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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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I gave it a 8/10 and I'm a 32 healer who can put out numbers almost equal to any average level 50. So you're wrong there.


GW2 is going to be terrible, the first one wasn't anything special.

You're talking about subscription numbers dropping, are we talking about WoW? Cause if so, then yes, WoW subscription numbers are still dropping. But they have risen in China.


SWTOR isn't TERRIBLE by any stretch, but the PvP is atrocious. If you are even alittle interested in PvP'ing in this game you will probably unsub at some point soon. It's a fun single player rpg with a chat window, that about sums up my experience to 42.


You are also out of your mind if you think Guildwars 2 is going to be awful, funniest thing I've read here yet. A quick video search and you can see the combat does something SWTOR failed to do....It looks FUN!


This game will be F2P by the end of this year.

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2/10. Too many issues and flaws with PvP.


The ability delay.

The massive grind you have to go through in order to get Champion Gear.

Total class imbalance.

PvP queue bug (I've been told it's not happening on every realm) where it kicks you back to the character screen.


Could go on, but what difference does it make. I know Bioware didn't want to re-invent the wheel, but it seems like they took a five year old wheel from vanilla WoW and tried to introduce it as a new thing.


The grind and RNG/luck factor are really demotivating. I just can't grasp how they let this system go live like this. What a load of prawn-eating sandwich tribe.

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Currently leveling up through PvP - 8/10


I'm a OP merc and tracer spam people 20 levels above me and love it!


Endgame wise? Well, we have to wait and see how the changes pan out.


But, I am looking forward to rated PvP + loot drops in world PvP. Combines two of my favorite forms of PvP.

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Too many Huttballs, ability lag, dreadful UI - I simply hate when your companion returns from a mission, it gets in the way. Why cant it just appear as pending?!


No rankings, brackets, stats and yes, they appear to be coming but really - why wasnt it included in the first place?


IF Bioware mix up the factions as they said they may do, instead of bringing in cross server pvp, then I will probably cancel simply because its a stupid idea.


For Huttball - sure, but for everything else, it should remain Empire v Republic.

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8/10, only because it feels a bit laggy for me.


unbalanced classes? stop running PUGs and make your own premade. . .


unfair CC? Stop trying to solo 3 other classes with no help. . . and for the rebutle of "one class can do too much of this, or too much of that, or stun me over and over and over" your in a pvp warzone, find a wingman worth their salt. . .


The only thing I liked about Rift was their slogan, "Were not in Azeroth anymore" and thats a fact. Time to learn how to be powerfull in THIS MMO. Time to evolve with what is NEW and not fall back onto what your a comfortable with. No one is going to hold your hand in this game, GL to you.

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I'm at about a 3/10.


Having about 1/4 of my matches count for nothing due to a bug is annoying. The bolster system is not working. Certain classes/professions are leaps and bounds ahead of others. Huttball is a nuisance (and I'm Republic). How can you call it a "War"zone when you're playing a game with a ball vs the same faction as yours. Playing the champion bag lotto is not a good way of gearing up. Pugs vs Premades are bad, and so is the fact I can only queue with 3 other people. Ilum is an absolute joke, where PvP gets in the way of getting PvP gear. The "fixes" they have in store for the planet will not change anything.




The map layouts are nice. When you get two teams that are more or less equal it can lead to some very entertaining matches (when they count anyways).


8/10. Biggest problems are the lack of a 50 bracket and ability delay bug.

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the PvP is atrocious. If you are even alittle interested in PvP'ing in this game you will probably unsub at some point soon. It's a fun single player rpg with a chat window




you cant call 3 warzones pvp

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3/10 for me. I just cannot get over how my character doesn't feel "smooth" in terms of controls.


Just to throw this out there, I have only read the first 3 pages of this post but a reocuring thing is clear. People with accounts older than release month, or close to it, seem to rate the game higher than those who only created their accounts within the last 2-3 months. Someone should do a poll on this.

