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ilum is broken.. How can we fix it?


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At the moment ilum is really just a huge waste of space. The main pvp area (capture area) is very large but really no one leaves the main base, there is just no need to. I dont want world pvp shoved down my throat but the fact I can finish my weekly in 10min and I can dance with imps, its fun but come on.


This is not meant to be a complaint thread. This was leading up to me wanting to pose you all a question. HOW could they fix this? Would giving 5 warzone coms a kill help? Maybe a special mods vendor that is only available to the team with all the bases controlled? Im not saying these are good ideas but im just throwing them out there and really would like to know everyone else's thoughts on it.


I made a quick video in case your not daily questing on ilum yet to see what im talking about.


:sy_target:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEF42Mxuj98 :sy_target:


So im not really upset at the fact I can get easy gear, but I am a fan of world pvp. They need to give people a real reason to world pvp on ilum, or this will happen every time. I realise everyone wants there shininess epic 1334 boss gear but I really cant see the side who would argue against finding a way to fix this, other then the lazy bastards who just want the shiny for nothing. So how can this be fixed?

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This video is both hilarious and clever. Ilum is like having you prom at the same time and in the same building as your rival school. You really really wanna hit those crosstown d-bags, but you know you gain nothing over it and could better serve your time over at the punch bowl. Edited by zolltann
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PvP areas like Illum should've focused more on King of the Hill rather than flipping points. Rewards should be given for factions that control as many points as possible. Obviously, the issue with this tend to be uneven servers/skill/gear. To remedy this, there should be "computer controlled fighters" similar to waves in DotA or LoL, that helps the attacking team. These waves can then be coded to get stronger over time until it is nearly impossible to hold. Meanwhile, the defending team can also enjoy by attempting to see how long they can hold against the waves + opposite faction.


This will create a more "epic" war feel if done right. I think the computer controlled waves are a much better replacement to the vehicle pvp in wow as people want to play their characters in pvp not a vehicle.

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It's not broken.It was never a complete coherent feature despite the demands for a great system all during beta. IMO...this company has no interest or capacity for a great 24/7 persistent territorial realm vs realm conflict feature.I hope I'm wrong.
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Lets see... Give greater reward for killing people. Then boost whenever you complete a objective it should boost the kill count that you have.


The map need to be remade, smaller, more objectives, choke points. The doodad objects need to be removed. Add bunkers / communication centers / Medical stations to capture.


Throw in some basic guards to slow the pvp scenario down so that its not a mindless rush / zerg game.


Give the weaker side a advantage so that they have a CHANCE atleast if they are outnumbered. Boost guards also if they are way to out numbered. The more balanced the numbers are the weaker the guards should be.

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Read upcoming PVP patch notes


The patch notes don't give me comfort.


What they need to do is make so players have an investment in property that they want to keep. In other words allow guilds to build mini cities on planets.


Unless players have an investment in the area they are fighting for, then there is no incentive to keep the area, thus no incentive to fight over the area. We need to be able build our own AT-ATs that we can equip like we do our own characters; with grappling hooks or high damage low rate of fire weapons for siege effects, high rate of fire low damage for anti-personnel attacks etc. I would love to see a battle like at the end of Episode 6 where several groups have to coordinate to take out another guilds city/encampment.


There is so much material to work with (even with EU), BioWare just needs to give guilds the utilities.

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I don't see how anything good can possibly come out of requiring player kills since as long as Empire outnumbers Republic greatly, the optimal strategy for Republic players would be to never show up because you can't kill what isn't there. This means either nobody can do their dailys, or that if it's 'collect armnments OR kill players' you'll end up with only the dominant side able to do their dailys.
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It's not broken.It was never a complete coherent feature despite the demands for a great system all during beta. IMO...this company has no interest or capacity for a great 24/7 persistent territorial realm vs realm conflict feature.I hope I'm wrong.


Its not bioware, its the mentality of the player base. Players look at it this way, i could go out there and pvp but what do i gain from it? I need instant gratification. how can i achieve 100% instant gratification and at the same time get out of having to do anything that requires effort or play?

BINGO! = Current State of Iullum..... so now bioware has to go back to the drawing board and find ways to bribe us to do what they built for us which they thought we would want to do on our own. You can blame WoW for that....

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I think its fun, making the Empire cater to me so they can finish their dailies. Oh and all this could be fixed if there werent 20 Empire players to every 1 republic player. Bioware favors Empire sadly. So no fix in sight.


The population isn't the issue with illum at all, it could be, but it's not. It's not because there's no reason to fight over control of illum, there's also no reason to hunt players in illum because they provide no reward for killing enemies.


There's one thing to do, pvp dailies, even the weak attempt to introduce more pvp into illum with the "new patch notes" not much will happen, and infact it's likely people will still just sit around and win trade to finish their dailies.


