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SWTOR Deadline


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:rolleyes: That casual gamer attitude is just as bad as the "hardcore" attitude. Do you honestly believe that it is unreasonable to be level 50 at this point? I'm almost 27 years old, have served in the military, and have been deployed three times. Now, I'm a full-time college student and enjoying my winter break. I have no debt, my college is paid for, I own my RX-8, and have been happily dating my girlfriend since I was 15 years old. I guess I'm just some loser kid that sits around and does nothing useful all day.


Oh... and I didn't skip a single quest.


Get over yourself.


wow, why did you go so defensive? the author just expressed his point of view, he never attacked yours. whats wrong with you?

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Legacy that means nothing currently

A codex where 150 or so entries are bugged

75% + of titles are bugged or have been removed

Raids are bugged

Crafting is meaningless because the high end gear doesn't compare to gear available in other ways

and 7 story which are mostly more go to x kill y get gear that you won't wear because you're modding up that orange piece you got 10 levels ago.


So yeah, why would I pay 15 dollars a month to replay a game 7 times?


We don't know what Legacy is for yet, but you can bet a lot of people will likely feel stupid when it comes out and they are only Legacy level 5 and those that persisted are Legacy level 15+


Crafting meaningless? gearing your lower level characters in purples constantly throughout there progression is meaningless?


Not all raids are bugged either, sweeping statement is sweeping, least you have them unlike the early days of Vanilla WoW (which still stands as one of the worst MMO releases with only AoC and SWG being worse)


I might not take the gear, but I'll definatley take those shiny commendations to keep my orange pieces up to par.


Bugged = will be fixed as well.



This is the problem with the reality distortion field that Blizzard have instilled in the minds of many a player, they really don't know a good thing anymore.


SWTOR has:


Better mechanics

Better ingame community

Better release

Better classes

And believe it or not, better balance and potential.


What has WoW done ever since TBC? Rehashed the same content over and over, the problem then was the competition wasn't very good so WoW pretty much had an easy ride for several years, then there are the WoW fanboi's that got sucked into the reality distortion field and actually believed that WoW is the be all and end all of mmorpgs.


WoW was a Commercial success? Yes definatley.

Step forward for MMORPG's? No it was a massive step backwards and something the mmorpg market as a whole is still hung up on.


DaoC and EQ 1 for the true MMO players will always be the benchmark to measure against, so even if SWTOR doesn't have the same commerical success as WoW, it's already been an MMO success in the fact it has appeal....


Now if they could only draw more people into Ilum we would be on to a really good thing.

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MMO's are an invesment.


Right from their inception, a company invests it's time and resource into planning and gauging it's possibly public reception.


Shareholders / backers then invest their money.


Prospective players then invest their time into building a community and testing (hah!).


Everyone invests varying amounts of time / money into promoting said game.


As an MMO player you take part at pretty much every level knowing you are investing your time into a product that will always be being developed and improved. You generally start to see a return after several months, which become greater as time goes by.


Expecting a huge return in the MMO market after just one month is a rather naive veiwpoint and doomed to a small return if any.


Investments take time to mature. Maybe those who constantly harp on about ficticious numbers with regards to playerbase / peak times / concurrent users & lack of content should also ?

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Lots of people bought 3 and 6 month game cards when they bought the game, anticipating they would want to play that long.


I'll be getting a gamecard next week, im just waiting for the retailers from my country to have them.

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I wanted to play KOTOR I would have loaded up KOTOR on my xbox. I was sold a star wars MMO, not a single player game that you play over and over.


And it would have been a better attack if you had said a smuggler and an inquisitor, since at least they are of opposing factions and don't have all the same non-class quest content. So tell me Captain replay, how many time do you want to Conquer Balmorra, done it 3 times so far myself, and its the same every time.


Please tell me you're republic, because if the Empire also conquers Balmorra, that's some really bad storytelling because as republic you free Balmorra.

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So much i love about the game yet i doubt ill keep my sub.

The world just feels empty, it actually doesnt feel like im playing an mmo while out questing.

Hate to say it but if they put half the resources into content instead of the tiresome cutscenes we might have something worth subbing to.

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Except those numbers won't come out for months. Not to mention, not every single person bought the game on the 20th. Some waited a few days and some only bought it a few days ago.


Some will buy it after the "deadline".


Companies don't base numbers off of subs after 1 month. They do it over quarters. Your assumptions are meaningless.



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This is the problem with the reality distortion field that Blizzard have instilled in the minds of many a player, they really don't know a good thing anymore.


