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If I say to you that I'm cool with you thinking I'm horribad at a video game for wanting to use addons, would you come up with an actual argument against them?


Multiple people here have already said why they are horrible in any game. Let me type slower for you to read better.


They...make...bad...players...seem...good. What other reason do you need?


See all of the pro-addon peeps insist they dont want coaching addons and just want stuff to clean up their UI and what not...You DO NOT need addons for that...Bioware simply needs to do it themselves. So why ask for addons at all? Why not just ask Bioware to make the UI better if it helps you click? Why do you specifically need addons? That I will never understand. You guys insist that you dont want any game changing addons that ruin the game, even though you KNOW very well that they will come along with all the other simple UI addons.


Basically what you guys are saying is..."I want my UI to be better at the cost of game changing ezmoder programs". Is it just me or is there some kind of hidden agenda? Let's be honest...Do you REALLY want just a better UI or do you want Decursive, Healbot, Recount and Deadly Boss Mods? Answer honestly!

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sorry to bore you Alps but as you have been so pro addons i can see why you wouldn't like my posts. as for insults well did you read the post i was responding to?


I suppose not Guided, but I still think the entire Anti-Addon campaign is nothing but a frothy combination of fear-mongering and personal attacks.

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Conclusion? Bads will be bads.

But you're obviously better? Competed much in games?


When I'm fighting...I always thought the UI totally disappears...I mean who looks at their UI other than clickers during combat? ONly reason I'd EVER look at my UI is to see a cooldown timer....Even then it's not hard to know when it's down/up. Like...Do clickers like the above poster continuously click skills even though they are on cooldown? Do you need an addon to say "STOP CLICKING THAT SKILL, ITS ON COOLDOWN!"

Then you haven't played sentinel. Sentinel has a focusbar and multiple cooldowns. We need to know how many focus we have 24-7, we have cooldowns that RESET ON PROC CHANCE we also need to preferably optimize those cooldowns WITH debuffs (which is practically impossible to see as they mix debuffs/buffs around) all this whilst you have to be behind a moving boss (PVE) or on a moving target (PVP) and having to move your focal point up and down 20 centimeters every second or more.

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NO NO NO NO....... Addons are the single biggest MMO breaker ever. It turns games into single button faceroll games. When RIFT caved and allowed a few addons it marked the beginning of the end. WoW is a lost cause, i dont think 1 single healer on WoW could heal without addons. If WoW were to break all addons they would be out of business ina month. People get dependent on them and forget how to really play their class. :w_mad:


"single button faceroll games"? Any more rubbish you want to spout ?


I had not noticed how "easy" it was, when we were wiping for 3.5 hours on a single fight with my guild.


Obviously you have conquered the raids so easily so you speak from a position of authority.


For the rest of us, mere mortals, Dragon Soul is very hard. So hard I have given it up.


You must be one of those failed casuals in WOW that gets kicked from every raid and then blames it on the addons...

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No, community means absolutely nothing outside of the guild. Really. I've been in my fair share of guilds and the amount of belittling and backtalk of other guilds is mind-numbing.


I do find that the community comes somewhat into play in PVP, I recognize who I like to play with and who's clued up.



I've never asked for any addon to "play the game for me". I'm asking for dmgmeters, cooldown flashes, the ability to move and represent my sentinels focusbar better near the middle of the screen. I want to setup my UI so my focal point is always in the middle of the screen near my player with good audio-visual cues I can react to.



sad but this is true sort of. this wasn't always the case. In EQlive we actually had a server rotation for some of the high end raiding. guilds took turns downing bosses that contained "keys" to access another raiding zone.


well if aaddon is telling you how to play it is in a sence playing for you. Sorry if you disagree but what is so hard about hitting abutton when the addon tells you to? knowing when to hit the button is the hard part and figuring that out is the most fun.

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Multiple people here have already said why they are horrible in any game. Let me type slower for you to read better.


They...make...bad...players...seem...good. What other reason do you need?


See all of the pro-addon peeps insist they dont want coaching addons and just want stuff to clean up their UI and what not...You DO NOT need addons for that...Bioware simply needs to do it themselves. So why ask for addons at all? Why not just ask Bioware to make the UI better if it helps you click? Why do you specifically need addons? That I will never understand. You guys insist that you dont want any game changing addons that ruin the game, even though you KNOW very well that they will come along with all the other simple UI addons.


