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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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Imperials are mirrors yet there cast times and how they play was not inticipated bioware didn't see an army of darth mauls being created? come on BW you know republic are teambased players and you've done everything in your power to make trooper healers redundant in pvp









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PvP here smells so much like Warhammer Online!

So NOT fun!


Yes, and even worse:


Warhammer had Warzone level tiers from the start, more Warzones overall, and meaningful World PvP with objectives and rewards, which made its "PvP" better than this at the launch. Years ago, same developer team.


It was still an imbalanced zergfest full of stuns, but at least it somehow felt like an actual war. The flaws it had, however, were never sucessfully addressed, which makes me very doubtful regarding any improvent for SWTOR. "Nerf X" is not a solution to this mess.

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Right now 8/10. A few changes need to be made for a 9/10-10/10. But they are aware of and are fixing what's needed so far. As for open world pvp, who cares if there aren't many rewards right now. People need to PvP for the sake of PvP because it's fun. The real reward should be doing your best and succeeding. But then again they are working on a fix for that too by adding valor, etc. The game has been out not even 3 weeks. Patches, expansions, etc can change a lot of things so I can only look forward to new changes and features.
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i m not 50 yet so my pvp contains 3 warzones. = 10 points

90% of the time its huttball = 3 points + 1 for voidstar or the other one

-1 for class balance

-1 for more 50s = autowin

-1 huge lags


=1 point


and -1 for paying 12€ to play huttball



0 = unsubscribed

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there's no way you are not the president of bioware trying to get more customers, 7/10 is *********** absurd. warzone lag alone is -5


I have aded 2 points for those times once in a blue moon when actualy my abilities work as intended, without a significant input lag.

Edited by Rabbitofdoom
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Why so they are forced to balance the entire game around it? Think before asking for stuff Blizzard even said they regret.


They said they regreted the way they implemented arena. not the arena system itself. i can't believe people still bring this up after blizzard explained themself for years.

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I guess I'd give it a 5 as I partly enjoy pvp but I partly hate it. Skills lag really bad, animations kick off but not the actual ability, and the lack of brackets are really annoying. I'd also for once like to see a queue system that splits off solo/party groups to stop premades steamrolling a full team of solo queued players. I got nothing against premades as I roll in them as well, but I'd still like to somewhat enjoy pvp when I go solo.
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1. Healing is atrocious with way to many interrupts, stuns and low medal counts for trying to actually heal on a healer. Even basic, "get info the fight:, melee abilities, such as leaps, have roots and interrupts associated with them, which means that healers almost have no place on the battlefield when fighting organized groups. Better to have two tanks and two DPS then one healer who can't get one cast off when getting assisted on. If you wanna heal in this game, level up Biochem to 400, roll a heavy armor DPS or a stealther and you're basically god mode.


2. Boring and repetitive Warzones with fairly horrible PVE mechanics. They reward mindless zerging and suicide instead of strategic re spawns and killing opponents. The medal system is completely horrible. It encourages individualism and selfishness because most people don't care for nothing more then to rack up their own medals. Who cares for a win when you can end up with 11 medals for a loss and still get 100 commendation. Seeing someone let their side die so they can get the solo kill medals is beyond ridiculous and truly sad. I would be ashamed if I was a game developer and came up with such a pathetic PVP mechanic. Not only that but as I stated... the game LITERALLY ENCOURAGES this type of behavior.



3. Class balance is horrible. Majority of the melee classes have some sort of vanish to get out of fights, allowing them to not only control the start of the fight with leaps or stealth but also decide when the fight will end and when they feel like they'll pull out. The range classes all have multiple forms of CC so basically whoever sees each other first, wins. No skill required since most classes can spam one button for easy kill. While range, especially the force users dominate the battlefield at lower levels, the game is completely turned upside down at level 50. Melee become untouchable while RPDS blow up like paper dolls. While it's somewhat satisfactory to see this, it however, is nothing to be proud off. People that play melee operatives or scoundrels for example, think they're gods with the ultimate amount of skill, even thought they know that their class is way OP.. I don't really care if they do as such but the dev team should be on top of classes as such. Each day and week that passes by, more people leave the game.


