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Sure glad my Resolve bar is full...


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Did you guys play WOW? You must have had heart attacks with the CC chains that could be pulled off in that game, especially since burst damage was a lot higher.


Resolve is perfectly fine. You're supposed to be CCed sometimes. It can be frustrating, but it adds depth and skill to the game.


no i played Asherons Call it had no CC and actually took skill to pvp.

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The bad part about resolve bar is it does nothing with roots which is the same thing as stun to melee classes.


No, stuns are a lot worse.


Also, melee would actually lose mobility if roots were put on resolve bar.

Edited by GeLopez
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It's not broken for anyone. A lot of people lack situational awareness and/or don't understand the system.


Mate is broken, we tested it and recorded the test and forward it to BW with a ticket. It's not working correctly for some, stop trying to defend it or bring prove here by video that it works correctly for every class in game.

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Show me the video. You're making the claim; you give me the proof.


So far my experience has been that the bad, ignorant players tend to think the system is broken while the top PVPers think the system is fine or really like it.

Edited by GeLopez
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Show me the video. You're making the claim; you give me the proof.


So far my experience has been that the bad, ignorant players tend to think the system is broken while the top PVPers think the system is fine or really like it.


Really? My experience has been those who have any common sense plus some PvP experience in previous games is turned off by the system/constantly wonder what fills what and if it actually even freaking matters.


Those players that think the system is fine are rolling in class/spec combinations that are the beneficiary of this system, dominating a game like huttball where the sheer amount of CC abilities/slows/knockbacks make some classes much more overpowered than others, such as Sorcs/Sages.


Oh, looky at your sig.



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I meant skilled PVPers, like multi-gladiators from WOW. Someone having "experience" usually means someone who zerged people down in Rift or WAR all day, and that's not meaningful. Edited by GeLopez
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I meant skilled PVPers, like multi-gladiators from WOW. Someone having "experience" usually means someone who zerged people down in Rift or WAR all day, and that's not meaningful.


Sorry to take your ego down a notch but getting glad in WoW was less to do with skill and more to do with playing FOTM comps. You try and deny it I know you didn't play WoW Arena much. There's a reason why it's not taken as seriously as it could be in "e-sports."


Edit: I bet you played a Warlock didnt you...you seem the dottish type...

Edited by Dreadspectre
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Really? My experience has been those who have any common sense plus some PvP experience in previous games is turned off by the system/constantly wonder what fills what and if it actually even freaking matters.


Those players that think the system is fine are rolling in class/spec combinations that are the beneficiary of this system, dominating a game like huttball where the sheer amount of CC abilities/slows/knockbacks make some classes much more overpowered than others, such as Sorcs/Sages.


Oh, looky at your sig.




Of course it's not broken for him, he's a Sage, the broken system is a huge benefit to him, there is no skill require about that at all.

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No, it doesn't. The bar will not start emptying until you drop out of the CC. It is mathematically impossible for that to happen.




I regularly get this happening to me. It may be caused by lag or some other unknown, it may unintended, but it *********** happens. Don't you *dare* tell me I can't read and comprehend. I know how its *supposed* to work, I understand what they are trying to do with resolve. Not only is it only any good to tanks or those being actively healed, its *********** buggy as ****.


Now **** with your condescending attitude till you've got something useful to contribute.



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I meant skilled PVPers, like multi-gladiators from WOW. Someone having "experience" usually means someone who zerged people down in Rift or WAR all day, and that's not meaningful.


I'm not sure I could prove my point about actual PvP any better than you just did.


Someone who references a feature of WoW where class/spec composition had a MAJOR role in PvP, playing a Sage in SWToR, thinks it's ok.


Good game, sir. Good game.


Edit: Just for good measure, there used to be a video of a high rated Frost Mage a few seasons ago (I think). He was awful, but his partner and him were the FotM. I'll keep looking, to see if that's what you're talking about with "skill".

Edited by Halbe
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CCs in WOW don't even have cooldowns a lot of the time. People managed.


It's fine. You can't be CCed for longer than 40 percent of the time assuming an entire team is chaining CC on you, and there are plenty of counters to the CCs outside of the CC break, like dispels, positioning, and more CC.


I just read your siggy. Please leave. You're playing a class that never hits the resolve cap.


Yes, resolve is quite broken... I actually asked myself, are there no dr's in this game? Then I found out about resolve.. Kinda depressed me. -_- /reroll sorc

Edited by Ryuzomi
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Resolve has some issues IMO, I think knockbacks, pulls, roots and pushes should add too and respect resolve. However, outside of that the problem is PICNIC (problem in chair, not in computer).


The way to make resolve work for you is to pop your defensive CDs in expectation of incoming damage, ride out the first stun, then escape the second stun and enjoy a full resolve bar while you open your whoopass can.


The reason the majority of the players think resolve is broken or sucks is that they panic. They're too busy rolling their face around on their keyboard to actually think beyond mashing tracer missile or lighning and saying "I can has killz nouz?".

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Resolve has some issues IMO, I think knockbacks, pulls, roots and pushes should add too and respect resolve. However, outside of that the problem is PICNIC (problem in chair, not in computer).


The way to make resolve work for you is to pop your defensive CDs in expectation of incoming damage, ride out the first stun, then escape the second stun and enjoy a full resolve bar while you open your whoopass can.


