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Where to put points after Balance tree?


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Hi guys,


firstly, thanks to all of you for making such a awesome threads. It helped me a lot in deciding and playing Shadow. ;)


Secondly. I would like to ask you for help. I am playing Balance Shadow in PvE and I can't decide where to put skill points after the Balance tree is (almost) full.

I came up with three choices:


1) Infiltration tree http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601ZGhMMoZcMfRrMkrc.1

I have read that Severe Force is not so good for PvE. This would give me Circling Shadows in exchange.


2) Kinetic tree http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rzbckZoZcMfRrMkrc.1

This would give me Particle Acceleration and as a bonus Kinetic Ward.


3) Mix http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rzZGZcMfRrMkrfz.1

It is kinda a mix. This would give me Armor Bonus and good chance to Find Weakness but also Double-Bladed Saber Defense and Applied Force and also Severe Force.


Right now I would take choice 1, but I am not sure. Could you give me some help?


Thanks in advance ;)

Edited by Meleagos
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1) Infiltration tree http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601ZGhMMoZcMfRrMkrc.1

I have read that Severe Force is not so good for PvE. This would give me Circling Shadows in exchange.


Balance should only be using Project once every 20 seconds or so to maintain Twin Disciplines, so Circling Shadows would be largely useless, not to mention that Vigor is a waste of a talent and you didn't take the incredibly awesome Masked Assault (if you want I will provide math the proves it). Security Breach isn't that useful to you since the debuff already lasts longer than the CD and the CD even when talented is too long to reliably apply to multiple targets with decent effect.


2) Kinetic tree http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rzbckZoZcMfRrMkrc.1

This would give me Particle Acceleration and as a bonus Kinetic Ward.


Keep in mind that PA only applies when you are in Combat Technique, which you shouldn't be in since you are Balance. DBSD is also a worse talent than Technique Mastery: the extended duration on Force Breach is quite nice for you (since it saves you CDs to reapply) and crit is the top priority stat for you as a Balance Shadow (since crits with DoTs give you fancy presents). Expertise is a largely trash talent: when it says it increases the damage dealt by your Techniques, it refers only to the chance on successful attacks that you have to deal additional Kinetic damage. Expertise is such a small increase to an ability that accounts for so little of your damage that you can ignore it without much issue. You should only take it as filler.


3) Mix http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rzZGZcMfRrMkrfz.1

It is kinda a mix. This would give me Armor Bonus and good chance to Find Weakness but also Double-Bladed Saber Defense and Applied Force and also Severe Force.


Since you are not a tank, DBSD is not going to be useful to you. The marginal increase in survivability isn't where you want to spend those talents: you simply shouldn't be attacked enough for them to be worth it.


Personally, I would take Sever Force simply because it's another DoT and Balance is all about the DoTs, but that's just me. After that, you want to go with talents that make your existing DoTs even better. Barring that, Double Strike.


So, with this logic in mind spec. You get the best DPS talents from what's available for you after you finish Balance, which, in all honesty, is slim pickings since the first 2 tiers of Balance is where the best "post 40" talents are and you get those first.

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