4. CC and CC immunity is horrible. Majority of the time, your resolve bar goes off inside your respawn area while you're waiting to get back into the fight. While some claim that resolve works, 99% of the time, it works as I said. You get stunned once, choked, rooted and then immobilized with full resolve bar and it only activates after you're dead. The 8 second immunity is practically useless since most classes that have vanish, will and do, in fact vanish or stealth during this time to continue the charade after their target's CC immunity is down. The 2 min CC break is a joke since stuns are on 20-30 sec cool down timers. The CC is also a huge problem on the RPDS since they can literally chill on the side lines, CC their targets while the target can't even defend or fight back. (Resolve is basically useless. The golden rule of any game when playing healers or kiters is that if you stand still, you're dead. However, in this game, majority of the classes have roots and abilities that immobilize targets which if used correctly, can and will keep the target in once place for more then 15 seconds at one time. This of course results in a death of that said target)


5. Open world PVP is a joke. It's very poorly implemented, rewards not killing the other faction and the valor and comms you get from it is laughable at best. This of course encourages people to only go to Illum to win trade for their daily quests. Outside of that, most people actually void the PVP zones since there is nothing to do in them. The chest and really good crafting nodes were all removed because of hackers and such, which means that 99.9% of the populations gets shafted because Bioware wants to "warn" these users. Only warning they should have gotten for blatant exploitation of the game is a ban.


6. UI and lag and latency are pretty horrible as well. People with top end machines, myself included, will and still do experience sporadic lag spikes that decide outcome of fights. This of course is a well known issue and Bioware, even in the beta, knew about this and still take no direct approach to deal with the issue. This is especially frustrating when playing melee classes because the client response is so horrible that they can't even hit the target they're chasing due to all the stuttering and rubber banding. UI itself is a complete and utter nightmare. It's hard to tell who needs cleansing or healing due to very bad UI frames which do not keep up with player's ACTUALLY HP. A lot of times people will die even thought they show as having full HP on the raid frames. This also applies with tanks or anyone else who needs to pay attention to raid bars to do their jobs properly. Targeting friendlies by clicking on them is pretty much impossible in this game so if the UI doesn't work or the person does not show up on the UI frames, (this happens ALL the time), they're basically screwed that whole Warzone.


7. The aesthetics of animations take away from the functionality of the game. As many people have complained, animation lag, length and such do effect the time stamps of abilities, which in some cases decide the outcome of fights. Project on the Consular for example, has 1.8 second delay between the activation of the ability and the damage application on the target, which in PVP can make a huge difference. 1.8 seconds, when trying to interrupt objective caps, is an eternity and can cause you to actually loose that objective even thought you've clearly interrupted the cap about 2 sec prior to completion.




How about that? I bet I get a ton of hate for that, lol. I do wanna inform ALL of you that all the issues listed above have been in the game since August of last year. That's when I started testing this game and nothing has changed since.


Thats 1 Exccellent post and presice to the point

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7/10 Better than average.


They need to remove Expertise, and/or give 50s their own bracket, and/or give premades their own bracket, and/or add more WZs. Class balance is surprisingly good. Just a lot of nonsense and misinformation floating around.

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1. Healing is atrocious with way to many interrupts, stuns and low medal counts for trying to actually heal on a healer. Even basic, "get info the fight:, melee abilities, such as leaps, have roots and interrupts associated with them, which means that healers almost have no place on the battlefield when fighting organized groups. Better to have two tanks and two DPS then one healer who can't get one cast off when getting assisted on. If you wanna heal in this game, level up Biochem to 400, roll a heavy armor DPS or a stealther and you're basically god mode.


2. Boring and repetitive Warzones with fairly horrible PVE mechanics. They reward mindless zerging and suicide instead of strategic re spawns and killing opponents. The medal system is completely horrible. It encourages individualism and selfishness because most people don't care for nothing more then to rack up their own medals. Who cares for a win when you can end up with 11 medals for a loss and still get 100 commendation. Seeing someone let their side die so they can get the solo kill medals is beyond ridiculous and truly sad. I would be ashamed if I was a game developer and came up with such a pathetic PVP mechanic. Not only that but as I stated... the game LITERALLY ENCOURAGES this type of behavior.



