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I feel useless as a healer


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I've never felt so useless as a healer before since I have come to ToR. I play as an Agent healer and stopped my subscription today as I feel the pvp side of this game is totaly shut down and unfun.


The problems I'm having is DPS classes about able to do double what I heal for. My main heal has a 2 second cast with a hidden 0.5 second delay as it waits for the animation to finish giving it a "clunky" feel. My hots do very little other than offer a little group sustain. The fact that anyone can use there "quick heal" ability out of combat makes healers within warzones feel even more useless.


Just wondering if anyone else feels useless as a healer?

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Good, you should be protected by the team not stand and tank heal everything, that is why tanks in the game has the protection feature to keep the healers alive.


I wasn't so much talking about being protected but more about offering less to a group than a dps class would. Currently I feel a 8 man group of dps would do far better than a group with any amount of healers in

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Yeah, I chose commando cause I liked the idea of medic, and also started healing in PvP. When i realized how useless healing is in this game PvPwise I switched to gunnery which is also pretty useless in pvp cept standing in one spot turreting until someone realizes youre there and decides to kill you.


You can hardly outheal one dps on a a target. A game were healing output is about the same as damageoutput is a game were healing isnt paying off. Youre better off just helping your buddies focus targets faster.

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I wasn't so much talking about being protected but more about offering less to a group than a dps class would. Currently I feel a 8 man group of dps would do far better than a group with any amount of healers in


Actually, from what I've seen, 1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 dps'ers will wreak havoc on 4, even 5 dps'ers.


As mentioned above, a healer as a single unit will feel gimped. The exception is if you're not being targeted, and you can freely spam heal others. I played a Sage healer, so I know the potential healers have if they're allowed to free cast :)


Stick with a tank and I'm sure you'll feel much more effective.

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i disagree, tank plus healer = unbeatable combo, as if they wanna drop the healer and im protecting and taunting their dps is reduced by 60%ish and im still doing full damage. If they primary me im damage reducing and healers healing. If i have 2 dps with me then f uck son while im keeping the healer alive and outa harms way they are ripping **** up.


The problem is, that a team with 8 dps vs a team with 7 dps and a healer are both teams of squishy, therefore most dps wins.


Completely Agree with above tho

Edited by Bobbeh_Cgly
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i've sat back and healed someone for a good 15-30seconds sometimes when it was a 4v2 until additional help arrived. Healing makes a huge difference when outnumbered but i do not strickly heal only. I throw out some dps and the ocasional Stun/knock back.
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The problem with healing in pvp is, that you can't hope to get any rewards from just healing. I once did more healing than the best damage in the warzone and got 4 medals, while the other got 10.


its absurd really.


So if u want to heal in pvp, go bubble spec hybrid, and start dpsing. (SS)

Edited by AtumRamirez
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You're not alone there. I respecced my Operative to heals for awhile too after wrecking face Concealment spec. You're not as invincible as others make it seem when you actually try it yourself. You realize you're missing the one thing those premade healers have (Guard on each and every single one of their healers.) It's not until you're working with another healer, with guard on both of you that you start to feel the power of being a healer. Even then though the terrible targetting system in this game, the sluggishness of key inputs, the lack of being able to reliably move when the cast bar fills and still get your heal off, etc, just makes it way more difficult than it needs to be, and I never heal in MMOs. But I still noticed this stuff immediately.



One thing I noticed is that when you're being pinned down, don't even try to run. Just stand there and start belting out the big heals, and let them interrupt it. If they interrupt the 2 second Kolto, you get to cast the 1.5 sec kolto uninterrupted provided you had a tactical advantage ready beforehand, or proced it off your HoT, and both of them are equally large on crit. It doesn't hurt to get that TA in advance before going into combat by using the 2 second heal beforehand. Always keep your HoTs on yourself, you might proc a Tactical Advantage, and that'll allow you to throw out the moderate instant heal on top of a big heal. And use Shield Probe the second anyone looks like they're gonna go on you. 15% more healing from that and the 9% from concealment is +24% healing on you. It pretty much negates Trauma.



My Sorc friend and me managed to keep him up with 5 Jedi of various levels beating on him for like 3 minutes just bombing the big heals and using our AOE CCs on and off. It was pretty hilarious, considering neither of us had guard on us. Would've been a different story with any of the non-force using DPS classes though.

