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Kids = Republic, Adults = Empire?


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You know the story if you play WoW, if you dont, i'll fill you in.

The Speculation of the Bad guys Horde, Empire etc, are mainly played by Adults. And Kids being the Opposite. Some say its one of the main reasons the Empire mostly win in pvp. But i just thought, any age play what ever speaks to their personality or likes, whatever that means.

But this statement from my mate made me laugh because he transfered to the Republic, and he complains about loosing all the time on the republic side pvp. Anyway he said this "The only Reason the empire win all the time is because most of the empire players are kids and they just speed level up to 50 and not taking an intrest in the story!" I just sat back and said, "Bull$!$%, if i was to say anything it would be the republic side who have the most Kids on their side, thats why you cant win, but i know some 25 year old on the republic side, because they wanted to be a Trooper, and i know another one on the Empire. Dude, people just play who they want to. Oh, but being on the republic will mean you will loose loads mate! FACT"


My point being, is it the same as World of Warcraft where MOST adults go towards the evil path, or in the old republic's case is it that the adults go towards the Lighter side? Or is it a balanced mix of the two?


Just your opinion, i know its just silly opinion thread, but i think it would be interesting to discuss everyone elses point of views.


You dont have to be harsh, all i was wondering was your thoughts.

Edited by MrBimo
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Well in all the polls about this it's been pretty well split.


But I see the kids going to the Empire. It's quicker, easier.. And black armor and a red lightsaber is soo much cooler looking than jedi robes and a green saber.

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My personal experience in no way represents the population...


But it has been a republic progression guild with NO ONE under 18 and no people really that "immature". The population is a lot less on the fleet at all times (around 80 people)


Empire... Trade filled with immature comments. I haven't joined a guild yet imperial side but plan on it. Population is very high (around 220 on fleet)

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I think it's all the young adults who think they'll be all cool being bad guys, and they tend to have more free time than little kids or adults. Kids love being the good guy hero and adults grew up with the first trilogy only, so you can keep this sith business.
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I'd like to point out that all the nonsense you hear about Horde being more mature is just that: nonsense. I have characters on both sides and the differences are minimal. I'd bet almost anything that the same is true for this game.


That said, early statistics released by BioWare show a larger population Empire side and also a statistically meaningful advantage to Empire in PvP.

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I only do 3 WZs a day for my daily.


Meaning I win every WZ every day... I'd say Empire don't win that often, at least not in my experience.


On my server Empire win more than they lose.


BioWare's own statistics show that overall, Empire just have the edge.

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Of course it's mostly kids on Empire, that's why they win, because:-


a) they're choosing the easy mode toons

b) they're rushing to 50

c) they want to play eeebul hurr hurr




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