3. Class balance is horrible. Majority of the melee classes have some sort of vanish to get out of fights, allowing them to not only control the start of the fight with leaps or stealth but also decide when the fight will end and when they feel like they'll pull out. The range classes all have multiple forms of CC so basically whoever sees each other first, wins. No skill required since most classes can spam one button for easy kill. While range, especially the force users dominate the battlefield at lower levels, the game is completely turned upside down at level 50. Melee become untouchable while RPDS blow up like paper dolls. While it's somewhat satisfactory to see this, it however, is nothing to be proud off. People that play melee operatives or scoundrels for example, think they're gods with the ultimate amount of skill, even thought they know that their class is way OP.. I don't really care if they do as such but the dev team should be on top of classes as such. Each day and week that passes by, more people leave the game.


4. CC and CC immunity is horrible. Majority of the time, your resolve bar goes off inside your respawn area while you're waiting to get back into the fight. While some claim that resolve works, 99% of the time, it works as I said. You get stunned once, choked, rooted and then immobilized with full resolve bar and it only activates after you're dead. The 8 second immunity is practically useless since most classes that have vanish, will and do, in fact vanish or stealth during this time to continue the charade after their target's CC immunity is down. The 2 min CC break is a joke since stuns are on 20-30 sec cool down timers. The CC is also a huge problem on the RPDS since they can literally chill on the side lines, CC their targets while the target can't even defend or fight back. (Resolve is basically useless. The golden rule of any game when playing healers or kiters is that if you stand still, you're dead. However, in this game, majority of the classes have roots and abilities that immobilize targets which if used correctly, can and will keep the target in once place for more then 15 seconds at one time. This of course results in a death of that said target)


5. Open world PVP is a joke. It's very poorly implemented, rewards not killing the other faction and the valor and comms you get from it is laughable at best. This of course encourages people to only go to Illum to win trade for their daily quests. Outside of that, most people actually void the PVP zones since there is nothing to do in them. The chest and really good crafting nodes were all removed because of hackers and such, which means that 99.9% of the populations gets shafted because Bioware wants to "warn" these users. Only warning they should have gotten for blatant exploitation of the game is a ban.


6. UI and lag and latency are pretty horrible as well. People with top end machines, myself included, will and still do experience sporadic lag spikes that decide outcome of fights. This of course is a well known issue and Bioware, even in the beta, knew about this and still take no direct approach to deal with the issue. This is especially frustrating when playing melee classes because the client response is so horrible that they can't even hit the target they're chasing due to all the stuttering and rubber banding. UI itself is a complete and utter nightmare. It's hard to tell who needs cleansing or healing due to very bad UI frames which do not keep up with player's ACTUALLY HP. A lot of times people will die even thought they show as having full HP on the raid frames. This also applies with tanks or anyone else who needs to pay attention to raid bars to do their jobs properly. Targeting friendlies by clicking on them is pretty much impossible in this game so if the UI doesn't work or the person does not show up on the UI frames, (this happens ALL the time), they're basically screwed that whole Warzone.


7. The aesthetics of animations take away from the functionality of the game. As many people have complained, animation lag, length and such do effect the time stamps of abilities, which in some cases decide the outcome of fights. Project on the Consular for example, has 1.8 second delay between the activation of the ability and the damage application on the target, which in PVP can make a huge difference. 1.8 seconds, when trying to interrupt objective caps, is an eternity and can cause you to actually loose that objective even thought you've clearly interrupted the cap about 2 sec prior to completion.




How about that? I bet I get a ton of hate for that, lol. I do wanna inform ALL of you that all the issues listed above have been in the game since August of last year. That's when I started testing this game and nothing has changed since.




you hit the nail.



there are plenty of issues from the beta which still exist

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I have played about 85 percent of major titles released in the last 12 years that had pvp in them. I have been corpse camped, looted, griefed, hunted etc... But nothing has put my in just blind rage compared to this non working piece of garbage. I'm in for 90 days but I can not possibly see them fixing enough to keep me or anyone else who enjoys both player and faction based combat. ( unless you have never had the opporutinity to enjoy well done pvp , reading these forums I doubt most people giving this positive results have )


I saw this without jest. Whom ever designed and whom ever approved this ui should be terminated, and blackballed from the gaming industry, forever. It is so far beyond bad I do not even have the words.


