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MMORPG .com says SW:ToR is Great


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I find it odd that the people that really like this game are here on the forums spewing fanbois reviews and not playing. Yet when a player who really dislikes the game posts on the forum, they are asked "why are you here?" Double standard way of thinking proving how fake most of you are.

I dunno about you, but I'm at work.

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I find it odd that the people that really like this game are here on the forums spewing fanbois reviews and not playing. Yet when a player who really dislikes the game posts on the forum, they are asked "why are you here?" Double standard way of thinking proving how fake most of you are.


There could be several reasons one might post a positive review of the game instead of playing. They could be at work, or maybe they only play with a friend who isn't on right now. Who knows, but what you just said is a bit shallow. I loved several games, and somehow found time to post reviews of mine about them.

Edited by Jediwran
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I find it odd that the people that really like this game are here on the forums spewing fanbois reviews and not playing. Yet when a player who really dislikes the game posts on the forum, they are asked "why are you here?" Double standard way of thinking proving how fake most of you are.


Where do you fall in? fanboy cause you like it or a hater? Double standard for you too.

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Reviews from a press junket are garbage and are written solely for the purpose of selling advertising space to the publisher. Considering what a steaming pile of garbage SWTOR turned out to be, you're going to give credence to some blathering idiot whose only purpose in reviewing a game is to kiss the publisher's backside?


I notice lots of people reg'd from Dec 2011 ranting this bs^


Random children that expect it to be perfect but no likey bugs or some aspect of the design and so bash the game and come up with conspiracy theories as to why the game is critically acclaimed. hahaha

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No worries. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Personally, I found Rift to be completely devoid of ... personality? It just seemed stale and repetitive.


Rift's story is as generic as they come (oh noez! The evil bad guys are coming from somewhere to invade us!), no political slant (which can be argued to be a good thing) and is another bloody fantasy-themed MMO. Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, Goblins... After EQ1 and WoW (with WAR, UO, EQ2 and LotRO in there) I'm sick and tired of that crap


SWTOR was rushed, I think at least in part because of the demand. The game itself, though, is solid as far as rushed games go. Patches are being made, plans are being announced and the game will improve within the first year


Reviews are opinions, nothing more, nothing less

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yes they do, you paid the 60 bucks to buy the game correct? You will also have to pay for any additions such as DLC if you want to play them?


The 15 dollar sub fee is not necessarily only to play the game, you are also supporting the continued bug fixing, content development etc which you don't get in most single player games.


That's not an accurate comparison really. If I never pay Bethesda another dime, I can play Skyrim until the day my hard drive dies. DLC is likened more to an MMO's item shop: IE, if I want a special access dungeon or a ridable magic carpet... I pay for optional content.


Now, I do believe in supporting a game I like which I think has potential. That's why I'm a multi-year subscriber to Rift. There's some stuff I don't like about Rift (not a fan of the gear disparity in PvP between new rank 1s and the rank 8s who farm them like potatoes) and I think Rift's story lacks depth. Still, Rift is fun for the stuff outside of the story... the freedom L50 players have and the wide assortment of stuff to do. I love how it looks and love how it plays. It's my cup of tea.


SWTOR just doesn't do it for me. I'm not going to trash it and say people are crazy for wanting to play it. I have my likes and dislikes and I don't like the core fundamental foundation this game is made on. The graphics give me nightmares and the very thought of pushing another alt through Balmora or Coruscant makes me itch. The only things I like doing in SWTOR is the storyline missions and the lowbie BT/Esseless flashpoints. I liked Huttball the first 30 times I played it but I'm over that now.


Now, the reason I am not choosing to stay with the game is because I can't justify myself paying for something I don't like the majority of. I don't like the art direction, the entirety of the end-game concepts they have in place, and I could go on but I really don't need to.


SWTOR is and always will be a fun aside. I may come back every now and the for a month to do some of the new content... but I don't think this game is for me.

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Um, NO. SORRY. This is the real review of SWTOR:


It's not a real review (at least not more real than any other review around), it's your review. You are entitled to an opinion, the same as everyone else. The main difference between your review and MMORPG's is that yours is read by a few forum-readers and the one by MMORPG by a few people more.

