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Am I the only one who feels this way?


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Well, I finally did it. I rolled an Imperial toon - and it's a blast. IA Operative (Mirror class to my Gunslinger, simply a different AC so I'm practically playing a new class.)


Anyway - as stated - the storyline is a blast and I'm enjoy the gameplay with brand new quests and worlds. However, there is one thing that has been grinding on me for the past few days, and Id finally like to discover if I'm delusional, insane, or maybe just have a valid point.


Did every 12 year old roll an Imperial toon?


Compared to the Republic side of my server (Mask of Nihlus) the Imperials are terrible. Rage quitting in Flashpoints due to the lack of a drop someone was looking for - rage quitting in flashpoints because someone else rolled on an item they mutually need and he won(Common guys, these are Flashpoints - not raids. There are no DK points :rolleyes:) - throwing temper tantrums in heroics because someone wiped - AND FACE PULLERS EVERYWHERE??? Every other IA sniper Ive run with either needs to zoom out with they're camera or just maybe look around before they run because these un intended elites joining our pulls are getting quite tiresome.


Now don't get me wrong, I understand that there are some amazing young gamers out there (my younger brother for example) but in pure terms of maturity, It does seem the Imperials have a much higher ratio of kids then adults.



P.S Oh, I did find out that some of those rage quitters were adults - my faith in humanity is beginning to wobble.

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Compared to the Republic side of my server (Mask of Nihlus) the Imperials are terrible. Rage quitting in Flashpoints due to the lack of a drop someone was looking for - rage quitting in flashpoints because someone else rolled on an item they mutually need and he won(Common guys, these are Flashpoints - not raids. There are no DK points :rolleyes:) - throwing temper tantrums in heroics because someone wiped - AND FACE PULLERS EVERYWHERE??? Every other IA sniper Ive run with either needs to zoom out with they're camera or just maybe look around before they run because these un intended elites joining our pulls are getting quite tiresome.


It depends on your server and level. Where I am, it's a mix. The Rebuplic starter worlds are idiotic trollfests (why they always seem to be like that is a mystery to me -- I mean, shouldn't they have all left by now?), but things are relatively OK once you move on to Coruscant. Empire side's not so bad, but the social ineptitude seems to kick in a little later.


That's just one server. I'm sure things vary a lot on others, too.

Edited by imtrick
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I am pretty new to MMOs but I jumped on for the first 20 levels or so with a friend who is a vet so he explained the basics of strategy and etiquette (I guess). Some people just don't pay attention and don't care. It happens in every game. I played tons of Battlefield before this and there are **** loads of idiots there who will run in front of you while your shooting and get TKed but then ***** at you for killing them even though you just wasted 5 guys before they ran in front of you. Every game has it *******. Much like this forum.
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Well, I finally did it. I rolled an Imperial toon - and it's a blast. IA Operative (Mirror class to my Gunslinger, simply a different AC so I'm practically playing a new class.)


Anyway - as stated - the storyline is a blast and I'm enjoy the gameplay with brand new quests and worlds. However, there is one thing that has been grinding on me for the past few days, and Id finally like to discover if I'm delusional, insane, or maybe just have a valid point.


Did every 12 year old roll an Imperial toon?


Compared to the Republic side of my server (Mask of Nihlus) the Imperials are terrible. Rage quitting in Flashpoints due to the lack of a drop someone was looking for - rage quitting in flashpoints because someone else rolled on an item they mutually need and he won(Common guys, these are Flashpoints - not raids. There are no DK points :rolleyes:) - throwing temper tantrums in heroics because someone wiped - AND FACE PULLERS EVERYWHERE??? Every other IA sniper Ive run with either needs to zoom out with they're camera or just maybe look around before they run because these un intended elites joining our pulls are getting quite tiresome.


Now don't get me wrong, I understand that there are some amazing young gamers out there (my younger brother for example) but in pure terms of maturity, It does seem the Imperials have a much higher ratio of kids then adults.



P.S Oh, I did find out that some of those rage quitters were adults - my faith in humanity is beginning to wobble.


This is why I turned General chat off the first day, and refuse to pug. It's no different in any other MMO Ive ever played. Shrug...

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I can't believe the number of socially wierd things I run into even playing republic. While I am busy engaged with a champion mob, someone zips in and ninja's the loot chest.


While healing in a flashpoint and wiping several times because we can't get the tactics right, the old chestnut of it's the healers fault comes up... even though I was doing exactly what we all discussed prior to pulling.


While playing a warzone, the moment things look bad for our side people quit, ensure certain defeat.


Name calling, rudeness, unwilling to group up with someone doing the exact same thing you are doing... all anti-social stuff that makes me wonder why they are even playing in an MMO.


Yep, all standard MMO socially acceptable stuff these days I guess... which is sad.

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I am an Imperial player. I rolled a jedi sage and had another jedi sage rage quit a flashpoint because a smuggler rolled need on a willpower light armor item.


