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When you make a 50 only bracket, get rid of premades too or this will fail.


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People who have no life and skip the whole game to just power lvl to 50, SHOULD be bored and have long que times and have to play alone with there selfs only.


They wanted to pass all the regular players, now SIT ON YOUR BUTT ALONE AND BORED.


Dont expect simpathy from regular players when no life losers QQ because they cant que up faster.


Yes. This I agree with.


There needs to be PvP/wargames for 50s and they need to be removed from the general mix. As a level 13 or 16 or 19 I can do quite well. (Still in lower half of scoring but usually mid portion of it, which I am satisfied with for my level.)


But on Frostclaw server many times during the day you will enter one of the 3 zones and get slaughtered 10 times in quick succession with little playtime besides running to your death. Often I see a level 50 republic or 2 waiting for me, singeling me out and killing me time after time. Kills my spirit too. I honestly don't nkow how long I can put up with the 3 instances only, the repetition, and knowing that at certain times of the day I will only die and die and die.


Late at night there seems to be more balance, maybe just because groups aren't filled and no matter how one-sided it is the PvP fanatics can't dominate. Of course many times the game ends early due to low population.


We need a seperate grouping for 50s. And soon. If they cry cause there aren't enough... they will not have long to wait.... unless people like me get so bored with only 3 instances we stop doing them...


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Funny, I've been lvl 50 for a week or so and I in no way rushed. Including pre-release its been 20 days or so. Stop slacking and posting useless posts in the forums and you might level faster.


I wouldn't say I power leveled, I completed each planet prior to leaving, did a few, not all of the FP's on the way and que'd for pvp a couple times, watched all the cutscenes and maxed my 3 tradeskills. All that while working 4 days a week, 12hr's a day (10hr days plus commute time) and dealing with 2 kids (4yo and 2yo). If I complete a quest without having to get up to do something I consider myself lucky.


Oddly, if you pick ONE character and level it, it goes pretty quickly. If you have 4 lvl 20's, then you're doing it wrong and should be a punching bag for the lvl 50's.


And I support premades, though I don't like rolling up against them and rarely do one myself. I tend to do more PVE, which requires "premades"... and hey we're all level 50! PvPers choose PvP content, they should be allowed to que up 8 and do that as well, as its thier "op". Yes it sucks to be a pug against them, but last I checked you didn't have to win to progress in PvP, you only have to participate.



This guy does have a good point. If many of us (myself included) didn't suffer from alt-itis, I'd probably have a 50 at this point too. :) But all the classes are so cool. :D


With that said, this poster still doesn't give you a good reason to support expertise. It's a stat that does NOT need to be in the game. The only reason why they put it in was to give players a goal to work toward.


So what if their PvP Warzones are luke-warm at best? You still have to suck it up if you want your Expertise.

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All this hate on lvl 50's. Most of them had early access. wahh... dont complain because they preordered and you didn't. Also, getting rid of premades is stupid, why should those of us who have friends we want to play with them should be punished because you don't? The majority of games on my server republic vs empire or empire vs empire are premades. why should we suffer because you don't have friends to play with. Every single Warzone in this game is team based. Why punish people who want to play as a team vs people who dont?
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Pre-made groups are such a minor problem when compared to gear. You're just thinking pre-made = win because most of the pre-made groups have gear.


When the 50 que comes it's going to be brutal to watch how one sided matches will be. Every match will go to the team who got gear before the 50 que was put in.


But 1-49 PVP should be fun again!


This is exactly what I've been trying to say forever now. It's been easymode for all the 50's out there who plowed their way up there. And will continue to be so after the bracket. Why Bioware caters to these players and allows them to ruin the PvP fun for everyone else is a mystery.

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All this hate on lvl 50's. Most of them had early access. wahh... dont complain because they preordered and you didn't. Also, getting rid of premades is stupid, why should those of us who have friends we want to play with them should be punished because you don't? The majority of games on my server republic vs empire or empire vs empire are premades. why should we suffer because you don't have friends to play with. Every single Warzone in this game is team based. Why punish people who want to play as a team vs people who dont?


I'm pretty sure this is hate against the Expertise stat, not the people who are level 50. The people who are level 50 just happen to be decked out in this gear, making PvP completely unbalanced.

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I'm pretty sure this is hate against the Expertise stat, not the people who are level 50. The people who are level 50 just happen to be decked out in this gear, making PvP completely unbalanced.


Keep saying it until they get it.


Level 50 is nothing. You'll see countless videos of low levels killing 50s.


But a BH or Guardian in full tier 2 PVP gear can just sit there and let a whole team of non-geared 50s just beat on them.


Look at the screen shots of people with 500k+ dmg and 70+ kills. That's broken, and it's all gear

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Keep saying it until they get it.


Level 50 is nothing. You'll see countless videos of low levels killing 50s.


But a BH or Guardian in full tier 2 PVP gear can just sit there and let a whole team of non-geared 50s just beat on them.


Look at the screen shots of people with 500k+ dmg and 70+ kills. That's broken, and it's all gear


perhaps you should go level then....


novel concept I know.


you are welcome.

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Anchorhead server here. Empire level 50 premades dominate our server. Unless you're going to disable premades somehow, having a level 50 only bracket is going to absolutely ruin the republic side.