Edited by Vinushka
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i disagree, tank plus healer = unbeatable combo, as if they wanna drop the healer and im protecting and taunting their dps is reduced by 60%ish and im still doing full damage. If they primary me im damage reducing and healers healing. If i have 2 dps with me then f uck son while im keeping the healer alive and outa harms way they are ripping **** up.


The problem is, that a team with 8 dps vs a team with 7 dps and a healer are both teams of squishy, therefore most dps wins.


reading this post and the one before, healers are only to help tanks?

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If there is only one dps focusing on the target i'm healing they won't even phase the person's health. Now if its huttball where 3 or more are focusing on one person, i'm sorry but if i'm the only one healing you better know how to pass, because I can't nor should I bee able to keep you alive for long. There's just somethings one person shouldn't be able to keep people up with multiple people hitting on them. But i'm only level 30 and I feel completely fine with healing people. Edited by ECGxPrism
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reading this post and the one before, healers are only to help tanks?


It's a weird relationship between the two. What the tank will do with their guard ability, along with taunts, stuns, etc, is allow the healer to spam heal team mates, rather than themselves. A healer healing his/herself isn't going to feel helpful because they probably won't be able to keep up with any more than 1 dps due to squishiness (ignoring Commandos/Mercs, don't know much about their healing).


They will have to heal the tank occasionally, but they are doing a GREAT deal to mitigate damage being applied to everyone. Thus, making your healing more effective. Or maybe just appear more effective, but hey, whatever works :)

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reading this post and the one before, healers are only to help tanks?


Actually, it's more like the other way around. Well, tanks can protect others as well, but the most powerful combination in PVP seems to be a well guarded healer with decent DPS on their team, as others have said. A good tank/healer team can be pretty unstoppable, with the decent damage tanks can put out in this game.

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If you feel useless as a healer, it is because you are low level or suck. Healers make or break warzones.


I know how pvp forums work. Everyone sucks who has an issue amirite?


I'm level 48 and have been pvping for years across many MMOs. I don't suck but I feel ToR pvp is by far the worst out of any MMO so far

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I'm trying to heal as a Jedi Sage on Warzones but can't do anything. On the realm I'm playing, players are below 50 most of the times, and our enemy team is full of twinks.. I have 12k hp while the other team is full of players with 19k hp.


One of them just stuns me, hits me 4 times and I am down. But even if I am free to heal others, I can't heal enough because they hit so much that it is impossible to heal. I'll never gonna gear up this way :/

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From someone who's played healing classes pvp/pve for the past 5-6 years I'd say ToR has the mechanics (for operative) just right at the moment.


You have high mobility HoT healing, with powerful AoE escape spells (Flashbomb), ranged snares to prevent follow and a vanish and a big sheild and evasion to stop burst on you.


Triggering that TA is frustratingly rng while your kiting around without stopping for kolto injection (try fakecast to avoid interupts) but If they went in too strong with healing from the start, the game would just end up with immortal healers, its a very fine line.


I agree with the things most people are saying here; just a single healer, or a small amount of healing properly applied to a skilled dps can demolish equal skilled opponents without one.


Besides, if you're having issues as a healer respec as Concealment and stab other healers in the face! - it'll make you feel better! ;)

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Besides, if you're having issues as a healer respec as Concealment and stab other healers in the face! - it'll make you feel better! ;)


Maybe you're right. Let's respec to dps and get some gear before trying to heal.

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I know how pvp forums work. Everyone sucks who has an issue amirite?


I'm level 48 and have been pvping for years across many MMOs. I don't suck but I feel ToR pvp is by far the worst out of any MMO so far


I'm sorry but you're flat wrong. Healers make a HUGE difference. They're a force multiplier through their healing abilities while at the same time offering the ability to DPS if desired. I call a spade when I see it. There's a reason why healers often get the most mvp votes in warzones, and playing other MMOs has no bearing on whether or not you're any good at this one. Sorry.

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You must be a low level. Even at L40 something I had no problems keeping a guy alive through 2x DPS. You can chain a Surgical Probe after every KI (without another GCD). You can remove all negative physical, mental, and tech effects from your target after every KI in the same fashion. You have 2x HoTs & 2x Relics, use them.


The problem with operative healers is definitely NOT their ability to heal, it's their complete and utter lack of dps. They really can't kill anything. Debilitate, snare, flashbang, cstealth run away... their only form of self defense.


You can guess how many people come to help a healer under attack.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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