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POLL: do you want to see dual speccing in SWTOR?


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There are always preferred, easy to use and efficient builds. That doesn't mean that these builds have to be used exclusively.


Rift is great to just improvise and experiment with different builds. Teaming up with PUGs and their builds is a different question.

Edited by GHeissi
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Stephen Reid commented on reddit, no real confirmation though.


Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time?

A: Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure. Legacy System... will be cool? :)


Thanks for the link :)


So it looks like they're not against it, but they don't have a definite plan to implement it.


Anyway, bump.

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Because a stupid poll sampling 10% of the playerbase is rellevant...


Dual Specs are coming.


If the game wants to survive more than 6 months it will, along with addons, macros and the coloring system.


Don't be surprised if you don't see macros. It's a dangerous path in MMOs, especially when you can make a macro that casts abilities for you so you essentially only have to use one button for a rotation.

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yes yes yes, this is really important to anyone who wants to PvE and PvP


No offense.. But you can PVP and PVE in this game.. With the same spec too.. Companions help in this and also Bioware designed the game that way.. So healers and tanks wouldn't be handicapped..


I sure wish people would stop responding to the forum with a WOW mentality.. This game is not WOW.. Other than general basics, it is nothing like WOW.. It doesn't have the same faults as WOW.. Realities in WOW do not apply here.. So please stop demanding things as if you are attempting to fix issues that don't exist.. There is no need for a dual spec.. There is no need for a PVP spec..


To the OP.. Your poll is not working.. I voted.. It showed me as the only vote, which I am sure if false.. When I click results, it simply opens another this forum in another window..

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I'm curious about this stance, what is the difference that makes this distinction significant? It seems to me that once you've decided to open a door it doesn't matter how wide.


Changing skill trees is one thing - that's just adjusting your build so that you can have one for customised for pve and one for pvp. Or have a solo build and a group build.


Switching an AC is pretty much changing your class.

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To the OP.. Your poll is not working.. I voted.. It showed me as the only vote, which I am sure if false.. When I click results, it simply opens another this forum in another window..


I can confirm the poll is working. It's just that I ticked the wrong option when I was setting it up, and it doesn't display all responses. I thought I'd fixed that but obviously not. To see the latest results you can just check the spoiler in the OP.

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I'm curious about this stance, what is the difference that makes this distinction significant? It seems to me that once you've decided to open a door it doesn't matter how wide.


Oh we went through this in the beta.. People moaned and groaned about dual speccing so it was said that it would be considered and probably not added until after launch.. However they all seem to forget that Bioware reserves the right to change their mind at any time.. So nothing is for sure until it is in the game..


Sorry side tracked.. Any way.. Bioware made their little post.. No less than a day later.. These same people started moaning and groaning about AC switching.. This went on for about a week or so.. In the end, Bioware said there would not be AC switching.. Instead they added the additional options to allow people to see the talent trees of both AC's before a player makes their choice, and also makes clear a number of differences between the to classes.. Things like what armor they use, what weapons or how many weapons.. What roles they can perform.. That sort of thing..


Give them an inch and they will take a mile.. I hope they never add dual speccing because I know the next topic will be AC switching..

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Changing skill trees is one thing - that's just adjusting your build so that you can have one for customised for pve and one for pvp. Or have a solo build and a group build.


Switching an AC is pretty much changing your class.


What impact does that have? If some one can change what their character is then conceptually it doesn't seem significantly different what aspect is being changed; when they flip from PvE to PvP customization does it matter if one is a different class, as opposed to a different skill tree?

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I can confirm the poll is working. It's just that I ticked the wrong option when I was setting it up, and it doesn't display all responses. I thought I'd fixed that but obviously not. To see the latest results you can just check the spoiler in the OP.


Well.. Unless we all have the ability to see for ourselves the results.. Your poll is pretty much useless.. No offense.. I do wish they would enable polls on this forum again..


Just as an FYI.. There were a number of polls in the beta about this issue.. Dual speccing typically lost.. Sometimes by 10% or more, but most of the time it was quite close.. But it did lose..


Dual speccing runs against the idea of having a spec in the first place.. Letting people change specs at will defeats the purpose of having a spec in the first place..


People need to learn to live with the choice they make and the reality of only having one spec.. Sure.. You can go to a vendor and change it.. That is not dual speccing though.. That is changing your spec.. There is a difference.. If you are in a flashpoint or an operation, you can't just change spec when you feel the need to.. PVP is a moot issue.. There is no PVP spec in this game..