I refuse to give this game a number based on a point system. If I have to it would be a 1. I guess you get a point for effort ?


Truthfully I wish they would just remove pvp, it's a disgrace to my community to have this system known for pvp. There are low budget f2p games out there vastly superior to this hunk of junk.


I would like to add one more thing, people will say if u hate it leave. If you are so willing to defend this hunk, I will give you my paypal address and you can refund my purchase. Bioware will not, I've asked.


Two bottles of crown > swtor.

Edited by Choomba
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1. Healing is atrocious with way to many interrupts, stuns and low medal counts for trying to actually heal on a healer. Even basic, "get info the fight:, melee abilities, such as leaps, have roots and interrupts associated with them, which means that healers almost have no place on the battlefield when fighting organized groups. Better to have two tanks and two DPS then one healer who can't get one cast off when getting assisted on. If you wanna heal in this game, level up Biochem to 400, roll a heavy armor DPS or a stealther and you're basically god mode.


2. Boring and repetitive Warzones with fairly horrible PVE mechanics. They reward mindless zerging and suicide instead of strategic re spawns and killing opponents. The medal system is completely horrible. It encourages individualism and selfishness because most people don't care for nothing more then to rack up their own medals. Who cares for a win when you can end up with 11 medals for a loss and still get 100 commendation. Seeing someone let their side die so they can get the solo kill medals is beyond ridiculous and truly sad. I would be ashamed if I was a game developer and came up with such a pathetic PVP mechanic. Not only that but as I stated... the game LITERALLY ENCOURAGES this type of behavior.



3. Class balance is horrible. Majority of the melee classes have some sort of vanish to get out of fights, allowing them to not only control the start of the fight with leaps or stealth but also decide when the fight will end and when they feel like they'll pull out. The range classes all have multiple forms of CC so basically whoever sees each other first, wins. No skill required since most classes can spam one button for easy kill. While range, especially the force users dominate the battlefield at lower levels, the game is completely turned upside down at level 50. Melee become untouchable while RPDS blow up like paper dolls. While it's somewhat satisfactory to see this, it however, is nothing to be proud off. People that play melee operatives or scoundrels for example, think they're gods with the ultimate amount of skill, even thought they know that their class is way OP.. I don't really care if they do as such but the dev team should be on top of classes as such. Each day and week that passes by, more people leave the game.


4. CC and CC immunity is horrible. Majority of the time, your resolve bar goes off inside your respawn area while you're waiting to get back into the fight. While some claim that resolve works, 99% of the time, it works as I said. You get stunned once, choked, rooted and then immobilized with full resolve bar and it only activates after you're dead. The 8 second immunity is practically useless since most classes that have vanish, will and do, in fact vanish or stealth during this time to continue the charade after their target's CC immunity is down. The 2 min CC break is a joke since stuns are on 20-30 sec cool down timers. The CC is also a huge problem on the RPDS since they can literally chill on the side lines, CC their targets while the target can't even defend or fight back. (Resolve is basically useless. The golden rule of any game when playing healers or kiters is that if you stand still, you're dead. However, in this game, majority of the classes have roots and abilities that immobilize targets which if used correctly, can and will keep the target in once place for more then 15 seconds at one time. This of course results in a death of that said target)


5. Open world PVP is a joke. It's very poorly implemented, rewards not killing the other faction and the valor and comms you get from it is laughable at best. This of course encourages people to only go to Illum to win trade for their daily quests. Outside of that, most people actually void the PVP zones since there is nothing to do in them. The chest and really good crafting nodes were all removed because of hackers and such, which means that 99.9% of the populations gets shafted because Bioware wants to "warn" these users. Only warning they should have gotten for blatant exploitation of the game is a ban.


