will occasionally in a GROUP based PvP system find yourself fighting against more than one character...while you will of course die eventually, you can, if you are a good player and not completely stunlocked, make a difference, kill someone, hurt them severely so that when your team returns it is an easier fight etc etc


What you are advocating is just plain silly.

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..not like I have to sit here and eat 4 seconds of CC while I stare at it or anything because my 2 min CD break free is down...


Oh well..gives me time to post dumb threads on forums.



Resolve is the worse system in the world.


hrm bad player is bad, popping your cc break before your resolve bar is full...l2p issue move along

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Yes it is clearly justifiable that anytime you fail to be supported by an entire group you should be stunlock killed, ie have no control over your character while you die.


This somehow makes the game good?


Grow up, no matter how good you and your team are, you will occasionally in a GROUP based PvP system find yourself fighting against more than one character...while you will of course die eventually, you can, if you are a good player and not completely stunlocked, make a difference, kill someone, hurt them severely so that when your team returns it is an easier fight etc etc


What you are advocating is just plain silly.


Actually yes this makes the game very good, it encourages team play and gets rid of 1v1 heros who think they should somehow be able to take on 2v1 or more just because they are special and super good and crap. This game is balanced around playing as a team. If you cant understand the huge advantage you get by sticking with your team, and instead run into the enemy team expecting to live, you are doing something wrong and need to l2p

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Actually yes this makes the game very good, it encourages team play and gets rid of 1v1 heros who think they should somehow be able to take on 2v1 or more just because they are special and super good and crap. This game is balanced around playing as a team. If you cant understand the huge advantage you get by sticking with your team, and instead run into the enemy team expecting to live, you are doing something wrong and need to l2p


yeah and i guess when my entire team goes off in different directions i should l2p and some how use my magic to make them all stay together.

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yeah and i guess when my entire team goes off in different directions i should l2p and some how use my magic to make them all stay together.


not my fault you dont play with friends. you can always que with 3 other people. Who would think that playing with others you know, and can communicate with would give you an advantage in a TEAM GAME!




read my sig, it will solve all your problems.

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IMO Tank classes need an ability that breaks slows/roots (or whatever they're called in this game) and gives them immunity for x seconds, and maybe a skill in their skill tree that is currently not very usefull should have a 'resolve bar fill up faster' effect added to it. This would kill two birds with one stone as a recent dev blog has stated their intention to buff Knights/Warriors in future.
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IMO Tank classes need an ability that breaks slows/roots (or whatever they're called in this game) and gives them immunity for x seconds, and maybe a skill in their skill tree that is currently not very usefull should have a 'resolve bar fill up faster' effect added to it. This would kill two birds with one stone as a recent dev blog has stated their intention to buff Knights/Warriors in future.


pt and assasins have this, dunno what it is called, but they do have em, juggs do not since we can leap around.

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Resolve could be a good system if it worked right. many times when I am at a full white bar I can still get stunned or mezzed in place by lightning or cryo bomb thing.


When an Operative or scoundrel hit me with the knockdown opening its only a 3s stun, but my resolve goes to full.


When other classes hit me with a 4s stun my bar does not fill. So you eat it or pop your break then you are stunned again. Now you are dead.


Any CC that does not break on damage should fill your resolve bar. So if you get stunned and break free you should not be stunned again until the bar goes back down.


2 stuns in a row is instant death.


Snares, knockbacks, and mezz'es that break on damage could half fill the bar.


If they make the bar actually work all the time and now allow us to get stunned with full bars, and also make the stuns fill the bar on 1 shot, then it would be a good system.

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Resolve could be a good system if it worked right. many times when I am at a full white bar I can still get stunned or mezzed in place by lightning or cryo bomb thing.


When an Operative or scoundrel hit me with the knockdown opening its only a 3s stun, but my resolve goes to full.


When other classes hit me with a 4s stun my bar does not fill. So you eat it or pop your break then you are stunned again. Now you are dead.


Any CC that does not break on damage should fill your resolve bar. So if you get stunned and break free you should not be stunned again until the bar goes back down.


2 stuns in a row is instant death.


Snares, knockbacks, and mezz'es that break on damage could half fill the bar.


If they make the bar actually work all the time and now allow us to get stunned with full bars, and also make the stuns fill the bar on 1 shot, then it would be a good system.


now this is a true issue, and they are looking into addressing it, some cc ignores resolve. Btw it is intended to still be able to be rooted and slowed with full resolve, but not mezzed or stunned.

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Whatever that electricute thing is where you can't do anything but they can still damage the heck out of you until your dead.


It has to be a stun of some type since you can't use any skills or move. I have had this land on me with a full resolve bar. I have also been hit with this more then twice in a row and killed during the duration.


Their is nothing worse then using your break free, then getting instantly stunn'ed again.


If every fight was a 1v1 then taking 2 stuns to fill resolve is ok, since most stuns have a 1min cooldown. But since most PvP is gang up on one guy style, you get stunned over and over.


Resolve needs to be filled on one stun. You must have a chance to move or at least try to fight back.

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Did you guys play WOW? You must have had heart attacks with the CC chains that could be pulled off in that game, especially since burst damage was a lot higher.


Resolve is perfectly fine. You're supposed to be CCed sometimes. It can be frustrating, but it adds depth and skill to the game.


I lol'd at the part right there.

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