So your blanket statement is false. Both sides have douches

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This is an anecdotal bit of evidence that I share myself. My bounty hunter lasted long enough to read general in imperial fleet... alas, that toon was awesome to play.


It is important to remember that this is anecdotal evidence, and is not sufficient to back the claim that Imperial players are primarily children. :p

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I am pretty new to MMOs but I jumped on for the first 20 levels or so with a friend who is a vet so he explained the basics of strategy and etiquette (I guess). Some people just don't pay attention and don't care. It happens in every game. I played tons of Battlefield before this and there are **** loads of idiots there who will run in front of you while your shooting and get TKed but then ***** at you for killing them even though you just wasted 5 guys before they ran in front of you. Every game has it *******. Much like this forum.




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unwilling to group up with someone doing the exact same thing you are doing... all anti-social stuff that makes me wonder why they are even playing in an MMO.


Yep, all standard MMO socially acceptable stuff these days I guess... which is sad.


I was with you until this last part.


Why do people care how others are playing the game they are paying for as long as they aren't rude or obtrusive?

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I can't believe the number of socially wierd things I run into even playing republic. While I am busy engaged with a champion mob, someone zips in and ninja's the loot chest.


ugh, i think we have ll had this. I play Imp so i kinda expect it though

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I am an Imperial player. I rolled a jedi sage and had another jedi sage rage quit a flashpoint because a smuggler rolled need on a willpower light armor item.


So your blanket statement is false. Both sides have douches



Ive run with Jedi Sentinels that rolled need on Smuggler items for they're companion. It makes me flaming mad, but I see your point

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Did every 12 year old roll an Imperial toon?


Compared to the Republic side of my server (Mask of Nihlus) the Imperials are terrible. Rage quitting in Flashpoints due to the lack of a drop someone was looking for - rage quitting in flashpoints because someone else rolled on an item they mutually need and he won(Common guys, these are Flashpoints - not raids. There are no DK points :rolleyes:) - throwing temper tantrums in heroics because someone wiped - AND FACE PULLERS EVERYWHERE??? Every other IA sniper Ive run with either needs to zoom out with they're camera or just maybe look around before they run because these un intended elites joining our pulls are getting quite tiresome.


Interesting; I just rolled a Jedi Shadow after playing around with my IA Sniper since Early Access started, and I've found the reverse: the Republic side seem to be full of trolls and abrasive jerks to a greater extent than the Empire side. Or maybe it was just a bad day on the server; hard to say, really.

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This is an anecdotal bit of evidence that I share myself. My bounty hunter lasted long enough to read general in imperial fleet... alas, that toon was awesome to play.


It is important to remember that this is anecdotal evidence, and is not sufficient to back the claim that Imperial players are primarily children. :p



Oh no, don't get me wrong - Ive made some several great friends on the Imperial side, and I will say that there are tons of adults that play that faction to. However it truly seems like the majority are kids due to this being what I end up getting stuck with in groups/ talks in chat/ etc.


But a valid point

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Our server is about the same. I think most of these kids check the forums to see what the "fotm" is before they roll a toon. I've seen folks argue over loot until someone rage quits. It's frustrating if a pug fails over this. On the flip side, there are some more mature folks actually enjoying the game and taking their time to help folks with missions or questions.
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I have never experienced that and I'm an imp sorc. I roll with 3 other people all the time and we kick people out of flashpoints/groups that roll need all the time. Is that childish? You don't need it, greed it.
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Interesting; I just rolled a Jedi Shadow after playing around with my IA Sniper since Early Access started, and I've found the reverse: the Republic side seem to be full of trolls and abrasive jerks to a greater extent than the Empire side. Or maybe it was just a bad day on the server; hard to say, really.



Details about which server your on?

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Well in my experience...


Therefore it clearly is a case undeniable factual truth that...


Yall feel the same? lets all yarn about it so we feel connected to other people which gives the old social cortex recognition parts of our brains, a good ol tickle....

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I have never experienced that and I'm an imp sorc. I roll with 3 other people all the time and we kick people out of flashpoints/groups that roll need all the time. Is that childish? You don't need it, greed it.



That is something me and my Republic friends practice as well. The first time they will simply receive a warning - if they continue this then they are kicked from the group.

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My entire Republic Guild are husbands and wives and a few with their teenage sons and daughters.

Much more helpful, mature and interactive with one another.

It makes the MMO experience 1000x better.


The Imp guild I was in at launch was full of guys mostly playing female toons and whining about everything in the game.


FYI, just an account of my in game experiences.


And yes, when my 10 year old wanted to try out a few MMOs, he always chose the bad side.

Edited by Fraxture
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Well, I finally did it. I rolled an Imperial toon - and it's a blast. IA Operative (Mirror class to my Gunslinger, simply a different AC so I'm practically playing a new class.)




Did every 12 year old roll an Imperial toon?







And that's exactly why my guild rolled republic. In every game with a faction, more twelve year olds seem to gravitate toward the "bad" side. Don't get me wrong, there's still an equally large amount of good players on that side, just a whole lot more little kiddies

Edited by YarNine
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