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What Species do you want to be playable?


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First of all, I must work harder at my star wars lore as I had to click on too many species names to see what they were (thanks for the wookie links).


Trandosian-Bossk was my fav growing up. Though as I look at the pics with adult eyes, I'd say he had a hard time with the hands on that costume.


Droid-So many options there. From IG-88 to General Grevious (I know that's more like cyborg technically) and good old HK-47.



I'd have no problems if the implemented the top 3 for your list. Can't say I like the cat people, but I wouldn't complain seeing them. Maybe next year they should have a vote!!!!

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If romance was a huge issue to everyone who played this game all the time? I would like to think that they wouldn't play this game all of the time. Besides... I think it would be funny to have blacked-out romance scenes between Jawas and Wookies and such. More playable races are what is important.
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I wish there were some other small incentive to want to play other Races other than just visuals, like the tabletop RPG stats or something that go along with Races.


Agreed, the race abilities are just for show. They should get some actual bonuses, nothing outrageous, but something that is unique.


Still, I'd rather get new races sooner rather than making the current races unique.

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Nautolan for the win. I was seriously hoping for them being a playable race. And when I heard "new species" for 1.2 I was like "Nautolan! OF COURSE!"


And then I found out there aren't any new species at all.... :/


They definitely need to work on the species selection. And work on making Cyborgs a lot cooler looking. lol

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I know it would be alot of work because the structure and movement are unique, but would it be TOO hard to pull off?


Squib and Barabel.


I think that if it could be managed, properly, those two species would be very interesting. No Squib Troopers or Sith Barabel, I tihnk, but how cool would Squib Jedi or Barabel Bounty Hunters be?!

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