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Good Merc Pyro build for PvP?


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today i saw that Merc on the enemy Team, that was dishing out heavy hits like their is tomorrow. He also made me burn with the hits, mostly when he railshotted me. I even got hit by some 4k crits from him. And i dont think he used Tracer Missiles.

I currently only have around 140 expertise. And i assume he had full PvP equipment.

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What powers do you guys normally use?


It seems like the priority would be railshots, possibly with Incendiary Missile as an opener (to get the target burning).


I assume Thermal Detonator, Unload, and Powershot should go into the mix, but I'm not sure on the priority on those two.

Edited by Iram
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Always open up with incendiary missile, if the target is grouped up with other enemies then pop off a power surge / thermal override fusion missile to toss up even more aoe dots.


after that you want to keep rail shot and thermal detonator on cooldown as much as possible, unload should take priority over power shot however if im following up a thermal detonator i like to power shot because it will hit at the exact point that the detonator will explode, throw in a rail shot right after the power shot and you have some HUGE burst for a mainly dot spec.

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Always open up with incendiary missile, if the target is grouped up with other enemies then pop off a power surge / thermal override fusion missile to toss up even more aoe dots.


after that you want to keep rail shot and thermal detonator on cooldown as much as possible, unload should take priority over power shot however if im following up a thermal detonator i like to power shot because it will hit at the exact point that the detonator will explode, throw in a rail shot right after the power shot and you have some HUGE burst for a mainly dot spec.


Ok, that's roughly what I was doing. Already respecced back to arsenal. The mobility isn't really much better than with an arsenal spec.


Pyro can move during Rail Shot and Thermal Detonator, but you still need to stand there for Power Shot and Unload frequently.


Arsenal can move during Rail Shot and Heatseeker Missile, but you still need to stand there for Tracer Missile and Unload.


Damage is close, but the pyro is all DoT's while the Arsenal spec is a lot of direct damage. For PvP where a fight is frequently over in 10 seconds, a 18 second DoT opener (or a 6 second DoT that triggers in the middle of a fight) just doesn't seem as effective as a big boom.


Plus, there's something just more satisfying about all of the explosions you get with arsenal spec. Pyro's sound effects are kinda "pew-pew" where Arsenal sound effects are more "roar-boom"

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Ok, that's roughly what I was doing. Already respecced back to arsenal. The mobility isn't really much better than with an arsenal spec.


Pyro can move during Rail Shot and Thermal Detonator, but you still need to stand there for Power Shot and Unload frequently.


Arsenal can move during Rail Shot and Heatseeker Missile, but you still need to stand there for Tracer Missile and Unload.


Damage is close, but the pyro is all DoT's while the Arsenal spec is a lot of direct damage. For PvP where a fight is frequently over in 10 seconds, a 18 second DoT opener (or a 6 second DoT that triggers in the middle of a fight) just doesn't seem as effective as a big boom.


Plus, there's something just more satisfying about all of the explosions you get with arsenal spec. Pyro's sound effects are kinda "pew-pew" where Arsenal sound effects are more "roar-boom"


Yeah I can't stand Pyro over Arsenal either. Arsenal has the burst which is what really kills people since it doesn't give healers time to react. Pyro has some nice sustained damage but if they are smart they will cure your dots or hide until they fade. Pyro also leaves you stuck with the RNG monster for proccing your stuff....


Arsenal with 2pc PVE set and the rest PVP set is totally the way to go for PVP unless you wanna do a hybrid healer/dps which we are also quite good at, just don't expect to be topping the meters with either one but do expect to do well enough at both.

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Yeah I can't stand Pyro over Arsenal either. Arsenal has the burst which is what really kills people since it doesn't give healers time to react. Pyro has some nice sustained damage but if they are smart they will cure your dots or hide until they fade. Pyro also leaves you stuck with the RNG monster for proccing your stuff....


Arsenal with 2pc PVE set and the rest PVP set is totally the way to go for PVP unless you wanna do a hybrid healer/dps which we are also quite good at, just don't expect to be topping the meters with either one but do expect to do well enough at both.


What's the 2-piece PvE set bonus?


Do you have an example of a hybrid talent spec? I'm willing to try almost anything. My normal Arsenal spec includes 2x MedTech and I'm having trouble deciding between Empowered Scans, or Surgical Precision System (or maybe Integrated Cardio Package).

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What's the 2-piece PvE set bonus?


Do you have an example of a hybrid talent spec? I'm willing to try almost anything. My normal Arsenal spec includes 2x MedTech and I'm having trouble deciding between Empowered Scans, or Surgical Precision System (or maybe Integrated Cardio Package).


The 2pc PVE set bonus is 15% crit on Tracer Missile and is pretty much a must if you go Arsenal for both the DPS boost and the heat reduction from missile crits. Yeah you're only using it for about 50% of your attacks if you're playing right but thats still a ton. I find the slight expertise loss to be worth it.


A hybrid spec would involve something around 21 (Kolto Shell) or 18 (3x Critical Efficiency) in Bodyguard, at least 9 in Arsenal (Stabilizers, Muzzle Fluting) and then the rest of the points in either Arsenal or Pyrotech depending on preference. Arsenal provides better defense by increasing your self healing received and power barrier and improved knockbacks while Pyrotech provides Incendiary Missile and some heat venting/snare removal.


Either way you should be one hard bastard to kill between the Kolto shell and heals/attacks with no pushback and interrupt immunity during Energy Shield while being able to stack up Combustable Gas, pop it, and spam Power Shots for 0 heat.

Edited by Lightmgl
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The 2pc PVE set bonus is 15% crit on Tracer Missile and is pretty much a must if you go Arsenal for both the DPS boost and the heat reduction from missile crits. Yeah you're only using it for about 50% of your attacks if you're playing right but thats still a ton. I find the slight expertise loss to be worth it.


