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I feel useless as a healer


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the whole pvp thing is joke, in amongst the whybabies and the trolls there are a lot of very valid issues being raised in this forum. much more than you would expect. Serious mechanic and imbalance issues.


Sage healing for one works, but how its mechanically implemented is just wrong from a pvp perspective. The evidence is in many many threads in these forums.


Good teams will target healers, good teams will guard and provide cover for their healers.

Exceptional teams know this and draw cover away from their objectives.


Pugging vs Teams in any game consider yourself fodder and you may as well spot heal and guard an objective instead of running around and worrying about some pointless e-peen healing output score.


i never did understand why they put damage and healing output scores up in any instanced matches, they prove nothing but the fact the reward system is flawed and that Biowares knowledge of pvp is very shallow indeed.

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As a 50 healer myself I'm very torn on the matter. In a sense it's nice to play an mmo where the healer is not over powerd (warhammer i.e). Never played WoW so can't say anything about that.


While I do manage to keep some ppl up in battles I also feel the strain of having to do it. Yes it takes a lot to heal well in a wz, and it should. But lets be honest here. There are limits and it's supposed to be fun. Not feel like a under paid job.


My biggest issue is I have to do dmg just to even remotly get close to anything resembling medals. I should not have to. Just as dps shouldn't have to heal to get medals.


From my own experiance I feel healers are appreciated by other players. I don't always get MVP and I never get as many as the main dps. However I do get medals on and off.


The lag and the ability delays are a big problem as a healer though. I stack alacrity and even if my main big heal is ment to take 2 sec it almost always takes an additional sec.


Now this might not be a problem to other chars or even other healers. But this game is ment to be fast paced. Very few stand still for 3.5 sec's for their 2.5 heal. To be honest most ppl don't expect to be healed and run away or hid behind a box/wall/pillar/hill etc. This breaks our los and the 2.5 sec's becomes useless.


I think swtor has a good start on having balanced healers but they need to make healing worth while and not treat it as a third grade ability.

Edited by -Zajo-
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A good healer makes or breaks pvp.


That's only true for other games. In this game, it's a good healer with a good tank who puts guard on them, and a coordinated team of dps and possibly another healer and tank all working together in unison that make or break pvp.


Healers without a team that is extremely vigilant over them are useless. Which makes puging as a healer useless.

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That's only true for other games. In this game, it's a good healer with a good tank who puts guard on them, and a coordinated team of dps and possibly another healer and tank all working together in unison that make or break pvp.


Healers without a team that is extremely vigilant over them are useless. Which makes puging as a healer useless.


This is true for healers who stand in the middle of the action and broadcast to the world that they are a healer. Healers who know how to make themselves small targets still make or break pug warzones. More healers in pugs please.

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So I played arena pretty heavily in WoW as a resto shaman (flame on), but I have to agree. Healing in this game is atrocious. I rolled a SUPPORT class to boost my team and give us an edge. I can accept that by myself I may not be able to kill another dpser 1v1, but when I am on a team with dpsers, our team should be better than a full dps team. Period. When 2 dps > 1 dps + my commando healer, something is wrong. I am choosing a particular spec that lowers my overall damage so I can be ****? Where is the incentive to be a pvp healer in the first place?


And to the requiring a tank thing. A support class requires another support class to be reliable?

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This is true for healers who stand in the middle of the action and broadcast to the world that they are a healer. Healers who know how to make themselves small targets still make or break pug warzones. More healers in pugs please.


I play as a trooper and my big green goop laser does a fantastic job of broadcasting that I am a healer. I don't even need to stand in the middle.

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So I played arena pretty heavily in WoW as a resto shaman (flame on), but I have to agree. Healing in this game is atrocious. I rolled a SUPPORT class to boost my team and give us an edge. I can accept that by myself I may not be able to kill another dpser 1v1, but when I am on a team with dpsers, our team should be better than a full dps team. Period. When 2 dps > 1 dps + my commando healer, something is wrong. I am choosing a particular spec that lowers my overall damage so I can be ****? Where is the incentive to be a pvp healer in the first place?


