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POLL: do you want to see dual speccing in SWTOR?


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I don't care what random DPS #309231 thinks about dual speccing I'm a tank and I want dual speccing badly, honestly after getting lucky with some bags from pvp I managed to get nearly all the DPS set pieces and I want to PVP as a damage dealer and I'm not paying 200k creds for a respec every night after a raid, and redoing my keybinds and ability bars for 30 minutes of PVP.


So yeah, I want Dual Speccing and I want it as soon as possible.


Amen, and Amen! It can't happen quick enough!

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That's the reason, it's the reason MMOs have classes or distincitive specs and if you don't know what I'm talking about go back to WoW which was not the first MMO FYI.[/Quote]


Yes. Now excuse me while I go play some non-WoW clones like Wurm, EVE, Xsyon, Darkfall, or Planetside with their distinctive classes... oh wait a second.


Don't classify us all as WoW kiddies, because that is not where we all came from. I never invested any significant time in WoW OR Everquest, and regrettably I never tried Ultima either.


The stupid arguement that "I should have whatever they want and have it RIGHT NOW" is not a valid arguement for dual speccing and in such I haven't heard a SINGLE GOOD REASON FOR DUAL SPECCING EITHER.[/Quote]


I am a unique person in real life and I am not limited to a single specialization. Say I was a doctor. Just because I'm a doctor doesn't mean that I'm not pretty handy in fighting with a pistol, a shotgun, and a few dirty tricks. However if I am weighed down with all my medical gear then I probably won't be able to fight so well. So it would be logical that when I go back to my ship I could choose "Do I want to go out with my full range of medical equipment today or do I want to grab a basic first aid kid and gear up for combat?" I also wouldn't need to pay massive amounts of credits EVERY SINGLE TIME.


This is logical to me, and anyone else who looks at this objectively.


You sir are another VANILLA WoW fanboy most likely. One of those people sitting there dreaming of the mythical game that will return them to the glory days of Vanilla WoW. It went away for a reason. I say good riddance to it. The MMO industry needs to advance forward not stay stagnant as it really has been for many years now when it comes to major developers.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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Just No.


Well that doesn't add much to the conversation. Better luck thinking of something useful to say next time, though.


Personally I think Dual Spec would be awesome. I play Republic and at certain times of day if can be very difficult to find all the right roles for instances and WZ groups. It would be useful to switch roles on the fly to be less dependent on certain other folks logging on or becoming available.

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Because a stupid poll sampling 10% of the playerbase is rellevant...


10% of this MMO's entire playerbase (assuming you didn't just pull that statistic out of your rear end) is way more than needed for poll sampling. Using basic extrapolation algorithms based on the people polled and of course their answer and reasons, only 1,000 people polled would make a satisfactory sample size.


It's also spelled "relevant".

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I don't think a 1000 people is that much of a poll... I think it isnt needed cause you can just roll a other class/tree... I mean a shadow dps or defense tree almost means a different class.

but I am no PVP player and I think most of those 700+ players saying they need dual spec are coming from the PVP side and I understand the reasoning behind wanting it there.

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i am all for duel spec. i absolutly loved it when they introduced it to WoW i know all the tanks and healers in my guild rejoiced also. theres no reason not to have it doesn't affect anything. Its just a nice feature that allows for a little more diversity and can make it easier to find groups. of all the modern MMO features this game left out this should be the first ,along with a server only dungeon finder, that should be implemented.
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