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This game is in some serious trouble


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Didn't play FF, but have played plenty of others and for some reason there was always something to look forward to next.


With this one, even though I took time to get to 50, now it's just same old boring drill, less than a month out. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if the game wasn't plagued with issues.


I mean I am not crying I still play it, just wanted to see if others have similar thoughts. All the loading screens everywhere you go, completely imbalanced factions, lack of any realistic goal in the game other than to get more bags.


What was there to look forward to? More digging of ditches? Catching more fish? Doing something ungodfully boring, just to have something to do? Really? OR maybe you wanted to have a house on a planet that looks a lot like Tattooine, and work on that and have water evaporators, and farming equipment, and paying of maintenance and rent, and having to put furniture in your new house, and on your star ship...blah, blah, blah, blah.


You could look forward to those things....or. Or you could look forward to the next mission, the next character story, the class, and actually go out and save a GALAXY! Far far away...or you know live another life in a game where your character does what you do for a living....yeah, yeah...that is so much fun....no not really. SW:TOR, has thus far a) gotten me to buy the game. b) gotten me to pay them a monthly subscription, which the other games I have played I absolutely would not do, and c) actually made all of it, fun. In trouble? Nope, not in my mind. :)

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I am sure everyone is sick of these threads popping up, but I couldn't help it. This game is in some serious trouble. It is the first month of the release and I don't remember any MMO in the last 10 years being as one sided and filled with problems.


I know bunch of people will jump and scream that it's a brand new game, needs time to mature, needs time to grow, but frankly those apologetic excuses don't apply here. BioWare had years and tens if not hundreds of other MMO games to use as role model, improve on shortcomings of others, but they botched it big time.


First is the whole "endgame" concept which I don't think exists at this point. The whole endgame revolves around farming warzones or being farmed in them, for Republic players.


Classes are completely imbalanced, some classes suck while others are gankers wet dream.


PvP Gearing is ridiculous.


Balance of the factions is insane. Many republic players are considering not even bothering with warzones anymore because it takes 6+ hours to completely daily warzone quest for 3 wins. If the intent of Empire players is to alienate the opposing faction so much so they stop queuing, care for what you wish. You may end up playing Huttball with yourselves as an endgame for good.


I mean seriously, does anyone else feel that this game is totally one sided?


On my server Republic wins 85% of games...Empire only wins 53:47% of matches....that is extremely close...


Some servers Republic dominates, some Empire dominates, others have balance...its a 3% spread...stop spewing crap.

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On my server Republic wins 85% of games...Empire only wins 53:47% of matches....that is extremely close...


Some servers Republic dominates, some Empire dominates, others have balance...its a 3% spread...stop spewing crap.


That is only because majority of Empire is playing Huttball due to population imbalance. Let BioWare take away Huttball and then see how those numbers skew.

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