And to the requiring a tank thing. A support class requires another support class to be reliable?


I completely agree with your last part. It's not the meager heals that really gets me, it's that if even 1 dps tries to attack me, I'm done. I shouldn't need to marry with a tank to be able to do my job.


I wish the same was for DPS in that without a healer or tank, their DPS or survivability was halved. Tanks and DPS are self-sufficient so they don't complain. If they weren't, the forums would be flooded with complaints.

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my mando healer is lvl 27, i found the healing perfect.


go cry elsewhere.


You're hardly competitive yet. I hereby void your opinion.


Healing isn't nearly as fun nor as rewarding as DPS. I leveled healing with the expectation of remaining healing through my swtor experience. I tried a hybrid spec for a day, then switched to pure dps after that. So much better.


As mentioned earlier in this thread, you can do more dps than you can healing - so you are more effective doing dps in order to keep your teammate alive.


Sure, if you have a tank, you're a god. But that goes for DPS as well.

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I know how pvp forums work. Everyone sucks who has an issue amirite?


I'm level 48 and have been pvping for years across many MMOs. I don't suck but I feel ToR pvp is by far the worst out of any MMO so far


Why, because it makes you work to stay alive and be useful? People were spoiled by WoW's healing, where a healer can easily outheal three dps beating on them without ever going below 95% health or mana.


You'll have to get used to using the environment, tanks and crowd control to stay alive, as well as moving and even doing damage. You cannot just sit back and spam two buttons to keep every alive- and yes, we know you could do that in WoW, and WAR, and Aion, and 'insert other mmo here'- heals aren't nearly as OP here.


Which is great, will separate the good healers from the bad.

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Why, because it makes you work to stay alive and be useful? People were spoiled by WoW's healing, where a healer can easily outheal three dps beating on them without ever going below 95% health or mana.


You'll have to get used to using the environment, tanks and crowd control to stay alive, as well as moving and even doing damage. You cannot just sit back and spam two buttons to keep every alive- and yes, we know you could do that in WoW, and WAR, and Aion, and 'insert other mmo here'- heals aren't nearly as OP here.


Which is great, will separate the good healers from the bad.


You don't need to be spoiled from other mmo's to realize the healing needs to be polished a bit. I agree that it should not be a 2 button spam or even simple. But, healing needs to be polished a bit for it to work. Not all healers but many healers don't enjoy the healing part and that's not because they are use to easy mode but because the game has favored dps and kinda put heals on the shelf. It should be fun, not feel like a strain or a job.


I refer to my previous post for other examples of what needs to be fixed.

Edited by -Zajo-
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O rly why dont you enlight us master.



Furthemore why dont you cut the theory crafting crap and tell us how to heal vs so many interrupts , cc , heal debuffs and damage.


Better yet find any video thats 50 healers vs any lvl 50 worthy opponent cause there plenty of the other side that destroy healers within 5 seconds.







This is so unbielevable bs.


so when does healer desciption means , worthless punchback rly.


Fyi u can kill healers in wow , it just takes skill to do it but i guess you dont have any


again to any future healers , dont , healing in swtor is absolutely crap , unless you in a 50 premade with champions gears destroying some low lvl random noobs and feel pwerfull.


Even then you get 2 or 3 medals for 300k heals


You, sir, as a scrubcake with QQ juice. Healing in this game is only hard to people who have no skill or the patience (or perhaps intellectual capacity) to learn. An Op healer has virtually unlimited resource by alternating Kolto Injection (2.1 sec cast)/Surgical Probe (instant cast). I get 3K (4.4K crits) from Kolto Injection, 1.5K (2.2K crits) from Surgical Probe. Yes, it can be difficult at times if you go against a team that's communicating and focusing on heals, but that's STRATEGY & TACTICS! That's what GOOD players do. QQing about it isn't going to make you better, or everybody else as bad as you. The simple fact is that you'll wind up rerolling, and then complaining that Marauders suck because they have no range closers, or that Snipers suck because they have no burst, when in truth you should be saying that you suck because playing against non-scripted players that can think and adjust are too hard for you to play against.


