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Next wave of invites (if everyone or near everyone isnt invited) more cancellations


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as title says


and they have plenty of right to cancel there preorder.



because frankly, allowing people to gain a unfair advantage because being allowed to play before others, even though we all preordered, its disgraceful.


and i totally hope the people who cancel never buy these companies products again


You know what I think its unfair. During wow I couldnt be as cool and have huge epeen as the dudes in the 5 Top EU Guilds in wow.


The reason is what I have a job and a life.


IT IS ALL SO DAMN UNFAIR!!! Why do I have to work and not them? Boo boo bee boo...


They got the advantage because staggering invites to early access is the best way to go, they learned this from other mmo launches.


In what order do you think they should invite people? Alphabetically? By the ones screaming the loudest? By the whine-meter? By age?


It makes sense to invite those first who preordered first because those people seem to be more fanatic to play the game. You didnt obviously preorder the first day, you would if it was important enough for you.


I preorderd the 21st of July, I am not in yet and people from 22nd of July are in. I will get in today or tomorrow I guess.


Stop whining like a spoiled kid about not getting his Nintendo 64 from daddy and grow up.



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well being higher level and starting first you can craft before others and make good money


or in pvp have better items and ability then the rest


In WOW 7 years ago I was the first shaman to level 60 on my server. I cant really remember this being any advantage. I rather wished I was 10 levels lower as all my friends were.

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If I am in line at a movie theatre. And you are behind me. Doesnt it make logical sense that I would get to pick a better seat than you? Or should we all stand at the back of the theatre until the entire audience is let in and waiting at the back then scramble for a seat?


Yes we all paid the same ammount of money for the ticket, but I got in line before you. Sucks to be you mate.


LoL that made my day thank you...

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as title says


and they have plenty of right to cancel there preorder.



because frankly, allowing people to gain a unfair advantage because being allowed to play before others, even though we all preordered, its disgraceful.


and i totally hope the people who cancel never buy these companies products again


I agree people who can't read shouldn't be playing MMOs, instead they should be in school learning what "UP TO" means.

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If I am in line at a movie theatre. And you are behind me. Doesnt it make logical sense that I would get to pick a better seat than you? Or should we all stand at the back of the theatre until the entire audience is let in and waiting at the back then scramble for a seat?


Yes we all paid the same ammount of money for the ticket, but I got in line before you. Sucks to be you mate.



LOL exactly. People complaining that they got a legitimate gripe with EGA (and that they represent the majority) are the same babies that would cry that they didn't get a seat in musical chairs in grade school. Back then that baby would cry and cry and scream to the point that when playing musical chairs, there were enough seat's for everyone so no one would ever be out.


The same babies in kindergarden that would cry and whine when it's not their turn to pick the first toy because the most popular one would be picked first but when it's their turn to pick first, everything is perfect.


I'd bet that if all the babies got access the first day, they wouldn't be here crying now would they.


I don't know why people can't comprehend "UP TO 5 days early game access". Then BW goes above and beyond to insure everyone gets some early access they extend it to 7 days.

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If I am in line at a movie theatre. And you are behind me. Doesnt it make logical sense that I would get to pick a better seat than you? Or should we all stand at the back of the theatre until the entire audience is let in and waiting at the back then scramble for a seat?


Yes we all paid the same ammount of money for the ticket, but I got in line before you. Sucks to be you mate.



No, they should let everyone in at once and let the building crash.

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as title says


and they have plenty of right to cancel there preorder.



because frankly, allowing people to gain a unfair advantage because being allowed to play before others, even though we all preordered, its disgraceful.


and i totally hope the people who cancel never buy these companies products again



Unfair advantage? Are they going to gain access to items you won't (not talking about which pre order you recieved)? Quests? Phat Lewtz?


People who preordered early deserve a day or two ahead of us. While I wish I were one that were in already, it is not because I am coveting others being in early. It is because I enjoyed the game in Beta, and would like to get in there and have some more fun. But my life is not stalled waiting on my invite either.