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i give 3/10



-Stun lock


-No class balance


-Pretty much no Opvp


-All Jedi's and Siths are equiped with broomsticks, not light sabers. Jedi/Siths does less damage on this game. Haha not cool.


-ONly 3 warzones for a game that has been on the make for 3+ plus years is sad.

i mean they spent all that time with the open cinematic of each warzone, which is boring worthless, buggy... and memory consuming. For me a waste of time.

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3/10 the balance is a joke, the amount of times I have been thrown outside of the map when charging someone, the BH rope goes through *********** edges (hutball they can hook you from below to the goal line) one game I had a team with 4 healers while I did not have a single one. the 1-50 **** is a joke, healing.. you get ONE interrupt spell that just removes 1!!!!!!!! heal and they have ATLEAST 2 more. i got pretty much full t2 gear and I cant even kill a *********** level 30 healer without having to chase him atleast 1 minutes and that is when I do the interrupts properly but usually by then they have just healed up to full again because the other cc abilities are on cooldown.


There are 2 things I like about pvp right now. 1. the map design(except for the 2 hours speeches which are really annoying) but other then that they feel refreshing even tho there is nothing super revolutionary about them. and 2. Most of the gear from pvp looks really cool. (especially compared to the pve tier sets)

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From 1-10 i give it a 0. Pathetic. I loved this game till i tried pvp. No brackets, awful character response, no balance, laggy as hell on 20ish latency... And i cant see how they can fix it in a loooong time, since they should redesign a lot of screw-ups. I hate WoW, but this is so far from WoW killer, it will just remind people how polished, balanced and RESPONSIVE WoW is, and i am so sorry for that. I had my hopes so high, i will just stick to pve/story till my sub runs out, cause imho, this game doesn't deserve monthly payments.
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I'll say 3/10.


Ilum PvP is currently laughable. Republic and Imperials hang out, chat, and make sure each other complete their daily while they flip objectives, no combat whatsoever. If I actually attacked somebody, they would probably be shocked and pissed off because it's unheard of.


Warzones are ridiculously imbalanced in the favor of the Imperials. Yes they have more level 50s and that will be addressed with the level 50 tier, but the real problem is that multiple sorcs/sages completely imbalance the match, and there are many times as many sorcs as sages due to the coolness factor of lightning over tossing pebbles. I don't know what Bioware can do to balance this out other than severely nerfing CC in general, but I can't remember the last time I've won my 3 Warzone dailies. Yesterday I didn't win 1 in over 20 matches, and I'm a pretty good healer with decent gear and expertise. Add to that the fact that the other side completes their daily every day in a half hour, and now they also have better gear to go along with their army of stunlocking Sorcs.


The reason I give it a 3 rather than a 1 is because once in a great while when there is a competitive match, the Warzones are actually a lot of fun. As of right now I'm pretty much retiring from PvP. I could roll an Imperial and use him for PvP, it would surely be less frustratring, but facerolling every match is almost as un-fun as getting farmed.

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My discontent grows every match. I really wanted to finish up my Champion set soon, but I think I am done with PvP until there are brackets and all the exploits are fixed.


Sick of seeing ranged DPS standing on top of Pylons, targetable but can not use any direct damage skills on them, just ripping through people.


Sick of watching groups of lvl 10-15 players run around trying to kill 1 person when the entire of the rest of the opposition face roll the 2-3 players following objectives and losing. We need brackets so that at least a larger amount of players know what they are supposed to be doing and can week out the low level people with no clue.


I could rant for days, but no point.

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I'll give it a solid 1 I think.


The fact that from my last 2-3 games, every 5 minutes I've spent 1 minute locked in CC, so in roughly an hour I've spent 12 minutes unable to do anything if my calc suffice.


Way too much stuns and knockbacks in the game, and the whole spamming 1 button classes like Sage/sorc merc/commando doesn't make the game much more fun.


Plus healing is WAY too strong, 1 dps don't have a chance in hell to kill a healer, 2 dps MIGHT be able to. Game is ****, givf balance.

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