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Why do so many here take joy in wanting this game to fail?


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I got to 50. The only relatively non-linear planets were Hoth, Alderaan and Tattoi- EXHAUSTION ZONE PLEASE TURN BACK. Oh right, Tattooine was linear as well. Hmm


And I've played EVERY Bioware game and you know what? Even Dragon Age 2 was able to pull of just about everything better than SWTOR does in terms of single player. This isn't an MMO, it's a single player game with a lobby attached to it


Wait...Belsavis and Voss we totally linear? Seems your definition of linear is completely different than the actual definition. I have to ask...How old are you? If I had to guess, I'd guess you are about 14 or 15...


In all honesty the only planets I found to be "linear" were the starter zones. After that you can go wherever you want on any of the planets in your level range. If you choose to stick to the set path then that's your own problem.


I dont know, it just seems like you have little to no experience in the mmorpg genre. I'm ALMOST beginning to think the only other mmo you've ever played is World of Warcraft which would speak a thousand words on what kind of player you are. Next thing you know you're going to be crying about no threat meters or DPS meters. Or macro's so you can use 1 button.

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Like it or not, TOR rips off WoW just as much as any other wow clone..



Why do people say this? You do realize that WoW ripped off games before it, right? WoW was not even close to being the first "MMO" or the first one with graphics. You're aware of that, right?


I doubt many of you even know or remember what a MUD is or a MOO or a MUSH. These were "MMOs" which were all text based and more than a decade prior to WoW.


Furthermore, PLEASE for the freaking love of the Universe, enlighten us as to how you make a story driven game that is based around millions of possible user, NOT LIKE SWTOR and other games of this type?


This is how it's done and NO ONE has done it as well as SWTOR, EVER.


You will not find another MMO type game that is as rich and in-depth of story with as much to offer as SWTOR.

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Why do people say this? You do realize that WoW ripped off games before it, right? WoW was not even close to being the first "MMO" or the first one with graphics. You're aware of that, right?


I doubt many of you even know or remember what a MUD is or a MOO or a MUSH. These were "MMOs" which were all text based and more than a decade prior to WoW.


Furthermore, PLEASE for the freaking love of the Universe, enlighten us as to how you make a story driven game that is based around millions of possible user, NOT LIKE SWTOR and other games of this type?


This is how it's done and NO ONE has done it as well as SWTOR, EVER.


You will not find another MMO type game that is as rich and in-depth of story with as much to offer as SWTOR.


WoW is an EQ clone which is a DIKU MUD clone...been stated in a few threads. Good to see other gamers who can follow this progression.

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I'm getting pretty sick of all the whining on this forum.


This is a great game and the vast majority of players are enjoying it more than any other game they've played.


Why do I say this? The vast majority of real life friends that play this game (and there are a lot!) have been consistant in thier view that this is a great game and they absolutely love it. They love the levelling experience, the feel and the excitement. One, yes one, didn't like it and was very vocal about everything he thought that was wrong with it, until he joined our guild and experienced the game with others. He's now changed his mind.


Yes this game has bugs, yes there are issues with features that aren't in yet. No, none of these things are gamebreakers for anyone I know or have played with.


I think everyone needs to stop moaning about how much they dislike this or that and put up or shut up. If you don't like it take the sensible approach and stop playing, don't waste everyone's time complaining about it.


I get the same, plus I introduced 3 friends to this game, which they like a lot, I would have never dreamed of introducing friends to WoW because I would loose credibility (Even though I enjoyed wow, I realise it is a very hard game to like if you have never played its genre before).


Funny how you get 1 side whining it is not enough like wow, and the other that it should be more different from wow, however in the end what people do not realize is that there are some serious tech restrictions when trying to build and mmo, for example an all action non-instanced mmo, for one, unless you live in South Korea where the most common network connection is 4 times faster than the fastest connection in the west, would never happen.


Do people really think they are the first geniuses who came up with the idea of an action based mmo with real time combat?


We will get different mmos, when our countries stop wasting the economy money on fro example helping lazy people who do not work, and instead invest it into new technological infrastructures.

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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There are new in invovative games out there, but they have all failed. Face it SWG is dead and alot of the other games do not have the subs of WOW, so if you want to make money, copy the formula.


Don't hate just because they bring a product that people enjoy and are willing to spend money on.