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If I am in line at a movie theatre. And you are behind me. Doesnt it make logical sense that I would get to pick a better seat than you? Or should we all stand at the back of the theatre until the entire audience is let in and waiting at the back then scramble for a seat?


Yes we all paid the same ammount of money for the ticket, but I got in line before you. Sucks to be you mate.


Amen, sir!! :D

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as title says


and they have plenty of right to cancel there preorder.



because frankly, allowing people to gain a unfair advantage because being allowed to play before others, even though we all preordered, its disgraceful.


and i totally hope the people who cancel never buy these companies products again


So... guess you didn't take the " Up to 5 days early access " seriously, and pre-ordered yesterday?

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Shouldn't gloat but it's been really enjoyable playing in the first wave. All the peeps are nice, kind and helpful to one another - a real group spirit.


I dread the onslaught of the whiners in this post who are threatening to cancel, quit, etc. You lot are the types of moaning, selfish, me first clowns who make playing a decent MMO absolute hell.


See you on the dark side.

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Well, if you enjoy crashing servers then sure. I for one is not a big fan of servers constantly crashing at launch. And the way BW and EA is doing it works, as far as I know the server where my guild is at have not had a single problem...yet (Im ofc not saying that the way they do it is perfect, there will allways be some problems).



Well the thing is you are only crashing one server and it's the log-in server. The log-in server is a separate server that everyone gets sent to when they log-in... then they get thrown to whatever server you select to play on. Everyone who has already been thrown to their individual server gets to stay on...


So it's sorta like staggering but with Server crash and in-game player paranoia of never wanting to log out which is the fun part.


Also I'd prefer them to be working on things other than a log-in servers and the crashing is a more efficient use of their time imo... server crashes a person goes and fixes it. the server is up. The way they are doing it now is they are monitoring it and tweaking it and putting work into it that really isn't needed and doesn't look good from the outside...


Ironic that it takes more work to do what they are doing, but it looks like to everyone that they are doing less work... but that's not to say more work = good so meh.

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If I am in line at a movie theatre. And you are behind me. Doesnt it make logical sense that I would get to pick a better seat than you? Or should we all stand at the back of the theatre until the entire audience is let in and waiting at the back then scramble for a seat?


Yes we all paid the same ammount of money for the ticket, but I got in line before you. Sucks to be you mate.


And then there are people that cut in line and then we all laugh giddily waiting for the Crimson Bolt to smack you with a pipe wrench!

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So... guess you didn't take the " Up to 5 days early access " seriously, and pre-ordered yesterday?


Nope, their brains completely bypassed the words "Up to" and skipped to "5 days early access" so they thought they were entitled to 5 days. Pretty much everything else was a blur and un-comprehendible.

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This is actually going to be the first MMO that Ive gotten in on from the beta. I had no problem catching up to friends in WOW or Everquest. So, it cracks me up to read angry posts saying they are going to cancel. Just face the fact that we are all fanatics and will take what we are given and like it.

Cant wait to revive my poor deleted toon

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If I am in line at a movie theatre. And you are behind me. Doesnt it make logical sense that I would get to pick a better seat than you? Or should we all stand at the back of the theatre until the entire audience is let in and waiting at the back then scramble for a seat?


Yes we all paid the same ammount of money for the ticket, but I got in line before you. Sucks to be you mate.




And im in not in yet either does it matter no.

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as title says


and they have plenty of right to cancel there preorder.



because frankly, allowing people to gain a unfair advantage because being allowed to play before others, even though we all preordered, its disgraceful.


and i totally hope the people who cancel never buy these companies products again


Cancel, at least I will move up one in the que lol....


seriously tho, there has been little to no mis leading. In every single post Bioware has stated what their plan was and that there should be UP TO 5 days! Tomorrow is day 2 of 6....take a freaking chill pill.

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as title says


and they have plenty of right to cancel there preorder.



because frankly, allowing people to gain a unfair advantage because being allowed to play before others, even though we all preordered, its disgraceful.


and i totally hope the people who cancel never buy these companies products again





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