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MMORPG .com says SW:ToR is Great


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Is this for real? Are people actually thinking BW payed them to rise their score on the game? Do you have any idea how much they would lose if they'd be caught with that? NO company, no matter how great is willing to risk that for something as trivial as a computer game. Oil companies might but not game-companies.. Get your **** together people.
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SWTOR is a great MMO but way too short. I've completed all chapters and quests, HM Flashpoints ain't really hard (kinda easy tbh), completed all space missions (total of 7-8), open world PvP is non-existing, got my T2 PvP gear and working on Battlemaster one etc.


Daily routine consists of doing some WZ and daily PvP/PvE quest. More endgame content pls!

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Without proof I am going to say I don't believe in paid reviews. Everyone has a opinion and not everyone will agree with it.


I understand what you're saying in this particular case, but surely you're aware it's not uncommon? There are quite a few examples from the past few years of reviewers giving less than honest reviews for either extra $$ or some kind of early exclusivity. The whole Jeff Gurstmann thing is a good example. Listening to developer/reviewer podcasts, they touch on this stuff all the time.



Again, not saying that's what's going on here. Just saying it happens.. frequently.

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I agree, I love this game and it can only get better!


This thread will be fun with al the haters who troll this website.


Such hate for a game, but yet, they post :p


Such love for a game, yet you post, instead of play :p

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Was i reading too much into when DA2 got a 10/10 and was called the RPG of the decade, or was i right NEVER to trust that reviewer again?



What are you talking about?


No, I think you are so convinced you are right, that when something comes out that says otherwise , you have to assume whatever it is, must be a fraud, or admit to the possibility of being wrong.

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Well don't you think it's funny that no matter how negative a review is for SWTOR it's NEVER below an 8/10? That doesn't pique your curiosity at all?


no not all all, just because a review may have negative aspects to it does not mean the review feels it doesn't deserve the score. Everyone always looks into conspiracy theories to explain something they don't agree with, same is with reviews. if people don't agree with it the common practice is to say they were paid off.


You ever think that just maybe there are those that enjoy the game and what it has to offer despite its shortcomings? a review is simply an opinion and opinions are made by multiple factors including enjoyment.

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Postive Review = Source paid off

Negative Review = Source is entirely correct, the game is a fail...


nuff said.


IMO the guy nailed the game in his review.




Positive review = Right on

Negative review = attack the source, company is failing to the point of being bought out, etc,.

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Oh wow, a Jan 2012er, you'd think how fast this game is growing according to the fanboys there'd be more of you. You're the first I've seen.


Just for reference:


If you do a quick look at user ID#'s, there have been about 130k since 1/1/12.

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Well don't you think it's funny that no matter how negative a review is for SWTOR it's NEVER below an 8/10? That doesn't pique your curiosity at all?


What peaks my curiosity is why you insist on posting in a feint gray font.


What's up with that?


As for your conspiracy theory..... well you can run a kangaroo court if you like, but don't expect others to participate. :p

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Is this for real? Are people actually thinking BW payed them to rise their score on the game? Do you have any idea how much they would lose if they'd be caught with that? NO company, no matter how great is willing to risk that for something as trivial as a computer game. Oil companies might but not game-companies.. Get your **** together people.


They can just as easily remove all support for that reviewer which would hurt their fanbase since they would not be able to go to them for the newest review.


They don't pay them off, but they simply don't send them a review copy, don't give them early reviewer access, and don't give them kick-backs.

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Positive review = Right on

Negative review = attack the source, company is failing to the point of being bought out, etc,.


Well to be fair to the "fanboys" in regards to the GamePro incident. GamePro was failing and has since closed down.

Edited by Dalak
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Ya, I quit reading MMORPG.com when it was made public that they accepted money from Funcom to publish positive press on that steaming pile of you know what. I won't weigh in on their score though because I think its invalid.




If you read the full article, the reviewer didn't even get to level 30. I would agree that the score is deserving of the pre L30 gameplay. Still, someone writing a review of the content I finished in less than 2 days is not a review written from someone who has any idea what the game is like for the majority of your time in the game.... that being the advanced levels and the end-game.


However, for those of us who have experienced the L30-50 gameplay... boy oh boy do some of you have a rude awakening in store. I'll leave it at that. Apparently, so did the reviewer.

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What peaks my curiosity is why you insist on posting in a feint gray font.


What's up with that?


As for your conspiracy theory..... well you can run a kangaroo court if you like, but don't expect others to participate. :p


Because it makes me feel like a SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE like Bioware promised i would be

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Postive Review = Source paid off

Negative Review = Source is entirely correct, the game is a fail...


nuff said.


IMO the guy nailed the game in his review.



On the other side of it you have everyone critical of the game being accused of working for Blizzard.


It's insane; but it's funny to read from either side.

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Aesthetics: 9/10


Gameplay: 9/10


Innovation 8/10


Polish 9.5/10


Longevity 8/10


Value 10/10


Social 7.5/10




Every couple of years we get an MMO whose level of hype and expectations are greater than the game could ever aspire to be and the same remains true for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Even so, the game is simply exceptional. If you’re a Star Wars fan, a fan of BioWare RPGs, and you don’t mind a themepark styled MMO, you will undoubtedly have a great time in the world BioWare has created with Star Wars: The Old Republic. BioWare has successfully fused the foundation of a solid MMO with their industry-leading story telling capabilities to create a final product that convincingly makes the case that as great as many MMOs have been, we’ve definitely been missing a significant piece of the puzzle for all these years.


Final Score








- Crafting is fun and accessible

- Full voice-overs and cinematics

- Incredible story features

- Visceral Star Wars combat



- Customer service experience is hit-or-miss

- Guild features are anemic at best

- UI is inflexible


MMORPG.com gave Rift an 8.7 too, and we all know how Rift was.

Edited by Poogination
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Play it past level 30




well there is an old saying ..


Takes crap to know crap ( no one is forcing you to play . so quit if you don't like it


I would have given it 9/10 myself.. I love the game .. it's very well polished and even better than some games that have been out for over a year.


this game is here to stay!!! As for the haters ... well they will hate on anything no matter what it is ..


Smug, unhappy people they are, hmmmm???

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Everyone will agree that reviews of lvl 1-49 is great and actually pretty darn fun for a SPrpg but the real problem arise at lvl 50 where you're stuck with a generic mmorpg with everyone looking alike , no UI , mods or ability to even pvp because it's so frustrating to have your character unresponsive and especially in alderaan when the gun battery simply cut out all the sound other than their pew pew'ing.
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