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Staggered launch = 1 Giant Queue


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No, the deal was if you pay in advance, you get extra time free. If you don't get the extra time, what's the point in pre-ordering? Might as well just go to the store and pick the game up on the 20th, it's not like there'll be any lack of copies available.



Then why don't you go pick up the game on the 20th? It costs you the same. You won't get any free game time, but you'll get what you paid for and nothing more. What is stopping you?


Oh wait the free stuff, and now you want... more free stuff? Tell me, did the fact that they increased the EGA period by 2 days make you feel gratitude... or anger?

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Yep... and when you finally log in ( Dec 20th) you get to experience the lag and server crashes.


Dragging 1 mil players through a staggered EA, and expecting 1 mil additional players to log in on the 20th with no problems... ...


Yup, bad joke. Oh and in some territories people where promised Be the first to explore the fate of the Old Republic. Pre-order today No subject to availability, no based on order date, no mention of controlling access, no caveats or small print at all.

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It's free because it isn't taken from the 30 days. That's what he paid for. The 30 days starting Dec. 20th.


Nobody gives a crap about it being free, mmorpg subs are cheap enough, who would even care?


What people are annoyed about it outlined by the OP. The select few get to play and the rest (the majority) are locked out in a days long queue.

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It's free because it isn't taken from the 30 days. That's what he paid for. The 30 days starting Dec. 20th.


And thats what you get - mad people - when you start giving out FREE stuff to only a part of community.


People hate seeing others getting free stuff. Its normal. Cant blame them.

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As long as you get in on the 19th or earlier, Bioware delivered exactly what they promised. The amount of whining is ridiculous and pretty damn pathetic.


Did you even bother reading what I posted or you simply troll around and copy/paste this crap? At no point did I complain about not being in the early access yet. I stated with intelligent points why they should have stick with the standard queue system instead of trying to reinvent the MMO launch with, let's be frank, terrible results so far.

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It's essentially what it is. Instead of having a rotation of players waiting in line for 30 min. to 1 hour and playing for a limited amount of time, you get people having 100% guaranteed access to the game while others wait for days.



Your kinda right except with this Queue you have no estimated time


No worries.


I love this game but ive set a Queue end day formyself.


If Queue hasnt ended by that date (and ill let you know its not the 18th or 19th but thats all im saying) ill cancel order and find something else to spend my money on.


Not a rant,

Not a rage,

Not even a threat,


Just a mature adult decision of exactly how long till my break point is.


I mean what else can you do really?

They will not tell me when Im in game and will not reduce my cost for not getting a full 7 free days for pre ordering.


I know those in game like to be self satisfied like they special (congrats, you pre ordered a game having no release date or pricing plan or anything announced. Seriously /golf clap) but fact is pre orders had a window to pre order so as long as you ordered in that window of time, everyone should get the same bonus time.


And thats what it is, BONUS TIME, not free time. If it was free, no purchase would be required. Purchases were required and standards had to be met. That means its bonus time and everyone should get the same bonus time for pre ordering.


So yeah, ill let them mistreat me to a point, but after that its done and I walk away.


Love TOR, beta tested it and fell in love with game but sorry, no company gets a free pass. Because you let them walk all over you and well, you deserve what you get sadly.


I HOPE they let me in before the deadline hits (though I wont stop saying its wrong because it is and im not some marshmellow powder puff that allows people and corps to walk all over me for a virtual pat on the head. Right amd Wrong are Right and Wrong and Bioware right now is WRONG AS WRONG CAN BE).


I want to play game and had planned to play for years hopefully.


But a endless Queue I cant even monitor? No thanks!

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I really would have preferred a full on queue. At least with this I can plan more accordingly around my play time and can get a good estimate of when I can play...


Instead I am greeted with topic after topic filled with people saying




Well there goes thousands of potential spots for other people...



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You are derailing the topic. At no point in my original post have I mentioned I was blaming them for lying to me. I said a standard queue system would have worked better than this staggered launch, I brought up intelligent concerns in a concise manner. If you do not wish to discuss this point I am sure there are 1000 other posts you can troll.