SWG is dead because it copied WoW. Before the CU, and especially before the NGE, SWG was one of the strongest MMOs of it's day. Unique MMOs can be just as popular as wow clones, moreso even. They just have to be done right. Copying wow doesn't ensure success, nor does not copying it. In the end your game has to be solid. But if your game is a wow clone and is solid, how's it different from wow? Why should I play it instead of wow? At least unique games that are solid are actually something new and exciting.

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Because no one loves them and they have to get their attention somewhere.


I mean c'mon, if you actually didn't like a game and weren't going to stick with it, why would you be wasting your time on its forums?


Everyone posting here is playing the game and is planning to continue playing.



Again, why do you think anyone who criticizes the game doesn't like it? I WAS playing the game, and I DID like it. Until I got to level 50 and everything was broken. The game is good, but it feels like it should have been in development for at least another few months. I like the game so I visit the forums, but as it stands, there isn't anything for me to do at level cap because everything is broken or bugged all to hell. Hence I canceled my subscription and I'll return once they have ironed out a lot of the unfinished parts of the game.

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In all honesty the only planets I found to be "linear" were the starter zones. After that you can go wherever you want on any of the planets in your level range. If you choose to stick to the set path then that's your own problem.



Uh yeah, unfortunately the quest lines ONLY HAVE ONE PATH... Dear god it's like you're not even trying anymore


YES Bel-savis is linear. This game is plagues with invisible walls, impassable hills, and exhaustion zones


You CAN NOT deny that this game is linear for an MMO. Hell it's linear for some single player game

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FEAR plain and simple fear ... fear that their allegedly high end raiding guild in WOW will lose members to a game with story. FEAR that they will be shown up for the non-elite players they truly are because they can't rely on mods and parses to carry their lazy butts. FEAR that story driven MMO's are the wave of the future and they might actually be forced to READ something to get it accomplished.


While I could list many, many more fearful reasons they want the game to fail I'd much rather grab a cup of coffee and go play! :)

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thats an awfully bold prediction

A prediction? Sure. A bold one? Not really considering last week this game had 16 full servers and yesterday it could barely manage to get 2.


And looking at the track record of companies who so blatantly copy WoW, I would say it's a pretty SAFE prediction.

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Again, why do you think anyone who criticizes the game doesn't like it? I WAS playing the game, and I DID like it. Until I got to level 50 and everything was broken. The game is good, but it feels like it should have been in development for at least another few months. I like the game so I visit the forums, but as it stands, there isn't anything for me to do at level cap because everything is broken or bugged all to hell. Hence I canceled my subscription and I'll return once they have ironed out a lot of the unfinished parts of the game.


Comprehension fail?


I said the people posting here DO like the game and plan to continue playing it. Just like you. Even if you take a break for a bit, you still like it and plan to play again.


Otherwise you wouldn't be in these forums.

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Why do people say this? You do realize that WoW ripped off games before it, right? WoW was not even close to being the first "MMO" or the first one with graphics. You're aware of that, right?


I doubt many of you even know or remember what a MUD is or a MOO or a MUSH. These were "MMOs" which were all text based and more than a decade prior to WoW.


Furthermore, PLEASE for the freaking love of the Universe, enlighten us as to how you make a story driven game that is based around millions of possible user, NOT LIKE SWTOR and other games of this type?


This is how it's done and NO ONE has done it as well as SWTOR, EVER.


You will not find another MMO type game that is as rich and in-depth of story with as much to offer as SWTOR.


I hate when people try to argue semantics, I really, really do.


People say it copied wow, because.. shock gasp, it did. What wow copied doesn't matter. Do you think EA and Bioware sat down and went "Hey, Everquest was cool, we should copy that but make it star wars"? No, of course they didn't. They sat down and went "WoW has 10 million subs and has been making tons of money for the past decade, we should copy it and try to lure people in with the names Star Wars and Bioware"


What wow copied doesn't matter because it's not what new MMOs are copying.

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FEAR plain and simple fear ... fear that their allegedly high end raiding guild in WOW will lose members to a game with story. FEAR that they will be shown up for the non-elite players they truly are because they can't rely on mods and parses to carry their lazy butts. FEAR that story driven MMO's are the wave of the future and they might actually be forced to READ something to get it accomplished.