Edited by MajikMyst
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What impact does that have? If some one can change what their character is then conceptually it doesn't seem significantly different what aspect is being changed; when they flip from PvE to PvP customization does it matter if one is a different class, as opposed to a different skill tree?


How is respeccing your tree changing your character? You're still the same class, you just focus on a different branch of it. I've never quite understood why people are so against having a bit of flexibility in their gameplay. There are enough different things to do in the game, that I don't see why you need to try to make one build fit everything.


The reason for skill trees is to provide a bit of customisation for your character, I really can't see why you shouldn't be able to change this when you want.


My first MMO was guildwars though, which didn't have nearly as restrictive a system as WoW, so I suppose that's why I'm not wedded to the whole idea of you-chose-this-tree-and-now-you-have-to-stick-with-it-no-matter-what.


I actually prefer games with open skill systems where you don't have a class at all, but that's for another topic.

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What impact does that have? If some one can change what their character is then conceptually it doesn't seem significantly different what aspect is being changed; when they flip from PvE to PvP customization does it matter if one is a different class, as opposed to a different skill tree?


It matter quite a bit.. There are 16 classes in the game.. AC switching cuts that in half to only 8.. Any Jedi can go from a Guardian to a Sentinel.. Or a Consular can go from a Sage to a Shadow..


They would have access to two additional talent trees.. Not to mention different gear types.. Guardians wear heavy, while Sentinels wear medium..


AC switching basically cuts the replayability of this game in half.. You make four characters in any faction and you have all that is available for that faction.. Troopers that can go from tank to heal.. Consulars that can go from tank to heal..


There is no PVP spec in this game.. Bioware made great efforts to make this game so people could PVP in their normal PVE spec.. That is how this game is designed.. This is not WOW.. We don't need a different spec for every day of the week.. In fact pretty soon here, dual speccing in WOW is going to obsolete as there will no longer be talent trees in WOW.. WOW basically took the final step to easy mode.. All started by adding dual speccing to the game..


I don't want bioware to make the same mistake in SWTOR..

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The reason for skill trees is to provide a bit of customisation for your character, I really can't see why you shouldn't be able to change this when you want.


You can change this when you want.. You just can't change it in the middle of an operation or flashpoint on the fly or on a whim.. You can change your spec, you just can't change to make your character do more than it was designed..


This is the rub.. If you spec your character to be a tank, then you are a tank.. That shouldn't change.. You chose that spec.. Why should you be able to change it when you feel the situation calls for it?? Do soldiers on the battle field get to magically make someone a medic because their other one got killed?? Not hardly.. Your a tank.. That is what you are.. If want to change it.. Fine.. Go to the vendor, pay a fee and change it.. Then you are DPS.. No character should be able to change roles whenever they see fit in any situation.. What is the point of having specs.. We should all just have the same specs and be able to do it all at that point.. Do specs matter or not??


If people can't dual spec.. Then they will be forced to do things in less than ideal situations.. We won't have the option of having that cookie cutter group to defeat the current boss.. We can't change our group makeup because we are not on the next boss.. We need to learn to use stradegy, we need to work together as a team, we need to think outside the box.. In the long run this will make all of us better players and more skilled players.. Dual speccing prevents all that..


Dual speccing is easy mode.. It is dumming down the game.. We will have the ability to morph any group into what makeup we need to destroy a boss.. This will limit the choices the developers will have in designing boss fights as they relate to eachother in the same operation or flashpoint..


There is no way around this.. This is the way it is.. Dual speccing is a bad idea..

Edited by MajikMyst
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How is respeccing your tree changing your character? You're still the same class, you just focus on a different branch of it. I've never quite understood why people are so against having a bit of flexibility in their gameplay. There are enough different things to do in the game, that I don't see why you need to try to make one build fit everything.


I'm not arguing for less flexibility, I just don't see why people are emphasising a distinction that seems arbitrary. Wouldn't changing your AC also mean that you were still the same class, just focusing on a different branch of it? If moving from healer to DPS doesn't constitute changing your character, why does moving from healer to tank?

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I vote yes for Dual Spec ... but not being able to change your AC. To me that's going from a Warrior to a Mage.


I always pick an AC that gives me options. I played a Merc/Sage/Scoundrel. Not because I can DPS but if I get bored I can switch it up a bit. But I do think that 60k (or what ever it costs) to respec is a bit excessive. I think it needs to be capped.

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