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Holy crap, The sith warrior has the sexiest voice in gaming.


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Weird how in nearly every case, I prefer the female. My female Agent is my absolute fav, the female Inquisitor lines are lovingly *****y and I weirdly find David Hayter and Nolan North more flat performance-wise compared to their female counterparts. Only male voices I really like are the smuggler and the trooper.

I agree. The only female VAs that don't work for me are the smuggler and JK... The former I find annoying, and the latter is too... young. I doesn't fit an adult character, though it works okay for my scrawny Twi'lek sentinel.

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The male voice for the warrior is BA. I think the point when I really started liking it was on the Black talon when you are speaking with Satele Shan. She says something along the lines of not wanting to destroy you because the peace treaty is already to weak. One of the responses reads "Fragile like bone". I cant remember what you say exactly, I just remember it sounding ******. If i can find a vid ill link it.
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I agree. The only female VAs that don't work for me are the smuggler and JK... The former I find annoying, and the latter is too... young. I doesn't fit an adult character, though it works okay for my scrawny Twi'lek sentinel.


you badmouthing Kari Wahlgren? you monster

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I agree. The only female VAs that don't work for me are the smuggler and JK... The former I find annoying, and the latter is too... young. I doesn't fit an adult character, though it works okay for my scrawny Twi'lek sentinel.


female smuggler is great, sounding annoying is part of the role if you think about it, almost all her lines are sarcastic and boastful, not to mention the fact that all she wants is credits, from anything, I think its great, if someone spoke to you like that I'm sure you would find them annoying aswell.


I also play a male SW and yea, his voice is as someone mentioned earlier, deadly, smooth and heartless, even if your going lightside hah. Vette counteracts it perfectly with her chirpy personality.


/voice wins in this game.

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I love his voice more than any other. Now I do love the female trooper for obvious reason and I know the Female Warrior is voiced by Claudia Black :D and I almost chose a female warrior for her voice. The only good thing about the Warrior is the voices and companions (Jaesa and Vette and I like Quinn to despite certain things.) Edited by Ashliet
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I love his voice more than any other. Now I do love the female trooper for obvious reason and I know the Female Warrior is voiced by Claudia Black :D and I almost chose a female warrior for her voice. The only good thing about the Warrior is the voices and companions (Jaesa and Vette and I like Quinn to despite certain things.)



Hate to rain on your parade, but the female SW is voiced by Natasha Little, and not Claudia Black as many people assume. :p

Edited by Teraskas
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Totally disagree with you. The male SW sounds awesome! I'm a Brit so I know an evil sounding accent when I hear one and this guy is perfect. The scenes where he pronounces death on random soldiers through to entire families are pitch perfect. The ne thing that does grate massivey though after the first 30 or so times you hear it is the rehashed dialogue:


Hearing "There won't be a heart left beating" is a major annoyance now.


Some elaboration is required.


Also, I'm not sure I'm following your logic about being British and therefore being superior at identifying villainous accents.

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I'm sorry but I can't stand Jennifer Hale as the trooper. I guess it's because I play Mass Effect so much, and hearing her as Satele Shan as well just over did it for me.


The Imperial voices are always sexier. It's the accent :)


Playing a female trooper is one of the ways you can see Jennifer Haley doing monologues.

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My favorite voices are Male Bounty Hunter's and Torian's.


My favorite NPC voice is the first Jedi consular you talk to on the Republic fleet station. I forget that actors name but recognized it right away as the voice of Optimus Prime.


Back on topic. The Warriors female voice actor though is meh to me. The males was ok. The male Inquisiter though, the snarky attitude is great.

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Male Sith Warrior voice work is the worst in the game, imho. He sounds lie he's reading the lines from a card over the 'phone and the intonation is the same - exactly the same - regardless of of what he's actually saying - it's terrible!


Compare the Sith Warrior male voice work to the Sith Inquisitor female - now that actress manages to sound by turns dry, sarcastic, peevish, evil, bellicose, conniving - you name it and she nails it.


Nope - male Sith Warrior voice is so bad I actually dropped my male Jugg at 18 and rolled female - I couldn't take it any more.


eh, i usually don't do this because you know, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, etc... but,



your opinion is wrong. lol, there I said it.

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