While I could list many, many more fearful reasons they want the game to fail I'd much rather grab a cup of coffee and go play! :)

Your statement would have credibility if it wasn't for the fact that SWTORs endgame can be cleared in one night, easily. Wow what a "hard core" game you have here

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Wait...Belsavis and Voss we totally linear? Seems your definition of linear is completely different than the actual definition. I have to ask...How old are you? If I had to guess, I'd guess you are about 14 or 15...


In all honesty the only planets I found to be "linear" were the starter zones. After that you can go wherever you want on any of the planets in your level range. If you choose to stick to the set path then that's your own problem.


I dont know, it just seems like you have little to no experience in the mmorpg genre. I'm ALMOST beginning to think the only other mmo you've ever played is World of Warcraft which would speak a thousand words on what kind of player you are. Next thing you know you're going to be crying about no threat meters or DPS meters. Or macro's so you can use 1 button.


tsk tsk name calling I see, alleging the person's age and experience in playing games.


As far as linear planets are concerned, I am level 24, and so far no open planets. Just some small, disjointed, horrible abominations of maps that have spoilt Star Wars for me. Are you telling me it will get better past 24? I am 50% into the game already.


And as far as MMOs are concerned I would like to correct you back there, but this game is not an MMO so what's the point?

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What do you expect me to do? Go back in time? Stop being stupid. I already bought the game, I have a months playtime and I enjoy wow clones (good timesinks for a month or two). So why would I quit 2 weeks before my sub is up? Seriously, all this "hurr derr quit" nonsense just shows how illogical and retarded some people can be. I'll quit when my sub has expired and I've gotten my monies worth out of it. As I said, how many purchases they make doesn't matter for an MMO, how many subs they retain does. So I'll have tried the game, realized it's everything I thought it would be, and then quit at the end of the month. I'm still driving progress, so you can stop showing your lack of intelligence with your bad posts.


My lack of intelligence? You said you waned the game to fail. If you TRULY wanted the game to fail and KNEW what it would be before buying it, then you're the one lacking in intelligence. BW/EA has made back their initial investment thanks to you. You paid $60 to say, "Yup this game is what I thought it was and I can't wait for it to fail even though I'm enjoying it now.".


If you wanted the game to fail you shouldn't have bought it in the first place, but instead you paid your money so you could be entitled to say "I'm a paying customer so I have a right to blah blah blah". You SUPPORTED the model by buying into it. Your words would carry more weight had you not.


Thanks for insulting my intelligence with your own faulty logic. I was merely giving you advice on how to actually drive the industry forward. HINT: IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN BY BUYING GAMES AND POSTING ON THEIR FORUMS.

Edited by GraunKrynn
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Uh yeah, unfortunately the quest lines ONLY HAVE ONE PATH... Dear god it's like you're not even trying anymore


YES Bel-savis is linear. This game is plagues with invisible walls, impassable hills, and exhaustion zones


You CAN NOT deny that this game is linear for an MMO. Hell it's linear for some single player game


I know you obviously know every mmo, but could you please point me to an mmo where my choices actually determine how my epic story ends? I've never heard of any such game, and the only offline games I can think of where this happens is stuff like silent hill... :/

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On a side note...I would LOVE to see a truelly original mmo lol. It just wont happen! I mean it's an entire genre of games...


It's the same as First Person Shooters or Sports games. If mmo forums are this bad when it comes to QQ about a lack of originality then I'd HATE to go and read Madden 2012 forums, or NHL 12 forums. Or how about Modern Warfare 3 forums lol.


I am really just unsure what people expect to happen to the genre. What is original these days? I mean...Bioware has brought ACTUAL storytelling and fully voiced cinematics to a genre that has been plagued by BORING or non-existent storytelling in favor of pointless grinds and meaningless character progression.


In a sense, people are right when they say SWTOR is a glorified single player game. I'm having more fun in SWTOR than I have in ANY single player game in the past decade. So they must have done something right! Not only that but if I want to I can play with my friends too.

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I dont get it? Why are you all wishing this will go free to play and taking joy in its apparent "badness"? Personally when a new Star Wars game that ive been waiting ages for comes out im quite happy to play it and im hoping it never gets shut down. Secondly when you've invested your money in a subscription for a game why would you want it to fail?


It's a shocking phenomenon. Unimportant people who want to be right about something. Most people who campaign for a game to fail probably live in their parents basements and feel they are in control of nothing.