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Um, NO. SORRY. This is the real review of SWTOR:





Polish 7/10




Let's see: lacklustre UI, AA not working, High textures not available, many players with regular disconnection errors 9000, Black screen crashing, horrid FPS issues, Taris memory leak @launch, players that can't complete patching the game, many V.O. camera angles off, some quests story lines broken, group and guild chat that was broken, totally flawed PvP design on Illum, poor LFG system, not even dual specs




As reference LotRo and more recently RIFT where polished games @launch. Saying TOR is 9.5 over 10 is an insult for Turbine and Trion Worlds.


lotro's aesthetic polish was pure crap. their icons for abilities and all items are 8-bit color schemes that look like they were drawn by 1st graders.. and that's being generous. you are clearly a hater. LOTRO's aesthetics simply are not defensible.


They look like garbage: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FYuUuvolcho/Tr_phZijx8I/AAAAAAAAATk/lkvVG7IQTZ0/s1600/lotro+bags.jpg

Edited by Bigaus
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I find it odd that the people that really like this game are here on the forums spewing fanbois reviews and not playing. Yet when a player who really dislikes the game posts on the forum, they are asked "why are you here?" Double standard way of thinking proving how fake most of you are.


We're all stuck at work and enjoy conversating about a game we love when we can't play it. I have no idea why people who dislike the game are here. It isn't a double standard at all.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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We're all stuck at work and enjoy conversating about a game we love when we can't play it. I have no idea why people who dislike the game are here. It isn't a double standard at all.


stuck at work myself also, when i'm at home i'm not on the forums

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Why is it so hard for people to believe others actually enjoy this game? Mind boggling.


It is not mind boggling if you understand the world we live in. In this world if someone does not agree with your beliefs and have a different opinion they are attacked for it whether that opinion is good or bad. The issue flows both ways. The entitlement generation believes the only correct opinion is their own, everyone elses is wrong and misinformed.

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Yep, Bioware bought out PCGamer too. /eyeroll


and G4.......and........


Thats not about buying em. I have worked for tire industry for 14 years and its common knowledge that every test on the magazines defining which brand is the best winter or summer tire is influenced by big companies or where those tire are made. Almost everytime best tire in France is Michelin, in Germany Continental and in Finland Nokia. If you think that car magazines are independent on those rewievs or tests ur delusional. Same goes for game magazines etc.

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Why is it so hard for people to believe others actually enjoy this game? Mind boggling.


Because people think they represent the masses. That if they think a certain way, that most other do as well.


They see themselves as "normal" so their opinion must be, by definition, the norm.

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So the site that has openly bashed, crashing, insulted, belittled, and bemoaned the very existance of TOR during its developement is now giving it TOP MARKS?


EA, did you threaten to pull your advertisng dollars?


I dont hate TOR, im subbed for 6 months so clearly I dont hate TOR


But MMORPG.com and its faithful (raving lunitic followers) have been opening attacking TOR for years now about how its getting everything wrong (not SWG2.0) and a waste of money and a crappy game and .... (well the list of insults thrown at TOR from that site and its "fan" base to long to post.).


And now suddenly they are giving it top marks and top honors?


Yeah sorry, not buying this reveiw what so ever.


Not so much the reveiw im not buying but the site that wrote it!


This REEKS of EA/Bioware saying, "give us some love or we taking our advertising dolloars elsewhere" to me.


Not like this is unheard of in the industry.


Many top internet gaming site bash a game early in its development only to turn around and start giving it 8s-9s-10/10 scores just as full page/screen ads suddenly appear on their sites. In fact Id say this is farmore the norm then the rarity now a days!


Love TOR but sorry, this reveiw is 100% bought and paid for!

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MMORPG.com said that Tabula Rasa was great. Look how that turned out. They may be one of the biggest review sites but their reviewers are typically bias and poorly handled. TOR is certainly a great game, but getting a good review from MMORPG.com is hardly worth anything.
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