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I make 2 credits from slicing and I like it


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Then you're basically saying to take away mission skills altogether, since every gathering skill lets you send a crew member on a mission and he returns with a product. Credits are the slicer's return product, so why should we "lose" product? That's like your companion coming back and saying "I succeeded on this archeology mission, but you have to give ME two crystals for it, even though the intent is for me to bring you crystals!"


Please think before spouting off senseless insults.


This might be true if I paid my companion crystals to go scavenging.


Except I don't, I pay her 2500 Credits to go Scavenging and when she comes back she returns 2000-3000 Credits worth of Materials depending on present market demand.


Please think before spouting off senseless analogies.

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I find skills and crafting to be very boring. The time needed to get your skills and crafts to 400 is a waste, I rather make money killing npc's to purchase the items I need. At least there is some action in doing that. I understand you can make purple rare items this way, I rather purchase them from the kiosk. Edited by XDrcaul
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Everyone plays differently i like to use slicing for flashpoints due to shortcuts and thats always nice to avoid a bunch of mobs and i find the lockboxes while out doing quests to be a fantastic way of getting credits, but i find myself using them as i get them sure i can stay one level and endlessly send out my companions for credits but if your leveling your cost of abilities repairs and medpacks/stims and what not, easily gets pricy if anything its a good way to stay a little on top of that after each level i tend to have around 20-30k credits left as a slicer, on my non slicer classes im forced to go on level after level building up enough creds to buy the bare minimum skills (the ones i constantly use) but by that time i normally have more abilities to learn and its a real struggle. Then agian i never bothered much with my synthweaving as a profit gain i used it mainly for myself the same as slicing made the armor i could use and moved on but even that costs creds and that adds more salt to the wounds. I like it how it is now and i dont see how it could still be getting this much debate over... Working as Intended.
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Slicing actually worked immediately after 1.1 dropped. Even the Abundant and Bountiful level missions were making money every time.


Hope you all took advantage of it, because they stealth nerfed it right back into the stone age again with the new patch.

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Let's see:


I click 1 button and send my companion out on a slicing mission. I pay 1000 credits upfront. When he returns in 30 minutes, I open a lockbox that has 2000 credits in it.


That turned out pretty well. I think tomorrow, while I'm at work - I'll leave my laptop open and cycle out all 5 of my companions every 30 minutes. I imagine that by the end of the week, I'll have 2 million credits.


Hrmm... with that sort of money, I could then go to the Galactic Market and buy all the rare materials for one of the professions and list them far higher than they are. I might even be able to make more money that way or, I could just simply run my rotation of 5 companions, chugging in a 20 to 100% profit on every mission because some developer thought it was a smart idea to let a player farm credits for the effort of a SINGLE mouse click.


Once again:


Slicing should only award credits when you harvest the node out in the open world. Slicing missions should award schematics or materials that can used with any crafting skill. I wouldn't have a problem with having a small percentage (~5 or 10%) of credits returned but the slicing missions should never return more credits than it cost to take the mission.


If you are going to throw numbers around, you should do the math. I really think you should. :D

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Slicing actually worked immediately after 1.1 dropped. Even the Abundant and Bountiful level missions were making money every time.


Hope you all took advantage of it, because they stealth nerfed it right back into the stone age again with the new patch.



That's not exactly true; it can still turn some cash, just not the obscene amounts it was providing on patch day.


The way I see it, if you plan on making money and being active, slicing is not the way to go about it. However, I've found that if you're busy with something else, running any of the Rich missions will give some nice cash. Tomorrow I'm going to be occupied most of the day, so we'll see how this little experiment turns out.


There's still advantages to being a slicer (Granted, not as much as other skills, but just hear me out). I'm finding tons of lockboxes, presumably because most people think the skill is a waste. Two hundred here, three hundred there, it all adds up. Throw in my two companions still on the ship, and it's a small boost.


I don't expect it to make much, but it is working out for me so far. I have very little interest in schematics or augments, mainly because I'm leveling, and shelling out the cash to get a piece of gear that does have an augment is just going to be counter-productive.


I might be singing a different tune when I hit 50, since I'll be able to rack much more in through space missions (which I don't mind doing). I suppose the good thing about slicing now is if you're not into crafting (like me) and have a GTN where people can't figure out that they're not pricing at a reasonable level, it can save a headache.

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That's not exactly true; it can still turn some cash, just not the obscene amounts it was providing on patch day.


The way I see it, if you plan on making money and being active, slicing is not the way to go about it. However, I've found that if you're busy with something else, running any of the Rich missions will give some nice cash. Tomorrow I'm going to be occupied most of the day, so we'll see how this little experiment turns out.


There's still advantages to being a slicer (Granted, not as much as other skills, but just hear me out). I'm finding tons of lockboxes, presumably because most people think the skill is a waste. Two hundred here, three hundred there, it all adds up. Throw in my two companions still on the ship, and it's a small boost.