6. UI and lag and latency are pretty horrible as well. People with top end machines, myself included, will and still do experience sporadic lag spikes that decide outcome of fights. This of course is a well known issue and Bioware, even in the beta, knew about this and still take no direct approach to deal with the issue. This is especially frustrating when playing melee classes because the client response is so horrible that they can't even hit the target they're chasing due to all the stuttering and rubber banding. UI itself is a complete and utter nightmare. It's hard to tell who needs cleansing or healing due to very bad UI frames which do not keep up with player's ACTUALLY HP. A lot of times people will die even thought they show as having full HP on the raid frames. This also applies with tanks or anyone else who needs to pay attention to raid bars to do their jobs properly. Targeting friendlies by clicking on them is pretty much impossible in this game so if the UI doesn't work or the person does not show up on the UI frames, (this happens ALL the time), they're basically screwed that whole Warzone.


7. The aesthetics of animations take away from the functionality of the game. As many people have complained, animation lag, length and such do effect the time stamps of abilities, which in some cases decide the outcome of fights. Project on the Consular for example, has 1.8 second delay between the activation of the ability and the damage application on the target, which in PVP can make a huge difference. 1.8 seconds, when trying to interrupt objective caps, is an eternity and can cause you to actually loose that objective even thought you've clearly interrupted the cap about 2 sec prior to completion.




How about that? I bet I get a ton of hate for that, lol. I do wanna inform ALL of you that all the issues listed above have been in the game since August of last year. That's when I started testing this game and nothing has changed since.


OMG someone with a brain on these forums?! I never would have thought the day would come. :eek:

I agree 100%, and I'm shocked that so little has been done for so long.

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all the guys giving it above 2/10 are now 50 and facerolling lowbies, lets wait a few weeks.


We're getting closer to GW2 and probably the next Wow expansion and subscription numbers will drop massively.


But no worries, EA is known for still supporting their products that didnt make the profit they expected like warhammer online..... oh wait

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Brakets are really needed, when in my server half of the republic players that join wz's are between lvl 10-35, while the avarage lvl of the Imps is 45-50. So i'm giving it 5, only because the hutball wz is really fun to play. Others are ok, even with the delay's they will be fixed eventually, afterall it's a new mmo. But brackets MUST be make!
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With the changes in 1.1 fixing some complaints i only have to complain about the ability lag, or abilities not going off at all.

That'll probably be fixed over time though.

I'd give it a 9/10 as i don't really care about world "pvp". Controlled environment warzones ftw.

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With the changes in 1.1 fixing some complaints i only have to complain about the ability lag, or abilities not going off at all.

That'll probably be fixed over time though.

I'd give it a 9/10 as i don't really care about world "pvp". Controlled environment warzones ftw.


Lol 9 out of 10. whata joke!


Its maybe 0.1 out of 10 atm! actually the worst irritating frustruating pvp experiance I have ever had in a game to date!

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all the guys giving it above 2/10 are now 50 and facerolling lowbies, lets wait a few weeks.


We're getting closer to GW2 and probably the next Wow expansion and subscription numbers will drop massively.


But no worries, EA is known for still supporting their products that didnt make the profit they expected like warhammer online..... oh wait


I gave it a 8/10 and I'm a 32 healer who can put out numbers almost equal to any average level 50. So you're wrong there.


GW2 is going to be terrible, the first one wasn't anything special.

You're talking about subscription numbers dropping, are we talking about WoW? Cause if so, then yes, WoW subscription numbers are still dropping. But they have risen in China.

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Lol 9 out of 10. whata joke!


Its maybe 0.1 out of 10 atm! actually the worst irritating frustruating pvp experiance I have ever had in a game to date!


I play a sniper (most bugged class basically) and i still enjoy it. What makes it so frustrating for you? You're probably not even 50 and try to pvp then get facerolled and finish with 1 medal.

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7/10 because of the inherent feeling of playing at 800+ MS in a warzone despite actually being at 60-85, and not matching premades together.


Once those are fixed, 10/10.


And yes, I play a Scoundrel. problem? lol


How do you even have the feeling of 800+ MS? Are you clicking? Cause that'll do it.

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I would say 5/10. The biggest issue for me is the FPS issue and the ability delay issue. Then the fact that the classes aren't mirrored as is claimed.


The mirror issue is an easy fix. The FPS and ability delay issues may never be fixed. They would probably have to change a lot of fundamental stuff in the engine, etc. And I doubt they will.

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