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RP Introduction.


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Hello there.


I'll give you a quick snippet about myself. My name, at least ingame, is Kathal. I'm in the process of bringing my guild [Clan Koragg] here from our old home, in Age of Conan. We've recently turned into a gaming community and we're now looking to establish ourselves in StarWars.


By here, I should also mention at this point, on the Lord Calypho server.


We're yet to make a thread for ourselves on the guild hall, I'll be working on that later on.


What I'm interested in right now, is meeting fellow RP'ers, guild leaders and officers to establish connections on the server. People who are willing to make contact to set up a few things down the line. Be it from plots or simple gatherings.


Many thanks.

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Hrisskar.. ? Coincidence, or?


If your confused at this point. I apologize. Someone named 'Hrisskar' actually first started Clan Koragg in Age of Conan. I've been leading it for the last few years now.


Anyhow! Yes, fellow RPers - Make yourselves known!

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