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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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PVP 2/10

PVE 7/10

Support 0/10

Crafting 1/10 only bio is worth useing so atleast 1 point :)


If it wasn't Star wars i wouldn't play it. I sure hope they fix this game soon so it will be not just a star wars game but a good star wars game.


Agree 100%

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Leveling up and story - 8/10

Actual MMO Content - 4/10

Pvp - 6/10


Love the game but it has so many issues beyond the standard "new mmo" stuff. Would like to see this game flourish but all signs point to it being another WAR or AoC at best. Here's hoping things magically turn around and prove me wrong.

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issues? yes. major ones for me personally? no. every time i start to wind down and get a bit bogged down in the game, something really interesting and fun happens, that makes my heart pound.


first fun world pvp i have had since maybe.....BC in wow? yeah. about BC i think, around Honor Hold and the start zones.


first interesting characters i have seen in a while.

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Wish I could give it higher but 7/10 until they actually fix ilum and make it a true open PVP zone, nerf ops/scoundrels(should not be able to CC someone through basically an entire fight), and add simple systems such as LFG, /roll, and a better loot distribution system. Pretty tired of losing loot to people who cant use it and feel they must need everything.


Leveling to 50 and story 10/10

End game 6/10

PVP 7/10 (and this is what i spend 90% of my time doing...)

General MMO stuff 5/10

Edited by Shrilokka
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The game doesn't run smoothly enough.

The graphics aren't up to modern game standards.

There's also a lot of missing content like a LFD tool, and whatnot.


But I find myself to be very attached to my characters.

I love the Star Wars lore, and think they've stayed true to it.

The combat is entertaining too, with the swoosh and the tzzzk and the pew pew.

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I really want them to make it better, been waiting years on this game.


It needs more content (I fully understand that this takes time) and features (guild bank should've been in at launch).


It needs less bugs, the engine needs refined (better fps) and the faction balance really needs sorted with incentives for the low pop faction(this is probably their biggest problem).


I want this game to be a 10/10, hopefully it will be soon.

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Right now, 6/10.


If the combat responsiveness (and overall animation overprioritization issues) gets fixed, maybe 7/10.


I think that with an expansion under it's belt emphasizing more MMO-like elements (more wide-open open world areas, better grouping/groupfinding tools, better UI tweakability, more user customization of avatars/ships/equipment, more overall liveliness added to the worlds (critters/weather/day/nightcycles), etc), I could easily see the game hitting an 8/10.


And if to top it all off they get space right and make it a truly unique and multiplayer capable part of the game, actually adding to the MMO-ness un a unique way that no standard fantasy game could hope to touch, that would boost the game to true levels of innovation. 9/10 at that point.


The game can only get better. Whether it will, or at least whether it will in a sensible way, remains to be seen.

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