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GTN Terminals- There aren't enough


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I'm sorry that you're so inredibly busy that you cant take your time (10-15) to go to the imperial/republic fleet or just do quests until you wanna go there...:rolleyes:


I never want to go there. The only time I ever do is to enter a flashpoint. There really is nothing there for me to do otherwise. :p

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1. My ship w/ email


That's all i need.


PLEASE link all the GTNs together so the crafting, buying and selling is better for all. None of this segregated stuff. It should be called the Galactic Semi-trading Network.


If I'm Republic and i want to sell my wares to the Empire that should be up to me. Their credits are just as green as mine and spend the same.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


1. Imperial / Republic fleet

2. our ship

3. Illum


we should have a personal email communicator in inventory :) Credits are just a money transfer technically anyway :)

Edited by Cbrinegar
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It seems like everyone is posting about convenience. I like the idea that they are in central locations, which encourages people to gather together for trade. Having a GTN station on every space station would put even fewer people on the central station, which would provide far fewer grouping opportunities for flashpoints and such.


Placing a GTN terminal on the ship would give people even fewer reasons to ever return to a 'town' for any reason. It would also allow people to create alternate or junk characters to just sit in solitude on their instanced ship and be a day trader.


I'd like to see the market terminals moved to their own level of the station so that it doesn't create such a performance hit when 60 people are standing/jumping/dancing in the same area.


Maybe if there were not as many transition scenes needed to get from one embarkation point to a disembarkation point, it wouldn't be such a hassle.


[Run through empty star part [no speeders], Load hanger transition, load ship transition, load map transition, load hanger transition, load spaceport transition.] And you can add 2-4 more transitions if it's an orbital station you are entering or leaving.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


How about the orbital station on some of the planets? The one above origin worlds, Republic's Balmorra, Empire's Taris, Quesh, Voss, Belsavis, Ilum and etc.

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GTN is in need of some serious improvement, and the first step on the way would be to make it way more accesible. So i think that adding terminals to every market/our ships is a bare minimum here.

But what is realy needed is the ability/device to acces a GTN from anywhere(even through some quick companion mission), I mean come on, we have personal holo-comunicators, but we cant have some future kind of a smarphone ?!

And while we're at it, adding the ability to read/write mails (but NOT sending items, maybe just $$$) from the same device seems like a most natural thing.

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It seems like everyone is posting about convenience. I like the idea that they are in central locations, which encourages people to gather together for trade. Having a GTN station on every space station would put even fewer people on the central station, which would provide far fewer grouping opportunities for flashpoints and such.


Placing a GTN terminal on the ship would give people even fewer reasons to ever return to a 'town' for any reason. It would also allow people to create alternate or junk characters to just sit in solitude on their instanced ship and be a day trader.


I'd like to see the market terminals moved to their own level of the station so that it doesn't create such a performance hit when 60 people are standing/jumping/dancing in the same area.


Maybe if there were not as many transition scenes needed to get from one embarkation point to a disembarkation point, it wouldn't be such a hassle.


[Run through empty star part [no speeders], Load hanger transition, load ship transition, load map transition, load hanger transition, load spaceport transition.] And you can add 2-4 more transitions if it's an orbital station you are entering or leaving.


Using GTN != FP PUGing


I don't know what ever gave people the odd notion that people who are irritated/inconvenienced in order to use the GTN somehow leads to more or good PUGs. Seriously, can someone explain this to me? If I'm at a point to do a FP, I'll go do a FP. It's not one of those things I just randomly decide to do after being irritated that I have to sit through multiple load screens in order to free up inventory space. Of course, since I do have to sit through the load screens to fee up the inventory space, I don't bother crafting and I vendor 99+% of everything.


So, how is that GTN helping your FP runs?

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So you send and receive your products through e-mail? I,m still trying to upload my Xbox

to the computer so i can e-mail to to people.


