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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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Nothing great dissapointing mostly


PVP is totally unbalanced and Imps are OP, not saying they need a nerf but maybe Rep needs some love. PVP is 4/10


Considering how it takes BW to release a patch I expect player balance to be a year or more off.

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8.5/10 – one of the best games I have seen at launch.


All big mmo’s launch with bugs and problems, that’s what the devs have to patch things.


Although that said it will drop down to 5/10 if the current known issues can’t be fixed in the next few weeks, but I may be an optimist, but I believe that Bioware will be actively working on the issues and will get them fixed up, before too long

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As a BW fan and a real fan of KOTOR I feel obliged to rate it with atleast 8


But I have to be as objective as I can possibly get and when I compare it to other games out there+the state it is in now...6,5/10.


Can't rate it higher without having a bad conscience. Its a real shame, I was soooo looking forward to it


Great questing though!

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3/10 its only getting a 3 cause i had fun lvling otherwise there is no way in hell im paying a sub for a single player game BW stay out of MMO's really for all the hype for this piece of **** it should get a "0" theres just so many bugs theres not enough time or your patience to list them all a UI that is just "#@#@###@##" and there being no way to mod even if a community wanted to which if bioware was smart would have put in but from what im reading there just is no way cause the engine they chose to use.


ok enough ranting i'll just say i love star wars the movies not this im a long time MMO player and to put out something like this is just unimanigable even with the horrible UI this should'nt have been released until late next year at the earliest.

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maybe 4/10


I am just so disappointed in this game. It's just copy paste other MMOs except they did it worse than any recent wow clone wannabes.


And really, with a budget said to be north of $100 million, was $99 million of it spent on voice actors?


This game is terrible, I'm sorry, it's just terrible. I had more fun in SWG even when it went NGE on us.

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As a BW fan and a real fan of KOTOR I feel obliged to rate it with atleast 8


But I have to be as objective as I can possibly get and when I compare it to other games out there+the state it is in now...6,5/10.


Can't rate it higher without having a bad conscience. Its a real shame, I was soooo looking forward to it


Great questing though!


I admire how thoughtfully he put this. I would have given it a 6 but the fact that Bioware has created so many great games justifies a 6.5 overall. If this game was sold as advertised with the content and mechanics working correctly, I would have gladly given the game a 9/10 and awaited the 1.1 patch with a smile.


Final score: 6.5 (1/17/2011)

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I admire how thoughtfully he put this. I would have given it a 6 but the fact that Bioware has created so many great games justifies a 6.5 overall. If this game was sold as advertised with the content and mechanics working correctly, I would have gladly given the game a 9/10 and awaited the 1.1 patch with a smile.


Final score: 6.5 (1/17/2011)


Your sig says it all lol

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7/10 but loving the game :)


Negatives (for me):

*Housing(ships), it exists but there's not much you can do with it.

*Hopeless LFM.

*Terrible, terrible forums - I have literally made better forums than these.


Negatives that I wont deduct for because they're expected in every MMO at launch:

*Immature interface, we all know it will get better, it has in every other MMO.

*Buggy launch, nerfs at launch.

*Goldfarmers spam in game mail.



*Too many to mention, have widely recommended this game!

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For mine,


How they didnt release pvp in a tier format has me staggered. IMO that would have to be the worse decsion ever. It brakes pvp imo, people say a freash 50 can be beaten by a level 11 ?????


How and this is an example to what they need to fix


A 50 BH comes up against a level 11 Commando


The BH as all his abilitys ( tracer missile)


The commando has what ?



Dead commando, yeah the commando will be able to make a dent to the BH but will lose 9 times out of 10 soley for the fact he will have what, 3 attacks compared the BH complete list of abilitys to go against. The above example then dosent count for the gear as well, throw that in and wow!


Thats really my only complaint, im sure the 50's groan when they see sub 20's pvping in there groups as well so it cuts both ways


Tier pvp, give the 50's there own braket


Please sweet Jesus give us 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 PVP!


Do that then the game is a 9 out of 10 for me

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10/10 For enjoyment factor

8/10 for graphics

10/10 for the storyline/quests

8.5/10 for the cut scenes

10/10 for the background music

9/10 for the crafting

10/10 for the companion

5/10 for the taxi rides

7/10 for the graphic options

8.5/10 for the UI


I'll Stop there for now and explain my reasons:

10/10 For enjoyment factorReason for this, the overal game is fun to play and keeps me coming back for more.

8/10 for graphicsGraphics are good, but lacks High def textures in places and will look better though when aa is enabled in 1.1 patch

10/10 for the storyline/questsI'm loving the quests and the storyline, I think they've done a cracking job on this front.

8.5/10 for the cut scenesCut scenes are good, but when using 3d vision, unless there is going to be a fixed camera angle, it doesn't work well with 3dvision during cut scenes.

10/10 for the background musicAgain I can't fault the mood music, it's great.

9/10 for the craftingI like that my companion can do this for me while I complete quests.

5/10 for the taxi ridesWhen getting a ride in a taxi, it doesn't look fluid and kinda looks false, need the tracking to be a little smoother.

7/10 for the graphic optionsI'd like to see a few more graphic options for me to make some of my own choices.

8.5/10 for the UIThe UI is good, but needs to be a little customisable, being able to move things around and resize if possible.


I know the game has bugs and needs a little work, but patients I have a lot of, so know the game has alot more to come with big improvements, So in my opinion I would rate swtor a 10/10 because it's fun to play and that's why I play games, to have fun.:D

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* Companions are awesome!

* Player ships, but they need work.

* Full voice acting is that good I don't want to play another MMO without it (10/10)

* Class and game stories are first rate (9/10)

* Music and audio in general is really good. (9/10)

* PvE is mostly great, other than clunky animations (8/10)


Not Good

* Crafting is poor and simplistic, reverse engineering is horrible (3/10)

* Game performance is poor on mid/low spec machines (4/10)

* No high definition textures, and I refuse to believe you can't add them.

* Cannot rebind some hardcoded keys (looking at you \)

* Space combat is poor at best, needs an overhaul (4/10)

* PvP is average, major lack of world PvP and Hutball is irritating. (4/10)

* The interface is pretty poor, needs work. (4/10)


Overall going with 7.5/10 as it currently stands.


Good outweighs the bad for me (even though I listed more "not good"), so don't mind subbing. Plus, it can / should only get better from here.


I really am bummed about the space stuff though, the space combat missions would be a good little mini game but space itself needs to be free roam, kinda like EVE but less complex. Large space areas with planets, station and so forth, leaving an areas boundaries puts you into hyperspace to the next connecting it and so forth.

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