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When you make a 50 only bracket, get rid of premades too or this will fail.


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Yes, let's discourage group activities in a massively multiplayer online game once again.


Hello, I'm herpderp, and I play a multiplayer online game to play solo, and complain about other people grouping up and utilizing social teamwork.


Vote herpderp, 2012 lead developer of BioWare and all future MMOs.

Edited by Xenoshark
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Sorry guys, if you don't have the guild or friends to make premade. You guys forget one thing, your playing a MMO. I don't want to be stuck with pugs, I want to go beyond the 4 man groups and be able to make 8 man premade groups. I didn't play this game to solo and twiddle my thumbs. I want to go in with a 8 man ops and pwn it up!


"I didn't start this game to play on fair circumstances. I started this game to pwn it up". First of all, you're bad. 2nd of all, make it so that groups only play vs. other groups. If you queue as group, you can not play vs. players who queued solo.

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"I didn't start this game to play on fair circumstances. I started this game to pwn it up". First of all, you're bad. 2nd of all, make it so that groups only play vs. other groups. If you queue as group, you can not play vs. players who queued solo.


And make it so that groups vs groups awards superior gear compared to solo warzones. And everyone starts this game from same circumstances, from lvl 1.

Edited by Forsbacka
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how about instead of getting rid of premades you make it so that a gruop of 4 who queue together can only get into a game where the opposite side also h as a group of 4 who queued together . It would slow queue times down for groups but it wouldn't make it impossible and it would balance things at the same time. Unless of course your gruop sucks
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Sounds like you are a baddy that wants free wins, try harder big guy.


And a pre-made full of PvP geared 50s against a random pug of 1-50s isn't a free win...?


What's wrong with separating pre-made warzones from pug warzones? Afraid of a challenge?

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"I didn't start this game to play on fair circumstances. I started this game to pwn it up". First of all, you're bad. 2nd of all, make it so that groups only play vs. other groups. If you queue as group, you can not play vs. players who queued solo.


Are you high? How about just tell BW to have 3 warzones only per day, becaus eventually, with all this qq'ing going around, And so many stupid request as of late, queue times are going to be so long you'll all wish this crap of a system was never on.

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U can come with a premade dudes i care a **** ^^ U loose like a shame in a good formed group against randoms haha , go play tetris if the game is too hard for ya to solo.



Most of my games against premades are wins , morly around 60% wins and 40% looses


What destroys pvp aint rly the op 50s , its the stupid lowlvls under 30 who goes BG with 3-7 spells and want to lvl fast ..;


they should put brackets^^ the only times i rly loose is when kids with this lvl joins Warzones

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You act like this is the first game where you encounter premades. I hate going into PUG hell so i pvp with my guild. With ranked warzones coming out its awesome practice. I play MMO's to pretty much only pvp. When i do pug it I don't complain I try my best to **** up the premade that I'm playing against. In some instances I can pull my pug group together and beat a premade. If your constantly leaving because your playing a premade your not getting any better, therefore making your contribution to any group worthless.
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And make it so that groups vs groups awards superior gear compared to solo warzones. And everyone starts this game from same circumstances, from lvl 1.


You're making 0 sense. If anything, queueing solo should grant you extra gear.

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I swear, it's like all the nubs in every game don't learn the lesson of grouping.


Did we not just have a game (rift) completely lose most of it's pvp population over night because of whiners crying about Premades.


Here is a clue, you will have large numbers of players quitting this game if they're waiting in queue's for long *** periods.


Rift proved this, They introduced this BS, and what happened, If I group with more then 2 people, my queue time is over 1 Hour... 1 bloody hour going from 2 people to 3 people..


This caused people to quit, cause *** is the point of playing an MMO, if you're penalized for grouping with friends.

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You're making 0 sense. If anything, queueing solo should grant you extra gear.


These games never award solo play as much as grouped. In every MMO the thing is that when your group up, you get better things in PVe and PvP. Not to say that warzones are any difficult but premade vs premade is lot challenging and competetive that random people queuing solo. Rated matches are coming soon and those are prolly only for premade teams and awards will be much better than in normal Warzones due the competetive nature.

