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Server downtime 2am CST every Tuesday?


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Dear OP:


This is an East Coast, US server. European servers have different scheduled down times. Please don't ask for US servers to accommodate European players wishes - 2 am to 8 am Central time is actually perfect. Most of us in the US are sleeping and we aren't waking up to see servers go down, like that other game does.


I realize that European players are playing on US servers to be with friends, but trust me, if it's 2 a.m. in the US, most of your friends will be sleeping anyway.


I'm not trying to be rude in any way. I just think you're being entirely selfish in wanting a US server to accommodate your preferred playing times.

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Not everyone works 9-5 m-f. Many of us work evenings/nights. 2am is a terrible time to take down servers. Hell even 9-5ers sometimes are still playing til after 2am!


While what you say is true, it's also true that there are less people playing between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. than any other time of the day. One good night's sleep a week should be a welcome thing!

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Dear OP:


This is an East Coast, US server. European servers have different scheduled down times. Please don't ask for US servers to accommodate European players wishes - 2 am to 8 am Central time is actually perfect. Most of us in the US are sleeping and we aren't waking up to see servers go down, like that other game does.


I realize that European players are playing on US servers to be with friends, but trust me, if it's 2 a.m. in the US, most of your friends will be sleeping anyway.


I'm not trying to be rude in any way. I just think you're being entirely selfish in wanting a US server to accommodate your preferred playing times.



And you aren't being selfish? I'm not here to debate my play time vs yours. But if you think waking up to play at 6am is the norm you are insanely wrong. When you factor in people that have college/work the best server downtime is right at around 6am central for the entire US. That's why every other game out there has done it.

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And you aren't being selfish? I'm not here to debate my play time vs yours. But if you think waking up to play at 6am is the norm you are insanely wrong. When you factor in people that have college/work the best server downtime is right at around 6am central for the entire US. That's why every other game out there has done it.


Other games (and I assume you mean WoW) also don't have to deal with servers and clients that can be used from anywhere in the world.


Pushing back maintenance for East Coasters would push it right into prime time in Europe. They've picked the time with the lowest number of users online -- not just in the U.S., but worldwide.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Dear OP:


This is an East Coast, US server. European servers have different scheduled down times. Please don't ask for US servers to accommodate European players wishes - 2 am to 8 am Central time is actually perfect. Most of us in the US are sleeping and we aren't waking up to see servers go down, like that other game does.


I realize that European players are playing on US servers to be with friends, but trust me, if it's 2 a.m. in the US, most of your friends will be sleeping anyway.


I'm not trying to be rude in any way. I just think you're being entirely selfish in wanting a US server to accommodate your preferred playing times.


You have no clue dude, the servers are NOT US servers. The maintenance takes place both in US and EU and the fact that they have the same maintenance plan is just stupid.


2 am to 8 am your time is +6 to +8 for many Europeans.


We arent asking for you to have maintenance on your peak, we are asking that WE HAVE OUR OWN MAINTENANCE TIME LIKE YOURS 2 AM TO 8 AM.


And no it doesnt have to be that we get the patch a day later, IT COULD ALSO BE THAT WE GET IT A DAY EARLY.


Use your brain before posting, this isnt a troll post, its a post that most US players are too selfish to acknowledge as valid.


Anyway point is that many EU players have cancelled subs over this and many other similar issues and more will follow soon.


Why pay BW to have maintenance times during our day time?

Its like paying for internet service that has Maintenance during day. Would you like that as well. how about cable and mobile service?

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We arent asking for you to have maintenance on your peak, we are asking that WE HAVE OUR OWN MAINTENANCE TIME LIKE YOURS 2 AM TO 8 AM.


And no it doesnt have to be that we get the patch a day later, IT COULD ALSO BE THAT WE GET IT A DAY EARLY.


How do you do that when the clients aren't region-locked? I think it's a legitimate question. Given that the client and server need to be the same version, and there is no "European client," when do you push out the client patches? Let's assume Europe goes first. Do you push client patches when the early European maintenance happens, and lock out all the US players until both the Europe and US server maintenances finish, or do you do it when the US server patch goes up, locking out all the European players until then?


The way they're doing it isn't nearly as stupid as some people seem to think. Staggering the maintenance periods would actually lead to much longer lock-outs than what we have now.


One of the reasons this suggestion often isn't very well-received is that it just can't possibly work without a region-locked client, and TOR doesn't have one. They really do have to update everyone at the same time.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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It is one day out of 7. A few hours out of 24. If this is *really* such an issue for you, while you're waiting during your peek time for 1 day out of 7 for a few hours out of 24, do something else. Honestly. It's not like maintenance is 10 hours long every single day of the week. It's Tuesday. It's maintenance day. Learn a new language. Take up a hobby. Finger Paint. mast-er-bate (apparently that's a bad word). Get some sleep. Do volunteer work. You're paying MAX $15 a month. Less if your scrip is for multiple months. That means that at the most, you're losing out on $.50 a day, or $2 a month. And that's if the game is down for the FULL 24 hours.


Don't get me wrong, I realize that it's sometimes about more than just the money. But it isn't like you're unaware of this down time. It's pretty much a given now that maintenance will happen on Tuesday. It's also a given that you know approximately what time that maintenance will occur. You also know that in all likelihood, the maintenance will be longer than estimated (if you don't assume this, that's your own fault). Plan accordingly. If you're scheduling your work and downtime around the game (sad and pathetic but whatever) then know that you need to plan for the game to be unavailable to you on Tuesday.