It's so bad right now, many players are leaving premades vs certain guilds because it's just no fun getting curbstomped vs a premade.


Please consider removing premades from pvp.



Its that damn Brutality guild! They're ruining Anchorhead!

Edited by Nyghoma
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if its premade vs premade then gear can be a deciding factor, but if its a coordinated group of lower levels vs a gaggle of 50's who aren't working together, the lower level's are going to win. the only exception to this could be made with alderaan because taking the mid point is usualy a ffa battle with 1 or 2 from each side taking the side points.
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The ranked matches should help out with the premade groups facerolling everyone.


I was in a match earlier where our side was made up of random players of various guilds and levels, put up against 2 premade groups of 50s in Expertise gear.


The result was the premade side was at 5-0 before the 10 minute mark, and so they took to spawncamping our side. They had their entire team hang out on our spawn ledge or up on the ramps and focussed fire to decimate every enemy player as soon as they stepped out of the spawn area.


They didn't even have the ball with them, they left it in the middle so that the match would last the whole 15 minutes.


That's the reality of 50's premades getting put up against random players.

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I dunno about everyone else, but I actually sometimes enjoy meeting new people BECAUSE I joined a pug. I'm quite sure that (exclusively) playing premades won't allow you to do this... quite sure indeed. Now I'm also quite sure that this is part of playing an MMO. I'm sorry you fail to realize that.


Perhaps you're just saying these things to hide the fact that you're not the epitome of an MMO player, as you apparently find yourself to be due to your first few sentences. Or perhaps you're just like the type of people that the OP is referring to and you can only enjoy facerolling to victory. You youngin's and your lack of self-worth and honor.



I dont think its a matter of face rolling as much as it is playing with competent people. The majority of pugs are bad. By bad I mean out right stupid. They dont pay attention, dont know how to play their type of class and have no idea on how to work together. It is because of the avg low lvl of skill of pugs that pre-mades are formed. I dont mind losing if my team put up a good fight. But if I lose because people dont know how to pvp as a team and do not listen when they are told how, then Houston we have a mother f***king problem.

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These forums are so full of nab tears. It's unreal.


The best part "These no life losers have no firends blah blah"


Ya? Who is going into WZ alone, and who is going with their friends? SUP LOSER.


Get farmed.


Learn to play the game, it's a team game, so obviously going in without a team will put you at a disadvantage. Stop crying. While I do agree the pvp system is stinky, and there is a lot that needs to be fixed with the game, crying noobs is near the top of that list. I'm sick of reading thread after thread that boils down to "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

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The solution is simple you have a 8v8 premade only bracket and a 8v8 randoms only bracket.


Personaly I would rather be running in the 8v8 pre-mades but I've got to wait for the rest of my guild to get to 50 and get thier battlemaster/champion kit too.

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The solution is simple you have a 8v8 premade only bracket and a 8v8 randoms only bracket.


Personaly I would rather be running in the 8v8 pre-mades but I've got to wait for the rest of my guild to get to 50 and get thier battlemaster/champion kit too.


too much time on your hands loki!

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I agree completely, get rid of premades and kill guild play completely! such a smart and well thought out idea!



Solution: Level, join a guild, don't solo queue. Its not the 50s fault your losing in solo queue as well.. We've lost more than a few WZs without a full group simple because our PuGs didn't know what the heck they were doing. Learn simple strategies, and execute.


2 Biggest peeves, PuGs running behind me when i have the huttball instead of in front, and 2, running off and fighting away from nodes in Civil War.


This game is alot less gear dependent than you think, sure it plays a role, but its hardly THE deciding factor in premades VS premades. (unless its a crazy difference like full Champ gear against 40s) Bigger factor imo is people just knowing what the heck they're doing, especially since the WZs are so objective based.


In short, learn what u need to do so your not a wasted space on the scoreboard and you'll do plenty for your team, and possibly turn losses into the wins.

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Removing premades would be a mistake. Some players like to play with friends. However, they should be in their own queue, so they can have challenging pvp experience and not be bothered by the boring easy fights against "noob" PuGs.
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People who have no life and skip the whole game to just power lvl to 50, SHOULD be bored and have long que times and have to play alone with there selfs only.


They wanted to pass all the regular players, now SIT ON YOUR BUTT ALONE AND BORED.


Dont expect simpathy from regular players when no life losers QQ because they cant que up faster.


u jelly bro?

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Make it groups vs groups and solos against solos. Will help alot.

To save it from que times make cross server BG's.


Will still not balance it good because many of the power players already have full pvp gear and will steamroll newert 50s, but would help abit.

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Make it groups vs groups and solos against solos. Will help alot.

To save it from que times make cross server BG's.


Will still not balance it good because many of the power players already have full pvp gear and will steamroll newert 50s, but would help abit.




Based on a few responses in this thread, sounds like some pre-mades are afraid to fight other pre-mades, and only want to farm PUGs.



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How about you suck it up and get a Republic group together and get better at PvP?


This happened to the Republic side during closed beta, a Republic PvP guild was formed and before long the forums were filled with people complaining about the Republic premade. If you are a competitive person and enjoy competitive PvP you want to face the best, figure out why they are curbstomping you and fight back.


Or complain and demand game mechanic changes because a group of people are better than you.

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