Basically what you guys are saying is..."I want my UI to be better at the cost of game changing ezmoder programs". Is it just me or is there some kind of hidden agenda? Let's be honest...Do you REALLY want just a better UI or do you want Decursive, Healbot, Recount and Deadly Boss Mods? Answer honestly!


You do realize that huge sections of the stock SWTOR UI are actually descended from WoW UI mods, right?


The SWTOR developers actually incorporated QuestHelper, which was considered to be a major EZ-Mode addon when it was new. Floating combat text was also an addon originally. Hell, having more than the bars at the bottom was originally part of CosmosUI around launch, wasn't it?


So the SWTOR Dev team incorporated UI conventions that were the direct result of WoW addons. Crowd-sourcing UI development actually makes perfect sense from pretty much any angle.


So yes, I think people like you are 100% mistaken. You are *already* playing with what amounts to a modded UI and you don't even realize it. The arbitrary line in the sand you've drawn is completely meaningless.

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If they make threat meters and heal bots et al possible, the argument many use... "You don't have to use them" is bunk because people like you will require their use.


As long as you're free to form your own groups and mandate which addons will/won't be used, you really and truly don't have to use them. Start your own groups disallowing addons. Problem solved.


Why is it so hard for people to take a little personal responsibility for their own play experience?


Additionally, content will be trivialized, you will QQ because every scrub PUG on the server will be facerolling, then the devs will be forced to design content taking your crutches into consideration. Then addons will not only be required by people like you, they will be required by the content itself.


This has been debunked as well. In the strictest sense, no addons are required to beat the content. Not a one. And the API can only do what the devs allow - don't want boss timers? Have the devs break them.

Edited by Paralassa
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They...make...bad...players...seem...good. What other reason do you need?

You mean the opposite don't you? A damamgemeter would clearly show me who's bad (and who's good). Right now everyone can pretend they're doing AWESOME DPS.


Yes I can see how being able to decide how I want my cooldowns and focuscounter shown would skyrocket me from an alleged mediocre player to stardom...


See all of the pro-addon peeps insist they dont want coaching addons and just want stuff to clean up their UI and what not...You DO NOT need addons for that...Bioware simply needs to do it themselves. So why ask for addons at all? Why not just ask Bioware to make the UI better if it helps you click? Why do you specifically need addons? That I will never understand. You guys insist that you dont want any game changing addons that ruin the game, even though you KNOW very well that they will come along with all the other simple UI addons.

Because we want to be able to modify the UI and how information is displayed the way we want? Some want blue text, others red, some are colourblind, some want big icons, some want small, some want it in the middle of screen, some to the left, some want % some want text, some want numbers.


Basically what you guys are saying is..."I want my UI to be better at the cost of game changing ezmoder programs". Is it just me or is there some kind of hidden agenda? Let's be honest...Do you REALLY want just a better UI or do you want Decursive, Healbot, Recount and Deadly Boss Mods? Answer honestly!

Doesn't make the game easier, honestly. And your ignorance is blatantly obvious. Where does the possibility of addons equal the possibility of creating decursive/healbot? An addon-api DECIDES what you have access to, get a clue about it before you comment.


I want recount, I WANT THAT A LOT. I want to be able to tell which ability did what dmg, how many percent, I want to know what killed me in PVP, what hits for how much. I want to be able to test rotations and specs and have the numbers, I want to see if a hit actually HIT, i want to see interrupts etc.


DBM? Meh don't care either way as it is currently built into the game, but it shows pretty bad "Gharj is about to pounce" is quite annoying to pay attention to when you have to check your focus/hotkeys atleast once a second but that's fine. I still want to be able to setup cooldowns/focus in middle of screen.

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sad but this is true sort of. this wasn't always the case. In EQlive we actually had a server rotation for some of the high end raiding. guilds took turns downing bosses that contained "keys" to access another raiding zone.


well if aaddon is telling you how to play it is in a sence playing for you. Sorry if you disagree but what is so hard about hitting abutton when the addon tells you to? knowing when to hit the button is the hard part and figuring that out is the most fun.