SWTOR has:


Better mechanics

Better ingame community

Better release

Better classes

And believe it or not, better balance and potential.



WoW was a Commercial success? Yes definatley.

Step forward for MMORPG's? No it was a massive step backwards and something the mmorpg market as a whole is still hung up on.


DaoC and EQ 1 for the true MMO players will always be the benchmark to measure against, so even if SWTOR doesn't have the same commerical success as WoW, it's already been an MMO success in the fact it has appeal....


Now if they could only draw more people into Ilum we would be on to a really good thing.


So a true mmo should have nothing you can do on your own?

And saying that only veterans from those two games are true mmo players is a massively arrogant statement and makes it seems like you're trying to validate your entire selfimage from that. Get over yourself.


WoW was a step forward wether you like it or not. It was more accessable it had thing to do in the game other than grind your way to max level.


Furthermore by dismissing WoW as innotive you are also dismissing TOR as innovative since it uses the exact same mechanics for everything, so what is it?

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I'll likely not be giving Bioware any more of my money.


lol how many times do you have to say it bro? do you have no life? Is that why you troll these forums telling any person who will listen about how your quitting? If youve quit WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE IN THE FORUMS.


Why do you care so much, no one else does thats for sure.


Its funny how people like you make it seem like so many more people are leaving then their actually are. Because you just post it so many times in so many different places.


And their are lots of others like you (but when it actually comes down to it you represent a huge minority of the people who are actually playing , most people that are playing dont waste time in these forums). Get a life move on to your next mmo and go complain there for a month until you cancel.


Or go back to wow and pretend its a better game :)


I agree thats its more polished but , vanilla wow was certainly not a better game or more polished then this game, combat had its problems , pvp had its problems (they didnt even have BG's imagine that) balance problems, countless bugs, FAR FAR more server issues.


And dont tell me because this game is seven years newer that it should be as polished as wow is now, wow had 11 years to make it the game it is, i wouldnt be surprised if this game had more content then wow 2 years down the road , they even said that they didnt do huge layoffs after the game went gold, they kept most of the writers art staff etc on for new content.


I have no doubt in my mind that 3 months from now the glaring issues that bother so many of you that post here will be fixed.


If you werent in this for a story driven bioware game then you werent meant to be here in the first place.

Edited by Samborino
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All these complaints about being single player? I'm not sure I understand. The Khellars Void (sp?) doesnt have queues and I still have to wait around to kill mobs as there are too many others doing the same quests. I'm almost constantly grouped with someone as its takes less time, waiting around for your turn to complete a quest. I've played UO, DAOC and then WoW and it was exactly the same. What makes this one not an MMO that everyone talks about?
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So much i love about the game yet i doubt ill keep my sub.

The world just feels empty, it actually doesnt feel like im playing an mmo while out questing.

Hate to say it but if they put half the resources into content instead of the tiresome cutscenes we might have something worth subbing to.


Thats one thing i do agree on, but i enjoy the story enough that im willing to sacrifice some of the mmo experience for it and i definitely dont find the cutscenes tiring. For the people saying that the decisions you make dont actually make a difference, how would you know? have you played through the same class twice to find out?


THe lead writer said at release that things you do on your starter world can affect your story in act 3 and you could play the same character and have a completely different experience, i highly doubt he jus straight up lied aboutt that right on launch day.


Sure im sure there is some exxageration, but try playing through the same class twice and see if the story isnt different as you make polar opposite decisions.



The interview with Daniel Erickson on Giant Bomb


You want to get excited about the game, listen to the lead writer talk, and again if your not into bioware storytelling , then you shouldnt be here in the first place.

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It's not uncommon for MMO's to have drops in the first month. I would be much more surprised if TOR sees no drop or an increase - speaking purely as "another MMO" and without attaching my feelings about the game. Usually, most of the people who are interested in buying the game, will have done so before it's out. After that you have word-of-mouth, reviews hitting, possible free trials etc to lure in new people. Inevitably, a lot of people will be really dissapointed, and that number is almost always greater than the people who pick it up month #2 - in part because a lot of the subs will leave on the 30th day, whereas the new customers will pick it up whenever, regardless of whether or not it looks statistically good. So depending on how Bioware tracks their subs, that can influence the numbers heavily aswell.


It's very likely that TOR will take a hit in the next few weeks - but that doesn't mean overly much in terms of long-term success. If it bleeds an enormous of customers, or if the bleeding continues for many months, that might be indicative of serious issues. But a one-month drop, followed by a potential growth if they produce content, wouldn't be unheard of.