Two things need to happen,


#1) Capturing and HOLDING (the important part here) Illum need to provide some sort of measurable bonus to the faction doing this.


#2) The RNG bags are retarded, Killing players needs to provide a reward, preferrably champion commendations since there's no way to get them outside of battlemaster bags (and the champ gear via commendations costs twice as much as centurion gear, but without any viable means of actually farming the commendations... honestly even farming the centurion commendations is exceedingly painful with the 800 > 3 conversion ratio ).

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Its not bioware, its the mentality of the player base. Players look at it this way, i could go out there and pvp but what do i gain from it? I need instant gratification. how can i achieve 100% instant gratification and at the same time get out of having to do anything that requires effort or play?

BINGO! = Current State of Iullum..... so now bioware has to go back to the drawing board and find ways to bribe us to do what they built for us which they thought we would want to do on our own. You can blame WoW for that....


100% wrong, see my previous post.


Fighting over points that provide no reason to fight over them gives people no reason to fight for them.


Complex, I know.

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100% wrong, see my previous post.


Fighting over points that provide no reason to fight over them gives people no reason to fight for them.


Complex, I know.


Exactly - in PvP it always comes down to risk vs reward. If there is no reward then why risk anything.


I also gave a suggestion in my previous post; which is give the players an incentive to fight by making them value/cherish something that they make. Give us guild cities.

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It's always good to keep up on current events before ranting/QQing:



I addressed this as well - those notes give me no comfort as they address warzones more than they do the real problem. Ilum is not something I invest in, it's something I do. Until they allow guilds to build their own mini cities all over a planet there is NO investment.

Edited by Rhinoplat
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which solves nothing, requiring kills just make for side imbalancing an even bigger problem.


Requiring kills is most likely going to turn Ilum into a lose-lose situation, because the side that's losing can just decide to stop showing up, and if there's no alternative to player kills for daily then the winning side cannot win either. Right now, the faceoff scenario in Ilum is at least win-win. It might look cheesy but both side can get their dailys done. It might be a bit too easy but I don't know of anyone who wants a lose-lose situation over a win-win situation. Even guys who want other side to suffer would want a win-lose situation, not lose-lose.

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How about you read the patch notes...and stop making redundant thrads.



Level 50 players now participate in their own Warzone bracket and will not be matched with lower-level players.



The daily and weekly mission objectives in Ilum now require defeating enemy players and/or collecting armaments from the center objective.

Players now gain increased Valor from player kills in Ilum.

Players now gain increased bonus Valor for kills based on the number of objectives controlled by their faction.

Increased bonus Valor is now granted for player kills when defending an objective your faction owns.

A notification is now displayed when a player gains Valor.

Three new respawn points have been added for each faction.

Companions are now restricted from the PvP objective area on Ilum.

Notifications are now displayed when enemy players are close to an objective.

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My suggestion is to have NPC's Placed into the combat zone, Not just the walkers.


Having ground troops that net you absolutely nothing and basically cause more of an annoyance to the players trying to cap points would at least remove the objective trading that goes on their now.


I do not understand why there are no ground troops in that zone other then the Base.


Every time a drop ship lands it should spawn 20 troopers of the occupying side. Simple as that.

These troops would yield nothing in the way of commendations nor loot, just part of the mechanic to seize the objective point, not just nuke the drop ships.


As for a reason to actually go an world pvp. I suggest that there is the "third" faction... The true inhabitants of the planet that have been wittled down to this specific zone. Making a last stand.


If one faction has the zone, gets their buffs. The Home planet inhabitants spawn and start attacking the capture points. These would yield commendations when the capture point is attacked and the current defenders have pushed them back by destroying them in a given period of time.


This might not be the best solution but it is something that if researched further might solve the current issues.


Also I suggest a World Boss spawn on a random 8 to 24 hour spawn time. That would at least get the Empire and Republic to come and try to raid it down while the others might be there to prevent it.

The fight would need to have a total damage done meter to give the side that deals the most damage the kill and loot. So as to not give a first strike advantage. All damage dealers would get an open roll for loot. This would lead to any healers having to at least deal a damaging attack to the Boss. 1 damage or 100000 damage would still yield only one role and no % bonus for more or less damage delt. Just winning the fight would matter.

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Requiring kills is most likely going to turn Ilum into a lose-lose situation, because the side that's losing can just decide to stop showing up, and if there's no alternative to player kills for daily then the winning side cannot win either.


This happened in WAR when we tried to lock zones. Destro would refuse to enter the RvR lake so we couldn't make up the few points we needed of RvR lake kills in order to lock the zone. We had three zones stuck on ~98 by the end of it.


BW have to be very careful.

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I addressed this as well - those notes give me no comfort as they address warzones more than they do the real problem. Ilum is not something I invest in, it's something I do. Until they allow guilds to build their own mini cities all over a planet there is NO investment.


I WOULD LOVE guild citys, kinda a big project but that would be awesome!

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