EverQuest's unique social structure resulted from many things. The lack of addons had nothing to do with it. The sheer dependance upon other classes to allow you to fight was the largest part of it. That, plus the lack of an auction house, probably accounts for like 99.99% of the difference in community styles.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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well if aaddon is telling you how to play it is in a sence playing for you. Sorry if you disagree but what is so hard about hitting abutton when the addon tells you to? knowing when to hit the button is the hard part and figuring that out is the most fun.

I don't know if you're deliberately trying not to comprehend what I'm saying.


The game ALREADY SHOWS YOU YOUR COOLDOWNS, I want to choose where on the screen it shows and how it is shown.


I somehow feel like everyone against that is either playing a ranged char or a healer.


And regarding "hard part is figuring out when to hit it" is absolutely near IMPOSSIBLE without having data to interpret or coding a simulator of course.

Edited by GoldPush
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No, community means absolutely nothing outside of the guild. Really. I've been in my fair share of guilds and the amount of belittling and backtalk of other guilds is mind-numbing.


I do find that the community comes somewhat into play in PVP, I recognize who I like to play with and who's clued up.



I've never asked for any addon to "play the game for me". I'm asking for dmgmeters, cooldown flashes, the ability to move and represent my sentinels focusbar better near the middle of the screen. I want to setup my UI so my focal point is always in the middle of the screen near my player with good audio-visual cues I can react to.


what he said basically


- meters are a must to understand class and encounters mechanics in depth and apply minor correction to my rotation, positioning, cooldown rotation etc...

- i would very much like some kind of visual or audio effect on procs, i can't be constantly monitoring my buff bar in raid for procs.

- ressource managment is more complex in this game than wow, which make it more interesting. I don't need an addon to help me manage the ressourse, but i would appreciate to move the ressource bar near the center, or maybe on my nameplates.


That pretty much all i need, with this i am set up for really hard content. I could understand however, how healer might want some UI modification as well.



Outside the game, there could be a mod to enhanced the GTN if bioware doesn't do it themselves. maybe some kind of atlasloot, to help plan your dungeon gring when you're 50, depending on what your class need.

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You mean the opposite don't you? A damamgemeter would clearly show me who's bad (and who's good). Right now everyone can pretend they're doing AWESOME DPS.


Yes I can see how being able to decide how I want my cooldowns and focuscounter shown would skyrocket me from an alleged mediocre player to stardom...



Because we want to be able to modify the UI and how information is displayed the way we want? Some want blue text, others red, some are colourblind, some want big icons, some want small, some want it in the middle of screen, some to the left, some want % some want text, some want numbers.


Doesn't make the game easier, honestly. And your ignorance is blatantly obvious. Where does the possibility of addons equal the possibility of creating decursive/healbot? An addon-api DECIDES what you have access to, get a clue about it before you comment.


I want recount, I WANT THAT A LOT. I want to be able to tell which ability did what dmg, how many percent, I want to know what killed me in PVP, what hits for how much. I want to be able to test rotations and specs and have the numbers, I want to see if a hit actually HIT, i want to see interrupts etc.


DBM? Meh don't care either way as it is currently built into the game, but it shows pretty bad "Gharj is about to pounce" is quite annoying to pay attention to when you have to check your focus/hotkeys atleast once a second but that's fine. I still want to be able to setup cooldowns/focus in middle of screen.


So you dont even want addons...You want a more customizable user interface. In no way are addons required for that. Bioware just needs to tweak the current UI.


Please explain why addons are needed to tweak the UI?


Oh and you want recount? Why not just have a combat log?


All of the above have already been confirmed to be in development...So why do you need addons again?


Putting the control of gameplay elements in the hands of a third party will inevitably lead to EZMODE addons being implemented within days. How can you even deny this?

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Greetings everyone!


We are very interested in hearing your feedback on the subject of add-ons, especially since this is a topic very important to the community. However, we already have a thread where that discussion is ongoing, so we are asking everyone to continue the conversation here:




In addition, we would like to remind everyone that we expect our members to conduct themselves politely and to treat each other with respect. We want to see constructive exchange of ideas, not the kind of remarks that elicit bad responses.


We are closing this thread now. Thank you for your cooperation!

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