I don't expect it to make much, but it is working out for me so far. I have very little interest in schematics or augments, mainly because I'm leveling, and shelling out the cash to get a piece of gear that does have an augment is just going to be counter-productive.


I might be singing a different tune when I hit 50, since I'll be able to rack much more in through space missions (which I don't mind doing). I suppose the good thing about slicing now is if you're not into crafting (like me) and have a GTN where people can't figure out that they're not pricing at a reasonable level, it can save a headache.


Nah tried a rich mission (greyed out but still) costs 1250 - return .. can you guess? 612!!


**** off bioware.

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Per BoiWare and this website:


"Slicing – a skill in accessing secured computer systems and lockboxes to acquire valuable data and rare schematics."


It does not say you get credits. Credits were an added bonus and not the primary benefit of slicing. Them adjusting credits or removing credits doesn't have ANY effect on the actual skill, only the returns, and the creditsw were never part of the skills base return at any time.


This may be true, if we got those ever run or at least revy run we succeded in. Yes its a gathering skill, but what you gathering is credits. The others are bonuses you get if you ever mangage to crit on it. You know, like the purple mats you get when you crit on the other skills.


Sliceing right now is a joke and worthless. Every other gather skill (be it world or mission) give you common mats you need for crafting, rare mats you need for blues or better. lus a bonus for criting. Saying the sliceing is only for the stuff you get when critting is like saying that your other gather skill should only give you something on crits.


Right now I make more selling commen mats that I make on sliceing. Rare mission mats are selling for even more. Sliceing mission lose more moeny then they make. And I'll get more credits getting to a slceing node then I'll get out of the node.


If this is truely what that want then they should go ahead and get rid of the mision and give everyone sliceing. Cause noone in their right mind takes it now.

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I'm not sure where he got it but a friend of mine found a spreadsheet some guy did on slicing. It shows the missions that will give the best bang (return) for your buck and also the ones to stay away from because they give a negative return on investment. It must be working because he's at 400k credits at lvl 43 or so and he hasn't had to pass up class skills or speeder skills or anything like that. And he still manages to gear up himself and his companion with level equivalent items/mods. I wish I could find one for Underworld Trading...
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I've done the open world sliceing. ITs crap. Yes its free money. I can sell the mats from a single node for more money then the sliceing node will give you. Kill one or two mobs and you prob. made more then you get from the box your trying to get too. And thats not even considering the fact that in most places theres just not that many nodes.


So I say again this skill is crap.

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It's a great skill, it pays to level itself unlike every other crew skill which is a money pit until end game except maybe treasure hunting. At max level you get those epic missions. My 47 alt has slicing and never lacks for money and is feeding mission skills to our entire guild and my main as well as epic augments. I frequently end up finding 3 or 4 slicing nodes together on correllia or voss or hoth and just scoop them all up in a short amount of time and net a free 10 to 15k gold and sometimes get missions from those. Epic missions and augments sell for 10 to 30k apiece. Max companion affection for better success and critical rate. Edited by Ravenelle
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I did a little impromptu test over an 8 hour period with 400 slicing. I ran only lock box missions that were Bountiful or Rich, level 5 and 6.


Total missions ran - 18

Total missions cost average - 1525

Total missions return average - 1612


That yields me 87 credits profit x 18 missions for a grand total of 1,566 credits


That is 1,566 total profit over 8 hours which is less than 1/8th of what i get in a single Warzone in 10 to 12 minutes. :mad:


Other semi interesting stats:


Of the 18 missions, 1 came back failed, 5 yielded less than the cost and 1 did critical with a slicing mission blue that was not used in this test.


I agree that slicing was OP... not its semi worthless and could use even a mediocre or token boost.

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It's a great skill, it pays to level itself unlike every other crew skill which is a money pit until end game except maybe treasure hunting. At max level you get those epic missions. My 47 alt has slicing and never lacks for money and is feeding mission skills to our entire guild and my main as well as epic augments. I frequently end up finding 3 or 4 slicing nodes together on correllia or voss or hoth and just scoop them all up in a short amount of time and net a free 10 to 15k gold and sometimes get missions from those. Epic missions and augments sell for 10 to 30k apiece. Max companion affection for better success and critical rate.


Here's a handkerchief. There's a brown stain on your nose, and your nose is very long too.

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It's not hard to make decent credits from Slicing. Granted, I'd rather make my money from something that will scale with time, like Bioanalysis. But you still make decent money with Slicing. It's especially nice for new players or people rolling alts on other factions/servers, but certainly not limited to lowbies.


But if you really expected to just sit there doing nothing while your companions brought back large amounts of credits, then you'll be disappointed. Can't say much else.

Edited by Bovinity
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