I happen to have Tuesdays off. Would I like it if I could get up and be able to log on any time I wanted to on Tuesday instead of having half my day off consumed by server maintenance and downtime? Sure. Do I know this ahead of time and plan accordingly? Yes. It's called being an adult and dealing with disappointment. The world, and Bioware does not revolve around you and neither does the Star Wars Universe. Get over yourself. Take a shower, go outside, and be with the 3 dimensional people.

Edited by Psycomas
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2am CST isn't peak time for anyone in the US. I think it's kind of annoying for Europeans, it ends up being like 10am to 6pm, something weird like that.

Just noticed this and just wanted to say there are parts in the US where it is 10 pm when they severs go down at 2 am CST. So, for quite a few people it is actually prime time.

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The current time (2am CST) does not fall in Prime time for any US time zone, nor does it fall in Prime time for EU. It's, for all intents and purposes, the best time for all current customers.


It does, however, fall directly into Oceanic Prime time. So once they release in March, they'll either have to change the time, or split the maintenance times.

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What? I sympathize with the Europeans (though there really are good reasons for the maintenance timing, but...)




The maintenance times aren't based on "potential subs," they're based on actual subs, and make sense when you realize this game doesn't have region-locked clients and they really do need to update everyone at the same time.


But North America has fewer potential subs than Europe?




Comparisons of the populations of NA and EU easily shows that there are more potential subs in the EU; he population of Europe is higher than NA.

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The current time (2am CST) does not fall in Prime time for any US time zone, nor does it fall in Prime time for EU. It's, for all intents and purposes, the best time for all current customers.


It does, however, fall directly into Oceanic Prime time. So once they release in March, they'll either have to change the time, or split the maintenance times.


I hope that they do. And at that time they may well see fit to have a different time for Europe too. Fingers crossed

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Rotating the maint time from week to week to spread the inconvenience seems a lot more fair to me. And yes, I know that life isn't fair, but an attempt in that direction would go a long ways to reduce feelings of "second-class citizenship" in certain parts of the community
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Comparisons of the populations of NA and EU easily shows that there are more potential subs in the EU; he population of Europe is higher than NA.


Maybe, but it's not a huge difference and large parts of Europe speak languages that aren't supported by this game.


In any case, they need to base maintenance times on actual subscribers, not "potential" ones.

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NA region - first class customers

EU region - second class customers

Coming soon Oceanic region - third class customers (unless they actually start looking at doing maintenance at better times)


Oceanic region deserves to be third class since they ban pretty much a good amount of games that come out or demand world releases change for the might Australia

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I just hope they are working towards a solution. I completely understand a server downtime isn't going to happen around my play hours specifically, they want to do it during the lowest pop time. Different downtimes for US and EU needs to happen.
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It's not the time it's at, it's the time it takes..


We must have lost few days play to all these DTs. :eek:


O.o so, after all of the complaints people had about this that and the other and now that BW are performing weekly maintanence to fix things, probably more than most people would prefer, you're annoyed? live with it. How can you be this agrivated over a few hours of server downtime when you have another 6.5 days to play the rest of the week?

Edited by Trigg
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The times are fine for US / EU. They are not going to consider changing times until they officially open in other places.


They have already stated that the 2 AM time from is the lowest population time for both the US and EU. Also, the time is the less intrusive for both US and EU. For the US, most people are sleep, and for EU, most people are going to be at work.


Once they have officially released in other areas, they stated they would again take a look at maintenance times. But for their official release, these are the best times to do it.

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Maybe, but it's not a huge difference and large parts of Europe speak languages that aren't supported by this game.


A LOT of European gamers know more than one language. And when playing a game that, as you said, isn't supported in their language, almost all speak at least a bit english, usually enough to understand what they say. :rolleyes:


I'm not really affected by this since I usually work/study/whatever during that time (or should be... :D) but it would be incredibly selfish if I'd say it's not a big deal. Europeans pay more for the game than you and they get less. Just imagine the rage it would cause if they'd reverse the maintenance time so the servers would be down from 8-10am on...


Granted lately the servers were down only like 2-4h and honestly that's not much and if they can keep up the good work this won't be an issue anymore. And I have faith in Bioware, I doubt they're ignoring this issue, just give it time. All in all this was one of the best MMO first month I've ever had. If some people remember DAoC where you couldn't play for up to a few days after every single patch... ;)

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What? I sympathize with the Europeans (though there really are good reasons for the maintenance timing, but...)




The maintenance times aren't based on "potential subs," they're based on actual subs, and make sense when you realize this game doesn't have region-locked clients and they really do need to update everyone at the same time.


But North America has fewer potential subs than Europe?





North America: 330 million people.

Europe: ~1 billion.


Even if you add Central and South America, there'd still be a little more people in Europe - and if you add those two, you should also add Africa to Europe, adding another 1 billion people.


Europe also has a better internet infrastructure with cheap, high bandwidth broadband almost everywhere.


So yes, the potential subscribers in Europe is far higher than in the US. Almost three times the size, even.

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The time is perfect for the majority so unfortunately for the minority they will just have to deal. Props to BW for having people on staff to do these at that time unlike past mmos that still waited until normal work hours to begin patches which sometimes got pushed into US primetime when problems sprung up.


So until the majority of Americans start working night shifts or until some European company makes an mmo worth a crap that everyone wants to play and does their schedule based in European time I think the minority is just going to have to deal with it.

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