You have to remember a lot of players try out just about every western AAA MMO that comes out, even if they aren't sure it'll be fun.

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All these complaints about being single player? I'm not sure I understand. The Khellars Void (sp?) doesnt have queues and I still have to wait around to kill mobs as there are too many others doing the same quests. I'm almost constantly grouped with someone as its takes less time, waiting around for your turn to complete a quest. I've played UO, DAOC and then WoW and it was exactly the same. What makes this one not an MMO that everyone talks about?


I think on some servers the people that play republic feel like this, i play on a heavys server and the republic very much feels empty.


Then i made an alt on empire, and it was completely packed, 300+ people chilling on dromund kaas even more at the imperial fleet.


I hope the factions will even out ,because i feel like the republic on most servers has a drastically different experience, in the later planets your lucky to find thirty people on the planet and its hard to find a group. It isnt that big of a deal for me as i have alot of friends on my server but it could be an issue for other people.

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Best MMO Launch I've seen hands down.


The Game has launched with more content then any other MMO out there did. It has fewer bugs then any other MMO's. There's more to do, more to see.. the story is better then every other MMO I've played.


I hadn't played an MMO in 2 years before this game came along. WoW, City of Heroes, Warhammer, Champions, EVE, I've played and done all of them. This game shows more potential out the gate then any of them did, and is more fun to play then any of them are.


All of my RL friends and associates are playing this game, and plan to continue to do so. Its just fun when we all get together and talk about the game, and what we plan to do next with it. No other MMO I've seen has done that for me. Gotten all of my friends into it and playing it.


Kudos Bioware, you can count on several subscriptions from my neck of the woods staying and continuing to play.

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I think on some servers the people that play republic feel like this, i play on a heavys server and the republic very much feels empty.


Then i made an alt on empire, and it was completely packed, 300+ people chilling on dromund kaas even more at the imperial fleet.


I hope the factions will even out ,because i feel like the republic on most servers has a drastically different experience, in the later planets your lucky to find thirty people on the planet and its hard to find a group. It isnt that big of a deal for me as i have alot of friends on my server but it could be an issue for other people.


what, my server is heavy population and republic has never more then 70 people in fleet :/ planets are usually 5-20 people, ilum never has more then 10..

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what, my server is heavy population and republic has never more then 70 people in fleet :/ planets are usually 5-20 people, ilum never has more then 10..


Your saying on empire? its like that?


Im talking about during peak hours mind you, but even at 4 oclock in the morning on a weeknight there was still 60+ people on hoth.


If your talking about on republic, then im not surprised, because thats exactly what i was saying.

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Best MMO Launch I've seen hands down.


The Game has launched with more content then any other MMO out there did. It has fewer bugs then any other MMO's. There's more to do, more to see.. the story is better then every other MMO I've played.


I hadn't played an MMO in 2 years before this game came along. WoW, City of Heroes, Warhammer, Champions, EVE, I've played and done all of them. This game shows more potential out the gate then any of them did, and is more fun to play then any of them are.


All of my RL friends and associates are playing this game, and plan to continue to do so. Its just fun when we all get together and talk about the game, and what we plan to do next with it. No other MMO I've seen has done that for me. Gotten all of my friends into it and playing it.


Kudos Bioware, you can count on several subscriptions from my neck of the woods staying and continuing to play.


I agree it may not be end game content, (also its just there isnt alot of 50's right now so its harder to experience end game content)


but this game has shipped with more content then any other mmo ive played (been playing mmo's for almost 10 years)


Between all the fantastic storylines (planet and class) and the decisions you have to make. Honestly if your 50 and bored make an alt, even make an alt of the same class and choose a different advanced class and make different decisions, i guarantee you will have a vastly different experience in the game and thats what its all about with bioware.


Ill say it again, if you didnt come to this game for a bioware storyline, then you shouldnt have been here in the first place, that is what they are developing for in the future and that is why the current content is so great.

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I started on the 13thdec, have around 30 players on my friends list, and of those 30 only one has stopped logging in, the rest are still playing and seem to still love the game, even the ones at 50.


But i have been through many failed launchs, including warhammer which i quite enjoyed until i got into the upper levels and endgame in it.


No doubt quite afew will leave after free month, alot of people hop around mmo's these days, stay for first month or two then quit, but not before they tell friends and troll whatever game they're leaving, which seems to cause a mass exodus, other things factor into it aswell, but in short, just as hyping a game up can get alot of people to try it out, it can also destroy it if it turns negative. Just my opinion though, not saying this is fact.