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Sorry guys, if you don't have the guild or friends to make premade. You guys forget one thing, your playing a MMO. I don't want to be stuck with pugs, I want to go beyond the 4 man groups and be able to make 8 man premade groups. I didn't play this game to solo and twiddle my thumbs. I want to go in with a 8 man ops and pwn it up!


Then you roll on a pvp server and do it in open world pvp..or you afraid then you'll only face premades?

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Thats the point.

In all other MMOs I played (Rift and WoW for example) the number of Premades dropped down extremely, once they got their seperate queues and more often than not faced each other. So suddenly all those people did not want to "play with their friends" anymore...


The amount of people who really want a challenge (Pre vs Pre) is very very small.


Most players just want effortless wins. Premades are fine- if they are matched against other premades.


Like someone said, this complain is as old as MMOs themself and it is always solved the same way, by seperating queues (Crossserver than though).


People stopped queuing in premades in Rift because we got tired of waiting an hour for a bloody queue pop.


Bracketing killed Rift PvP, after the first week of it, most of all the PvP guilds on our PvP up and quit the game because of the ********.

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Then you roll on a pvp server and do it in open world pvp..or you afraid then you'll only face premades?


No one is afraid of facing premades moron.. Most of the Premades you see are from other games that were like DAOC where you went out of your way to fight 8mans.


What people don't like is sitting in a queue for an hour.

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Wanting premades out just means you're scared of them. Or have no friends to q with. When I'm soloing, I can hold my own against any premade and make it competitive. When we're all in a 50 bracket it'll be even more this way, and not which side has the less competent lowbies. A premade of 4 won't be dominating any warzone, skilled players will. I can q with 3 other skilled players and have no organization, and just completely wreck any premade we come across.
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People stopped queuing in premades in Rift because we got tired of waiting an hour for a bloody queue pop.


Bracketing killed Rift PvP, after the first week of it, most of all the PvP guilds on our PvP up and quit the game because of the ********.


You ended up waiting for two reasons:


1) there was initially an issue with the queue system


2) There weren't enough premades to cause the queue length to reduce. That mainly due to their "fun" being removed by bot having pugs to steam roll any more!

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You ended up waiting for two reasons:


1) there was initially an issue with the queue system


2) There weren't enough premades to cause the queue length to reduce. That mainly due to their "fun" being removed by bot having pugs to steam roll any more!


No, it was cause there wasnt enough premades to begin with.

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Just leave a premade group and let them play their beloved Huttball. Whenever I see only 2 guilds on empire side rolling with nothing but all 50s in full PvP gear, I just leave and other republic players have picked up on this pattern too.


Why fight completely pointless losing battle and feed them? Just leave and tell others why you're leaving and soon enough everyone follows the pattern.


If they wanna roflstomp somene with those premades, have a nice cup of Huttball playing against your own faction.



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No one is afraid of facing premades moron.. Most of the Premades you see are from other games that were like DAOC where you went out of your way to fight 8mans.


What people don't like is sitting in a queue for an hour.


Oh sorry Moron...I didn't realize you couldn't make a pre-made just like in DAoC and go to an RvR zone just like in DAoC and fight other pre-mades just like in DAoC. All the means to do it are available.




What most of you demanding pre-mades want is pre-mades vs pugs in WZs...that's what everyone with an ounce of common sense knows full well.

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Just leave a premade group and let them play their beloved Huttball. Whenever I see only 2 guilds on empire side rolling with nothing but all 50s in full PvP gear, I just leave and other republic players have picked up on this pattern too.


Why fight completely pointless losing battle and feed them? Just leave and tell others why you're leaving and soon enough everyone follows the pattern.


If they wanna roflstomp somene with those premades, have a nice cup of Huttball playing against your own faction.


I dont really mind if we play against own faction. When rated warzones comes for premade teams they will prolly allow same faction matches anyways.

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Oh sorry Moron...I didn't realize you couldn't make a pre-made just like in DAoC and go to an RvR zone just like in DAoC and fight other pre-mades just like in DAoC. All the means to do it are available.




What most of you demanding pre-mades want is pre-mades vs pugs in WZs...that's what everyone with an ounce of common sense knows full well.


Well wait couple of weeks, They are adding rated warzones for premade teams that gives better rewards, im sure that most premades are off to that then.

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