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What Species do you want to be playable?


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I would like player character Gormorreans

A third would be Shistavanen.



I think that would be cool. But I also suspect they are somwhere down the Bioware list after Wookie and Tranodhan and just before hutt. :mad:


So I am going to continue to request Gran, Gand, Kel'dor and Mon'Cal as playable.

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Togruta seems to be very popular.


If Togruta was added in they should definatly add in the Iktotchi and Chagrian


wait a minute!, y wqsnt this moved to the suggestion box?....


At frist I posted this in the community section then it got moved here. Suggestion box would be a nice place to move it to.

Edited by KeatoHarrolo
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I hope that as well as thinking about possible species to add to the game in possible expansions, Bioware also think about changing a few things about the current races we have, just simple things such as different hair styles, tattoos, beards etc. However the only race that does need quite a bit of tweaking is the Cyborgs. I hope that they add more things that will differ them from the normal human race. I personally would love to see cyborg prosthetic limbs.


I agree! Maybe they could even give us more options regarding color for the Mirialans or Mirakula...space black, gray, purple! And why not remove the eye wraps from the Mirakula? That would look cool.


But, I would absolutely love to play:


Ithorian: Jedi consular, Jedi knight, Bounty Hunter

Rodian: Jedi knight, Jedi consular, Smuggler, Trooper

Duros: Jedi knight, Jedi consular, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Trooper

Yoda's species: Jedi knight, Jedi consular


Yeah, all these species are already in the game and I believe they can all speak basic (maybe not Ithorians)--but I would still them!


Maybe these and other races will come out along with new classes and story lines? That might solve the romance issue--as in they take into account that some alien species won't look the same in romance scenes as humanoids would.

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(Probably mentioned earlier in this thread) I guess they stick to near-human species so the possible romantic aspects in the game won't be too disturbing.


So, even if I'd would like to see a lot of exotic species playable, I will stick to those species that I guess could fit with the near-human vision.


Here is my list:



* Cathar (feline) - Juhani

* Falleen (green reptilian with pheromones) - Prince Xizor

* Iktotchi (huge horns) - Saesee Tiin

* Nautolan (green with multiple "lekku") - Kit Fisto

* Togruta (red and white humanoid with "lekkus" - Shaak Ti, Ahsoka Tano



* Chagrian (blue, human faces with long horns) - Mas Amedda

* Devaronian ("devil") - Labria

* Lannik (for the "short" players. Big ears) - Even Piell

* Pau'an (tall "striped" humanoid) - Tion Medon


STRETCHING (might be TOO alien)

* Clawdite ("reptilian" shapeshifter. Would be cool if it for shorter time could mimic other races) - ZamWesell

* Duros (no nose, big eyes, pretty near-human) - De Maal brothers, Cad Bane

* Muun (long pale faces) - San Hill, Darth Plagueis

* Weequay ("burned" face) - Ak-rev, Sora Bulq, Hondo Ohnaka

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For me it has to be





These are some of the most interesting of the Star Wars Species and would really be great to see them running around.


I can't understand that why in a galaxy of so many species Bioware opted for so many near humans and ignored anything that looked a bit different. Yes it is a bit different in armour but most people hide helm anyway so various size heads isn't that big a deal. And if it is important that you get to play with a helm on don't play a race that can't wear one.


Likewise if they have clawed feet or hands hide gloves or boots. Once again if this is deal breaking for the player don't play a race that has clawed feet. That or just have extra large boots and gloves for them.


There are enough graphical and story issues that the idea that different species would be game breaking is crazy.

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A small race would be fun. I'm no star wars expert but I know they exist, like jawa or more likely ortolan. I like to play small characters, even if it restricted "romance" scenes for me, I wouldn't care.


(I've never played an attractive character in an mmo before, it's pretty weird for me, heh.)

Edited by grania
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I don't see a suggestion section on this forum?


Its an off shoot from the general tab. It's a good place for posts like this as its slower moving than general and does not get filled with people arguing about WOW or flaming each other.

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