It's why I make my visits to these terrible forums as infrequent as possible.

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"wanting it to fail" is kind of a bad way to put it however....


Anyone who wants to see the mmorpg genre to move forward would be very interested in the implications of this particular title because it's the biggest budget one to date.


If it fails, that means Breaking the mmo nut can't be something solved by money alone.


It leads us to believe theirs still hope for innovative games. Some of us believe swtor isn't pushing the genre forward enough, and that's why it failed, not for a lack of development dollars.


And I know innovation isn't a strike of lightning, they're gradually changes....


Nevertheless, someone sooner or later is going to take some design risks and might just luck out.


The 2nd generation of mmo's right after eq, took design risks by trying to make their game a bit more accessible. Wow arguably did this best and it paid off.

Edited by kalexkhan
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For every post blindly qq'ing and just desperately raging on the game, there are 2-3 either praising or posting valid concerns and issues in a REASONABLE, UNBIASED, AND MATURE way. The latter are even more often than not self-admitted fanbois who absolutely hate that the game has so many problems, myself included.


Trust me, most don't WANT the game to fail. Many are like me and consider the game perfect with the exception of a few major but fairly isolated problems. We would love to see the game fixed and improved enough to keep a healthy subscriber base, but we're simply being realists. Please don't assume everyone's just hating to hate.

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Why do people say this? You do realize that WoW ripped off games before it, right? WoW was not even close to being the first "MMO" or the first one with graphics. You're aware of that, right?


I doubt many of you even know or remember what a MUD is or a MOO or a MUSH. These were "MMOs" which were all text based and more than a decade prior to WoW.


Furthermore, PLEASE for the freaking love of the Universe, enlighten us as to how you make a story driven game that is based around millions of possible user, NOT LIKE SWTOR and other games of this type?


This is how it's done and NO ONE has done it as well as SWTOR, EVER.


You will not find another MMO type game that is as rich and in-depth of story with as much to offer as SWTOR.


I remember MUD clients :D and even before WoW and SWG Anyone here remember ultima online? for the pvp'ers here that game is a golden gem among a sea of silver stones in the pvp department. back when i played on OSI shards you did NOT travel alone because there was ALWAYS someone stealthing around ready to kill you (Honestly wish the devs didnt **** out on that with pvp servers and let there be open world pvp everywhere instead of just ilum) but yeah back to good ol UO you guys know they still have enough of a player base to release an expansion known as high seas? yeah they released stygian abyss in i think 2010 and just about i think 6 months ago they released high seas so yes guys WoW was not the basis for all mmorpg's they are just more popular and popular doesn't mean its good i mean hell the same can be said for music (Utter $#!^ like lady gaga and scene bands like black veil brides)

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My lack of intelligence? You said you waned the game to fail. If you TRULY wanted the game to fail and KNEW what it would be before buying it, then you're the one lacking in intelligence. BW/EA has made back their initial investment thanks to you. You're paid $60 to say, "Yup this game is what I thought it was and I can't wait for it to fail even though I'm enjoying it now.".


If you wanted the game to fail you shouldn't have bought it in the first place, but instead you paid your money so you could be entitled to say "I'm a paying customer so I have a right to blah blah blah". You SUPPORTED the model by buying into it. Your words would carry more weight had you not.


Thanks for insulting my intelligence with your own faulty logic. I was merely giving you advice on how to actually drive the industry forward. HINT: IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN BY BUYING GAMES AND POSTING ON THEIR FORUMS.


Sadly, I do not possess precognition. As such I didn't KNOW what TOR would be like. I figured what it would be like, but there was still the little fanboy in me, hoping Bioware wasn't blatantly lying. Besides, I had 60 bucks lying around, may as well try it.


You also don't know how the model works if you think simply buying it does anything. Developers don't make MMOs just to make initial purposes. If we judged MMO success off initial purchases then MMOs like Warhammer and LOTRO and Aion were all majorly successful since they had just as many purchases as TOR does now.


What determines if an MMO is successful is how many subs it retains. If tor drops to 100k subs in three months, then it was an unsuccessful MMO, end of story. So no, I didn't help anything by buying the game. I can only help it by remaining subbed, which I do not intend to do. I bought the game to give it a fair and honest chance, it failed, so I'll leave at the end of my sub, how is this complicated for you?

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