However, i think ToR will be around for quite some time, don't personally think it'll crash, some will leave but i think many will stay. People playing seem happy with it, it's only when you come here to general forums that you see alot of negative threads.


I am not going to throw out the traditional line "it's only been out xxx weeks", but i do enjoy the game, even on my 2nd playthrough, so instead I'll just say that i understand things take time to fix and i am here for the long haul.


It's hard to say what others will do.


I agree. I'll be staying after my free month. While it does seem more single player, i have yet to join a guild. I play with a few friends but most of the time solo because im enjoying my storyline. I cant wait until i hit 50 to start pvp. People say its slow/boring/nonexistent but w/e. Ill start a new character if thats the case. I think if you give this game time it can be something pretty epic. Bioware has some killer titles out there and I think they want to make this one of them. Ill stick around to see what they have for future content/patches etc.

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How many MMOs are going to fail before developers realize they can't release half-finished buggy products when there are polished competitors who charge the same per/month price?


And that is the crux of the matter right there. Hating your customers because you think they're stupid ignorant fools and you know best is not the way to go. Go Googlefu Derek Smart.


People also need to stop saying "It's new, give it time" and "Game X launched with X amount of bugs and issues". That was then, this is now. If companies feel that they can release a game with major bugs, and with common features missing, then they, nor their fans have any right to complain when said game chokes.


ANY NEW MMO NEEDS TO COMPETE WITH THE CURRENT CROP OF MMO'S ON THE MARKET TODAY. Not how they launched, but what they have today. That is who you are going to compete with.


You may not like it, but that's how a free market works.

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In a week and 5 days.


At that point, we will find out how many are going to stay and who will leave. If enough people dont resub, swtor will suffer. The gaming community will get it's hands on how many canceled their subscriptions and it will become headlines.


I have seen this happend to Warhammer. At launch, warhammer had bugs, imbalance issues, and poor mechanics. As a result it suffered the worst drop in cancellations in MMO history. But some forget, warhammer actually turned out to be a pretty cool game. I had alot of enjoyment out of warhammer and so did those who stayed. Mythic just couldnt keep up with the demands of players and their past failures.


Now, put away your prejustice. Im not canceling my subscription or raging how bad SWTOR is. Im just sharing you with what i have seen and my opinion of the future. Im going to continue to play swtor and enjoy it.


HMMMMM you know, I had my thoughts about not continuing but the more I played it and the further I got (just hit 50) I like the game much more and see its promise. So, I'm staying. Despite how "complete and polished" other games are out there, they aren't star wars and they aren't as immersive to me as this game has been.

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Oh look, it's a doomsayer-post. Last time I checked WAR is still around for those players who enjoy it... doubt it will be different for SWTOR... Even if 50% of the current players leave the game will still be profitable, and that is all that a company cares about.


And by the way, posting on the forum shows that you care a lot about the game, too - or else you would already be playing WoW again instead of posting here...

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I've decided I will likely give it one more month after the initial sub period. As much as I've been disappointed with some of the things in this game (like dead worlds, its linear nature, the single-player atmosphere, the poor graphics performance, and the extreme story-focus,) I think Bioware did put sufficient effort into making this an MMO so that there's at least a foundation to build on for the future.


There are many things that need to be fixed, however, and if I don't see signs of progress to that end in February, I will likely unsub, leave a couple level 50 characters in as placeholders, and maybe re-up in another 6 months or so. As soon as I get to the point where I'm just logging in because I have a sub and feel like I should be logging in, I will unsub. Learned my lesson on that long ago in other games.

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Oh look, it's a doomsayer-post. Last time I checked WAR is still around for those players who enjoy it... doubt it will be different for SWTOR... Even if 50% of the current players leave the game will still be profitable, and that is all that a company cares about.


And by the way, posting on the forum shows that you care a lot about the game, too - or else you would already be playing WoW again instead of posting here...


No one cares about the fringe of die-hards who will stick around come hell or high water just because.


If you ask Bioware if "Warhammer" success is good enough for them they will probably go into paroxysms of laughter. No one wants to be Warhammer, barely sc****** by month after month and standing as the ultimate example of a failed WoW-killer. Yeah, the game might make enough to pay the bills but you can be guaranteed that if Mythic had it to do over again, they either wouldn't have spent the money on Warhammer at all, or they would have done things much differently.


STO still exists. Doesn't mean it has justified the money spent to make it. It just means it can trickle in just enough revenue to justify existing.

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