And yes, I do have an Operative healer named Nathan-hale on Mandalore the Indomitable. I'm not that great at PvP, but I try, and I learn, and I don't ask for buffs to compensate for my lack of skills.

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Healing isn't "broken" or "bad" in this game, healing is what it's been in a lot of very good pvp games lately (NOT WoW, just to be clear): strong enough to help, but not powerful enough to win on its own merit regardless of other factors. Healers which can completely cancel out multiple damage dealers are the result of a poorly thought out system where fights last way too long and are more about getting a mistake gift-wrapped from the other team than anything else. The pvp in TOR involves a lot of dying, and I can tell you from personal experience that a good healer, guarded by a tank, can make a warzone all by his or her lonesome. If you solo heal in pvp with no friends, and then complain, go make friends with a tank or shut up.


No one should ever want overpowered, ignore-damage type healing. It's a bad idea, and it spoils idiots into thinking it should be the norm.

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I feel the way you do sometimes, but then again, I usually queue solo in a WZ and hardly ever have any tank friends with me. I can still heal pretty decently as a Merc. I have great mobility and CCs and self/tank saving cooldowns. The mobility of Merc healers makes them relatively strong healers, BUT we can also be controlled relatively quickly. Edited by Paralassa
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I'm a 32 op medic and I have to say healing in warzones I feel like the man. I easily keep people up and fighting.


Is it frustrating being so squishy? Sure it is, but that is why it is team play. Let people know you are going to heal them and they'll cover your ***. They want the green numbers above their head just as much as you want to put them there.


Follow these rules and you'll have success:

1) communicate in warzones

2) keep practicing

3) communicate in warzones!!!


I'll let you in on a secret communication and coordinated effort is the real reason why premades are so successful. :)

Edited by awillie
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I play as a trooper and my big green goop laser does a fantastic job of broadcasting that I am a healer. I don't even need to stand in the middle.


Trooper heals are awesome man. You're really doing something wrong if you're having that hard of a time. If you're PvPing in 100% pugs every time, some experiences will be better than others. But saying you feel useless is QQ; and if you die that often all the time, you're bad.

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I am not sure why people are constantly complaining about this for. I heal for more then any DPS does and usually put up around 75k in damage each WZ. I have a 45 Sage to let you know. Best healing so far has been around 350k, high average about 250k, low average 150k.


No offense but... learn your class more?

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Your a joke lol,


I top the healing charts consistently as a lvl 26 bodyguard merc. I feel as if my class will be one of the best healers in the game when I get higher up in the levels.


In pvp I feel like a god when I heal. I can keep just about any class alive carrying the ball, and the amount of options I have at my disposal to heal are vast.


In summation; I am personally glad you quit. You have clearly failed to evolve with the changing MMO atmosphere, thereore your usefull life, according to darwin, has ceased in terms of of this MMO. Now I dont have to see you ruining my teams hopes of winning, or if your on the other team I don't have to waste my heat killing an easy target.


Good day to you sir.

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I have the complete opposite experience..


I myself play a merc healer in pvp, im tanky as bawls myself and can diss out good healer to others, not as good of a healer as sorc tho, but i have the tanky part that tehy dont so its kk..


Not that long ago a sorc (dps) i didnt know was knocked into the pit i jumped after as he was attacked by 3 people i kept him up while he took down all three of them.


I agree that scoundrel, operative is broken.. Especially cuz all the kiddies are making one cuz they´ve seen the numbers they put out.. I mean an operative critting 10k on his opener !=?! WAAAT=!


And it doesnt help when half the opposing team is operatives or scoundrels neither, cuz damn u die fast when 3 operatives jump you WOOP WOOP..


But honestly im seing a trend of waaay to many healers because they are so effective. Especially if you have a marauder or a dps assasin around :D love stalking them facerolling my heal binds :D

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