A hybrid spec would involve something around 21 (Kolto Shell) or 18 (3x Critical Efficiency) in Bodyguard, at least 9 in Arsenal (Stabilizers, Muzzle Fluting) and then the rest of the points in either Arsenal or Pyrotech depending on preference. Arsenal provides better defense by increasing your self healing received and power barrier and improved knockbacks while Pyrotech provides Incendiary Missile and some heat venting/snare removal.


Either way you should be one hard bastard to kill between the Kolto shell and heals/attacks with no pushback and interrupt immunity during Energy Shield while being able to stack up Combustable Gas, pop it, and spam Power Shots for 0 heat.

You try this build? That have sense...

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I didn't find Pyro spec as fun, but I have to say the thermal gernade and the ability to slow movement when your cylinder procs are the 2 best parts of the tree. If the cylinder was more effective on proc or procced more I would have probably kept it over arsenal. But Either tree can really build up heat too fast before becoming super effective, whereas force users.. at least SI sorcs can unload several more shots before running empty. We recover faster but PVP is not usually about sustaining unless you can live long enough to make it worth it.
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Ive been playing Merc - Arsenal for pvp and was thinking of going more of a hyrbid for healing in order to obtain he most medals and make the grind just a tad quicker. Anyone have any suggestions as to builds? I am of course toying with the calculator. Thanks!


( . Y . )

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Im having much more success as pyrotech than i did with arsenal, i wear 4pc champion eliminator and i love the mobility that makes fighting assassins / operatives so much easier (especially operatives).


Not to mention the 18 second dots are RETARDED for voidstar / alderaan, nobody can cap anything.

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Ive been playing Merc - Arsenal for pvp and was thinking of going more of a hyrbid for healing in order to obtain he most medals and make the grind just a tad quicker. Anyone have any suggestions as to builds? I am of course toying with the calculator. Thanks!


( . Y . )


I really like the Arsenal with a splash in body guard.

The reduced cast-times on healing casts and improved venting, etc allow me to main-heal any flashpoint easily.


Not to mention you now can reduce pushback for healing and that helps in PvP.

Whether you are healing someone else or yourself.


I definitely get an extra medal each match with the +2500 heal going off.

So, basically 7 medals a match.

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I'm not convinced it's worth going all the way up to Thermal Detonator in the Pyro tree. Ok it does more single target damage than rocket dart but you loose the AoE and it's on the same cool down as Dart. Am I missing something?


I don't think it's bad exactly just not worth 31 points.

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The more I look at that Pyro tree the more I really like it.

It is a pretty sweet tree .... especially the enhancements to the Shield ability are really nice for PvP.


Keep in mind, get a healer burning and they will have a tough time trying to heal anyone.

That is a great advantage.

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I'm not convinced it's worth going all the way up to Thermal Detonator in the Pyro tree. Ok it does more single target damage than rocket dart but you loose the AoE and it's on the same cool down as Dart. Am I missing something?


I don't think it's bad exactly just not worth 31 points.


Thermal detonator does A LOT of damage, its the only ability i can rely on with adrenals / relics and overcharge to crit 5k+ and get the medal.


its definately worth the 31 points

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thermal detonator does A LOT of damage, its the only ability i can rely on with adrenals / relics and overcharge to crit 5k+ and get the medal.


its definately worth the 31 points


Juice, are you using the build that was linked earlier in the thread? I've been playing arsenal in pvp, and ready for something new. I seem to struggle against most pyrotechs, and you seem to be experienced using Pyrotech, so I was hoping you could give some insight on the build you use.

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Plus, there's something just more satisfying about all of the explosions you get with arsenal spec. Pyro's sound effects are kinda "pew-pew" where Arsenal sound effects are more "roar-boom"


FINALLY someone that went arsenal spec that wasn't doing it for FOTM and just doing it for the boom boom. Thank you honestly!!


I was arsenal spec for a while and decided to check out pyro. I love the mobility i get when attacking. I have a fully crit/surge stacked eliminator set, and after switching to pyro i don't think i'll ever go back to arsenal. Critting on a tracer missile and heatseek missile is nice but the serious damage openers and mobility of pyro simply win IMO. Then again play as you want to play not as someone tells you to play it. I leveled as an arsenal merc and liked it. I heard good things about it when i first started playing but pyro just fits my playstyle more so thats what i'm sticking with.



Oh and not sure if anyone else has experienced this as a pyro but i seem to have alot of success with rocket punches and rapid shots. With my crit chance being so high my rapid shots crit ALOT and do about 200 per tick from main hand, so one rapid shot can do around 500 damage when chasing an opponent and waiting for your TD/RS to come off a cooldown, and no one seems to expect a merc BH to run right at them to get a nice 2.5k falcon punch in and its the COOLEST finisher IMO :D

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Something i don't often see mentioned about pyro spec is the fact that the dots can be easily cured. I play a bodyguard so i'm healing anyway but i always just cure the fire off me and my team mates and no more dot damage. Of course it uses up a global so sometimes i put it off in favor of a heal depending on the situation.


While i am on the subject, anyone know if the other two healing classes can also purge the fire? Just curious.

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Juice, are you using the build that was linked earlier in the thread? I've been playing arsenal in pvp, and ready for something new. I seem to struggle against most pyrotechs, and you seem to be experienced using Pyrotech, so I was hoping you could give some insight on the build you use.





This is the build i use, I much prefer energy rebounder over degauss because i dont like to use energy shield just to get away when its much more effective to tank up damage when a melee is on you, the amount of extra shields you can get off over the course of a warzone adds up pretty quickly.

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