5 letters for you: F E D E X


Better yet, here's 3: U P


*Edit: Though, to be clear, I'm not actually advocating ship-board GTN or mail. Frankly, it's more inconvenient than planet-side GTN and mail; elevator to hangar/shuttle to orbital, load ship. . . I just think people using some sort of limited reality argument are being obtuse.

Edited by Vodalus
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So you send and receive your products through e-mail? I,m still trying to upload my Xbox

to the computer so i can e-mail to to people.

Your pick: Star Trek style data streams (beaming) or Andromeda style drone mail. How about sending a minion to fetch the purchased goods?


And while we're at it, how come I can get goods delivered to all the mailboxes around the galaxy at once? You sir, and your argument why it isn't "possible", fail.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


Balmorra for sure, that's just a pain.


My ship is another... it would be a nice perk to have a GTN on there of course you'd have to put a mailbox there too to make it efficient.


Then maybe another higher planet along the way like Belsavis



Perhaps Tattoine is more deserving of a GTN than Balmorra, since it's a P.I.T.A. to go from the last speeder station to the spacedock...on Imperial side.

Edited by Thundergulch
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I'd agree with putting at least one terminal in every spaceport, or at least the market relatively near the spaceport.


Personally, I'd also love to see the GTN become truly galactic, with any item on any GTN terminal anywhere int he galaxy available on any other GTN terminal anywhere else in the galaxy, to either faction, but that may just be me.


YES, that would be awesome!

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Good idea, let's make the game even less social and blame BW for it afterwards


bodies standing around while they browse/post on the gtn != social


If it simply took bodies for something to be social, the local morgue would be one of the most happinin' hang-outs.

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Good idea, let's make the game even less social and blame BW for it afterwards


Forcing folks to interrupt their game play and do a lot of tedious running around just to vend equipment is NOT going to make it more social. I don't see anyone chatting as they sit around the GTN terminals now.


The illusion so many folks have that making people all hang out in one place is going to make them social needs to go away. If I am in the mood to group up and/or chat with people, I will do it whever I happen to be. If I am NOT in the mood, an irritating run back to the fleet with an even more irritating run back to my current adventure area is NOT going to improve my mood.


If you want to improve the social aspect of the game, push bioware to add changes that will allow true server communities: actual global chat channels, especially player created/modified ones and/or server forums (both would be best). Prior to TOR I played City of Heroes (and still have a couple of active accounts there since I don't plan on stopping) and the best communities there are built through player created global chat channels. It takes EFFORT on the part of the players who want a community to invite folks into it and make it friendly - there is NO way the game designers can force people into a community. The best the can do is give us good tools to form a community - and they have FAILED massively at that so far.


So please STOP pushing back against improvements that will make the game a lot more fun by removing useless irritations (single GTN hubs that require huge amounts of wasted travel time, lack of any decent LFG options, etc) and push for real changes to the game that will allow a true server community to flourish.

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I agree they need to place them in more spots. I think where there is a bank, there should be a GTN.


Also i don't think you can put it on the ship, the same with mail. I think the reason for that is it would make your ship laggy as hell. From my understanding there is only 1 instance of the ship and everyone that is in that instance is on that ship. So if everyone is sitting in there ship to do email or the GTN it would be laggy.


I might be wrong on this.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


Option 1-3: My Ship


Same could be said about a mailbox. I use my ship for everything else, why can't I use them for a function that I would really find useful?

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


At least not in the middle of a pvp area in Tatooine that's literally miles away from a cargo hold! XD Seriously of all places on Tatooine, you had to put 1 there?


Now I can choose 4 places right? :p

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While I understand the wanting GTN on the ship... Why would you ever leave it?


I believe the point of having the GTN in the Republic Fleet, and other social hubs is bring people together in a common area and out of the ship.


If Lag on the Republic Fleet is the reason for not going there so often, then lets fix that and not isolate players. Many of the worlds feel dead already, we don't need more of it.



I'd pick 2 mid level planets and Ilum.

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