Oh please, if you can't justify your complains then they're without merit. If they wanted to give the first 100k people who pre-ordered a free shirt would you be complaining that you didn't get one? Because really, this is what it boils down to. It's like me complaining that Bill Gates only donated $100 million to this charity because hey, he can obviously donate more. It's a stupid discussion. Could they have done better with a normal launch? Could Santa have given out more gifts to children? Please.

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BW seem incapable of sending more than a few emails at once, even the beta invites for everyone were staggered a couple of weeks back, it's very odd.


I was very much in favour of a staggered launch, but assumed it would be more like 10-12 waves a day, with advance notice of what DAY you would most likely get in, but not necessarily the time.


Inviting a tiny amount of people, (at very strange times for us Euros) and then dissapearing without a word whilst the servers are still fairly empty just seems like asking for trouble?


+1 exactly what I am having a problem with.

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Nobody gives a crap about it being free, mmorpg subs are cheap enough, who would even care?


What people are annoyed about it outlined by the OP. The select few get to play and the rest (the majority) are locked out in a days long queue.


Why are they annoyed? Would you be annoyed if they got shirts instead? Because they got a free game day?



What kind of person gets mad because someone else got a free gift (or more precisely, a better free gift than the free you got)?

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Another issue i have is the "EARLY ACCESS" is probably their biggest selling point for preorders, why do they not recognize this and understand this is why customers preordered in the first place.. otherwise we would all just buy it at launch honestly..





This is true.


If you don't get early access (and given that Live date you'll be lucky to get on for queues), then you may as well have NOT pre-ordered and you'll likely have got the game cheaper a week or so after launch.

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Would it be the end of the world to just tell people a rough schedule of who will get in when? I mean, I don't see any reason not to...


I think most people are just having a hard time being productive/enjoying other activities when the call might pop up to play SWTOR at random intervals of the day [looking at my close friends and cousins, I am already in :p]. None of them are "mad" about this situation, they just really would prefer the courtesy.


If you know you aren't getting in until X-day of the week, you can breath and relax. What's wrong with that?

Edited by Xyrloc
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Would it be the end of the world to just tell people a rough schedule of who will get in when? I mean, I don't see any reason not to...


I think most people are just having a hard time being productive/enjoying other activities when the call might pop up to play SWTOR at random intervals of the day [looking at my close friends and cousins, I am already in :p]. None of them are "mad" about this situation, they just really would prefer the courtesy.


If you know you aren't getting in until Wednesday, you can breath and relax. What's wrong with that?


The truly sad part is that there are probably many people who got the email today, and did not even log in due to work etc, those spots could have gone to someone in a real queue.

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It's essentially what it is. Instead of having a rotation of players waiting in line for 30 min. to 1 hour and playing for a limited amount of time, you get people having 100% guaranteed access to the game while others wait for days.


Here's where the problem lies, at 11PM EST when the people that played all evening long logged out... no one took their spot. Same for the guys that went out for dinner, or the guy going to school at 6AM this morning. In other words, for the satisfaction of these selected few, the majority could not play. A standard queue system would have left more people play, it would have been fair for everyone.


Would a standard queue system be perfect? Of course not, it sucks for people with limited time, or people stuck on populated servers due to friends and guilds. It would still be a LOT better than what we got today.


The only way a staggered launch would have worked better than the standard queues is if someone was there 24/7 allowing players in as the server population shifts around.


So Bioware, next time you decide to "reinvent the wheel", test it first. It wasn't hard to see how this launch would create issues like this days and weeks beforehand.


And for anyone wondering why no one complained about it... we all assumed they were intelligent enough to do as I mentioned, a staggered launch with an automated or manual system letting in players as the day progress. Not send 5 waves with Low population servers and call it a day.


This is the way they chose to do it with their game. They told you they were doing it this way in advance...if you don't like it go play another game (or at least don't roll on Death Wind Corridor ... please).