The reason the majority of the players think resolve is broken or sucks is that they panic. They're too busy rolling their face around on their keyboard to actually think beyond mashing tracer missile or lighning and saying "I can has killz nouz?".


The problem is Huttball.


By the way I'm a Jugg, not Immortal specced but if I pop Soresu form Blade Ward and Endure pain and my Break free is on CD? I'm still usually dead. "Defensive CD's and Heavy Armor" ftw right.


The only way to benefit from full resolve bar is to have your break free off CD so you can pop it as soon as your bar fills from the 2nd stun.


No Breakfree? You gone.

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The problem with resolve is that if you're CC'd while it's 7/8ths full you still eat the full duration of the CC. Also, if you are CC'd and it goes full, but get re-CC'd before your current CC breaks you eat that full CC.


If resolve simply broke whatever current CC you were in as soon as the bar filled it would be fine.


This, absolutely this.

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The problem is Huttball.


By the way I'm a Jugg, not Immortal specced but if I pop Soresu form Blade Ward and Endure pain and my Break free is on CD? I'm still usually dead. "Defensive CD's and Heavy Armor" ftw right.


The only way to benefit from full resolve bar is to have your break free off CD so you can pop it as soon as your bar fills from the 2nd stun.


No Breakfree? You gone.


In that case you are 1v2+ with no backup/support. Why should anyone deserve to live through that? Even if you had 1 healer you'd make it through, or one other player to air mez (flashbang/roar). The problem is that you're over extended, Leeroying, and you're team is playing as individuals and not helping or working with eachother.

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Did you guys play WOW? You must have had heart attacks with the CC chains that could be pulled off in that game, especially since burst damage was a lot higher.


Resolve is perfectly fine. You're supposed to be CCed sometimes. It can be frustrating, but it adds depth and skill to the game.


You sir are wrong, but i bet you are one of those Sage / Scoundrel / Commando setups running groups that doesn't think the pvp mechanics are broken.


Because trust me, I'm a hardcore pvper and i play games for PvP. WoW had a very crappy PvP mechanic, so did WAR. Perhaps you should play DAoC, Planetside, Asherons Call, Ultima Online or any other game where skills actually mattered, it sure as hell doesn't in SWTOR.


95% of people, hardcore PvPers included, agree that Resolve is NOT working as intended. In fact, it's not working at all for the most part. But i have to agree that it's a nice little glowing white bar next to my avatar while i get constantly Stuned, KB, Pushed, Pulled - just like everybody else and just like my CC does to every other player i encounter.


Sure it happens that people DO "neglate" my CC, but it's *extremely* rare. So rare that i'd say i have a 98% success rate on my CC.


And i understand perfecly fine what they are trying to achieve with the Resolve system. FYI, DAoC hade 1 MINUTE and 30 SECONDS long "stun" (mezzmerise) and people DID NOT COMPLAIN about it because the pvp system was so flawless that SKILLS won. FYI, they solved it perfectly with you being I-M-M-U-N-E for 60 seconds against the SAME kind of CC that you "broke loose from" (which fyi happend ASAP someone touched you meaning you could DEFEND yourself and your actual SKILL was wheather or not to use your Unleash to get free - sooner - or ride out the CC).


Point is, resolve is utterly broken and must be re-made into something that actually works as intended. As several other people already stated before, filling the bar DOESNT MAKE YOU IMMUNE TO CRAP THAT HIT YOU BEFORE THE BAR WENT FULL. A 8 sec stun from a -skilless stealther- at 999 resolve will stun you for 8 sec while you take the damage....oh and the best part - it WILL drop BELOW 1000 resolve BEFORE the 8 sec stun stops. So when you get out of it you are ready to take more CC and you still can't do anything against it - it is sir, an entirely broken ****ed up system.



And i don't think you follow the picture, people are not complaining about that they get CCd. They are complaining because they never get immune, not even for a few seconds - they are constantly CCd, and that's NOT working well.



I do agree with you that CC should be used by good players, to get advantage in battles against other good players. And the decision wheather or not to "do something" about the CC people throwed at you is not an option in SWTOR....you have to ride it out, again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again - and then you quit playing and no more people left to play....get the point now perhaps?


(imo the CC and Resolve is terrible, but there are far more terrible things currently in game that needs a tweaking WAY much more than Resolve. For example: Heals, Interrupts (would be nice if they'd actually be interrupts and not just have the player cast another spell, right?), Open World PvP (illum sucks, it just sucks. period.), Lag, Framerates, Medpacks/stims/Biochem etc...those are the real PvP-killers in SWTOR currently)


But yeah, you go ahead and be one of those 5% people that think resolve is working fine because you're exploiting it ^^, the other 95% will make sure to get it fixed and then you're going to whine when people actually fight you back instead of just standing there taking your nukes.

Edited by kendashFathbring
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Did you guys play WOW? You must have had heart attacks with the CC chains that could be pulled off in that game, especially since burst damage was a lot higher.


Resolve is perfectly fine. You're supposed to be CCed sometimes. It can be frustrating, but it adds depth and skill to the game.


Lol. Don't compare the dr system in wow to the crap resolve mechanic is this game. You actually had to think to keep someone in a full cc train in wow. Resolve doesn't work and is a **** mechanic, anyone who says otherwise is clueless. If you are in a cc and your immunity resolve bar is full, your immunity time ticks away while you are in the cc.

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