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The truly sad part is that there are probably many people who got the email today, and did not even log in due to work etc, those spots could have gone to someone in a real queue.


Look that can't be helped... people, once gaining access, can play a lot, a little or not at all. They shouldn't 'forfeit' spots. The issue is simply one of courtesy.

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Oh please, if you can't justify your complains then they're without merit. If they wanted to give the first 100k people who pre-ordered a free shirt would you be complaining that you didn't get one? Because really, this is what it boils down to. It's like me complaining that Bill Gates only donated $100 million to this charity because hey, he can obviously donate more. It's a stupid discussion. Could they have done better with a normal launch? Could Santa have given out more gifts to children? Please.


Actually your analogy is wrong. If Santa was using canons to throw gifts to children and half of them landed out of reach, making half the kids spend Christmas without a gift... then it would be accurate.


Bioware CHOSE this method. They CHOSE to use a staggered launch instead of a standard MMO launch with full servers and queues. Bioware simply had to copy what every other MMOs have successfully done in the past. Just earlier this year Rift had a nearly flawless launch. No instead they decided to try a new method.


Just like your Santa that decided to suddenly use canons instead of his sled. It did not pay off in the end. It was their decision and people have a right to be mad at them for using this method instead of the more used method that's been tested over and over.

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Why are they annoyed? Would you be annoyed if they got shirts instead? Because they got a free game day?



What kind of person gets mad because someone else got a free gift (or more precisely, a better free gift than the free you got)?



A sane one. Not a frontal-lobotomy,feelings-free, happy-for-the-world awful troll like you

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Would it be the end of the world to just tell people a rough schedule of who will get in when? I mean, I don't see any reason not to...


Because as soon as a wave comes 1 second late, the forums would be flooded with even more "bioware lies" trash.


I think most people are just having a hard time being productive/enjoying other activities when the call might pop up to play SWTOR at random intervals of the day.


People have skewed senses of priority.



If you know you aren't getting in until Wednesday, you can breath and relax. What's wrong with that?


It's not hard to make a decent guess based on when you preordered. The idea of 1 month per day is probably a fairly accurate estimation of when you would get in. So...


July = Day 1

August = Day 2

Sept = Day 3

Oct = Day 4

Nov = Day 5

Dec = Day 6


If you go by this, you will probably be fairly surprised by getting in earlier than you expect. Just remember that early waves/days will have shorter time differences for invites, as the preorders flooded in in the first few days/weeks.

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Actually your analogy is wrong. If Santa was using canons to throw gifts to children and half of them landed out of reach, making half the kids spend Christmas without a gift... then it would be accurate.


Bioware CHOSE this method. They CHOSE to use a staggered launch instead of a standard MMO launch with full servers and queues. Bioware simply had to copy what every other MMOs have successfully done in the past. Just earlier this year Rift had a nearly flawless launch. No instead they decided to try a new method.


Just like your Santa that decided to suddenly use canons instead of his sled. It did not pay off in the end. It was their decision and people have a right to be mad at them for using this method instead of the more used method that's been tested over and over.


Like I said, I really hope the QQers decide that Bioware is incapable and decide to play another game so we don't have to deal with the childish incessant QQing for the next few years.

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Why are they annoyed? Would you be annoyed if they got shirts instead? Because they got a free game day?



What kind of person gets mad because someone else got a free gift (or more precisely, a better free gift than the free you got)?


Why wouldn't I be mad when I pay the same money for the same service, but get treated like a second class citizen while others get world class service? You'd have to be stupid or the world's biggest beta not to get mad at that.

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This is the way they chose to do it with their game. They told you they were doing it this way in advance...if you don't like it go play another game (or at least don't roll on Death Wind Corridor ... please).


Really now? I do not recall them giving us details on the staggered launch. Somehow I must have missed those details when I pre-ordered months ago. I had no idea they gave us the details of this launch, saying they would send 5 waves to bring the servers to Light capacity then call it a day with no more communication for 16 hours.


A shame I missed all that in the fine print.

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